Consecration to the Holy Spirit
Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prayer of Surrender
Prayer to cure our unbelief and to make us happy
Song of Joy to Mary
Mary, My Mother
Thank You Mary
Mary, Woman of Genesis (3:15)
Mary, Queen of Peace
Praise God
Love Me!
Come to Me!
Unite us, Holy Spirit!
Jesus is Lord
The Victory Cry of the Angels and Saints
Consecration to Saint Joseph



Consecration to the Holy Spirit


This day, O Holy One, O God,
I delight in Your company.
I desire to become entirely Yours.
I wish to heal others with Your
holy power.
I wish to help them grasp the
truths of God's Kingdom of love.
I place my life before each one of
those You want me to love, to help.
I await Your holy commands with
a firm trust in my Saviour's
saving power - His Blood.


Commence Your work of love
deep within my own heart,
so that I will co-operate
most generously, courageously
and humbly
with Your loving designs
and with the Father's Divine will.
Enhance Your power within me
by rescuing me from all evil foes.
Then the light of Christ will shine
through my eyes, my heart,
my soul and my mind.

I will voice Your praises,
O Mighty One.
I will submit readily
to Your daily commands
whether I be in my workplace
or at home.

I will try to respond
to Your urgings and promptings
deep within my heart.
I do so with the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary
and also of all the angels and saints,
the faithful on earth,
and the suffering souls in Purgatory.


Remind me that I am but dust and ashes.
Furnish within me heavenly desires
and yearnings to do Your will.
O Holy One, O God.


I will find my strength
in the Most Precious Body and Blood
of the Lamb of God.
I will call on the name
of the Queen of Heaven and Earth -
Mary, Mary, Mary !
O, what joy fills my heart and soul,
mind and entire being when I pray:

At that instant all Heaven comes to my aid,
led by the heavenly Mother of sinners
and Queen of all the children
of God's Kingdom of love.

Commence this great work in me, O Holy One,
so that I can commence loving God
in this special way, every day of my life.
I know I will never be forgotten
or abandoned, not ever.

God is my Redeemer and Saviour.
He is my appetite and desire to do good,
to love others for love of Him,
and in doing so,
to comfort His poor lonely Heart
and also the Immaculate Heart
of the Mother of God.


Come now,
Holy Spirit of Truth; come !
Invade my being
and set up there Your empire,
Your temple of love
where all commands are heeded and obeyed.


All love is mine,
because at last,
I am becoming one with the Lord, my God.
Together !
Together at last,
never to be apart again, not ever !
fear has left me.
Vice has flown away from me
at the sound of my Mother's precious name Mary !


O, what fondness, what ecstasy
fills my soul
when I behold the Handmaid of the Lord !
What vigour and strength are mine
when she commands my soul
with her heavenly requests
to love and obey my Saviour and Friend,
Jesus Christ,
the Lord and Giver of all. Amen.

(Words spoken to Denise by the Holy Spirit on 5.2.93)


Consecration to Jesus through Mary
(Prayer given to Denise by Our Blessed Mother 5.1.93)

 My dear Jesus, I want to love You more. Have mercy on my soul and upon all of God's children. Amen.

I come to You through the powerful intercession of Mary's Immaculate Heart.

I accept and welcome the Holy Spirit of Love into my heart and soul, mind and life. I promise to obey His commands to love all You place upon my road to life eternal, lived in the loving arms of our Heavenly Father.

All glory and honour, praise and thanksgiving be given to our Heavenly Father Who lives and reigns now and forever. Amen.

May all the angels and saints in God's Kingdom of love help me to do God's will and to love His people. Amen.


Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
(Prayer given to Denise by Our Blessed Mother 26.1.93)

O, my Beloved Friend, Saviour of all mankind, Redeemer of all believers and non-believers, we place our confidence in your Sacred Heart burning with love for each of us.

Watch over us, Dear One, until we can beseech You to take us up into the abode of your Sacred Heart.

We consecrate our lives and hearts, minds and souls, our entire being to Your faithful, healing love Which pervades our world with its powerful healing. Help us to accept Your love into our daily life and chores around the house and workplace.

Holy Spirit of God, inflame our hearts with love for Jesus, our Saviour and Divine Love. Amen.


Prayer of Surrender
(Prayer given to Denise by Jesus with a reminder from His Mother and ours 15.9.91)

Jesus, I want to love you.
Have mercy on my soul.

Mary: Say this prayer to Him as He requested. Then you will have taken the first step towards His love. He'll do the rest for you, with your co-operation, trust and love. Amen.

(Jesus added to this prayer when He spoke to me on 3.1.92)

My Jesus, I want to love You more.
Have mercy on my soul.


Prayer to cure our unbelief and to make us happy
(Prayer given to Denise by Jesus 8.4.92)

Jesus: O, when are you going to understand the love of a Saviour God, dying on the cross, thirsting for the love of every creature ever made ? Ask your Mother's help, because Mary will explain it to you constantly throughout your life. She was the only creature who ever understood My love and what it meant in one's life. To respond to My love, the love of your Lord Saviour, is the ultimate. It is the necessary prerequisite for receiving My untold gifts and promises of love. All you have to do at every minute of the day to receive this powerhouse of love is to acknowledge it. Yes, say:

My love,
I know You are there for me now and later on.
I know that You will never let me down.
I believe in the power of Your love to save me from destruction and myself.
I know Your healing love encircles me and permeates my entire heart, soul, mind and being.
I want You.

Jesus: And, I will respond to your little cries of love. I will open up My gifts of love for you and place them in your lap, unwrapped and inviting. Then I will invite you to partake of the gifts I've bestowed upon you in love and trust. If you trust Me to care for you, if you even know a little of My love for you, why do you hesitate to grasp My love and My gifts of love in your trembling hands ?

I will cure your unbelief

I will transform the harshness and wickedness within you into jewels of love, of unbelievable variety and design. I will pour My love over you and your evil ways which take you so far away from Me, the fount of all life and love, truth and wisdom.

I will make you unbelievably happy

Your desire to know Me more will grow until you cry out in moans of joy. "Enough! Enough! Don't wait any longer to take me into Your realm of love. For me it's reality. It's living. It's love, love, love."

And away we'll soar on eagle's wings to the throne of God where I'll present you as My gift of love to our Father in Heaven. He'll shower you with even more gifts of love than you could have previously believed possible for a creature to attain. He'll look upon you with such kindness and pride.

O, the look of love from a Heavenly Father ! It will make you grow in love, bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger, until your faith expands and your hope explodes in a multitude of rainbows of love for your God and every creature ever born.

GROW. Come on. Grow in the warmth and love of your Heavenly Father Who longs for your love and company.

SOAR. Soar on the wings of the Holy Spirit, up and ever upwards until you reach the peak of perfection in your Father's love.

CLIMB. Climb ever higher, responding to the loving cries of your heavenly family who long for your homecoming and life lived entirely in love.

FLEE from your tent of clay which keeps you earthbound and a captive.

ESCAPE from your earthly notions of how God loves you and how you should love Him. I tell you, they are falling far short of the mark. They are just a mere glimpse of your Father's heavenly love. It's My job to save you from yourself and the earth which wishes to keep you bound with your feet in the mud and dirt. It's My work to help you comply with the wishes of your dying Saviour.

GIVE Me your life to quench the dreadful, pitiful thirst which wracks My crucified body with pain and torment.


Song of Joy to Mary
(Prayer given to Denise by Jesus 18.2.93)

Jesus: Lift up your voice to the Lord and praise the goodness of My Mother's name. Cry out in unison this song of joy:

Mary, sweetest Virgin, Mother of all, we love you, because in loving you as our Mother, we are really loving Jesus, our Saviour, and the Blessed Trinity, Three-in-One, Godhead of Love.


Mary, My Mother
(Prayer given to Denise by the Holy Spirit 5.2.93)

Mary, my Mother, help me.
I love you.
I trust you, my Queen and my friend.


Thank You Mary
(Prayer given to Denise by the Holy Spirit, Mary's Spouse 15.3.93)

Holy Spirit: The ends of the earth will cry out to this Woman of faith and love:

Thank you for giving us your Son Jesus.
Thank you for all your goodness and kindness to us.
Thank you for being our friend and Mother.

You are truly the Queen of Heaven and earth, of peace and of our little hearts.
We love you.
We trust you.
We want to emulate your great trust that you had in the fulfilment and promises of the Word of God.

Help us to love Jesus as He deserves to be loved.
Help us to find Him as our Way, Truth and Life.
Help us to comfort Him in His sorrows as you did, our dear Mother.
Help us to be with Him as He agonised on the cross of Calvary.
Help us to stand faithfully and courageously, lovingly and generously at the foot of the cross with you as we adore our Jesus.

O, Beloved Spouse of the Most Holy Spirit of Life and Love, be with us now and forever ! Send us your earthly spouse, Joseph, to protect us and guide us along the path to his dear Jesus and Mary. Amen.


Mary, Woman of Genesis (3:15)
(Prayer given to Denise by Jesus 4.1.93)

Jesus: Soon I will come in glory to judge you all, but first My Mother's Heart will triumph for all to see. Listen to the cries and prayers of petition, praise and thanksgiving of your Mother Mary, as she sounds the battle cry to defeat Satan, to crush Satan and his followers, to wipe away your tears and to fill your own hearts with her virtues and holiness and, above all, her love. Say over and over again:

My Queen, my Mother,
I believe in your power to crush the head of Satan.
I wish to be among those who stand with you at the foot of the cross.
I want to belong to Jesus in this way, at this time, in my life.
I believe in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
I believe in His love to save and heal a world wounded through and through with Satan's barbs and evil arrows of hatred and persecution.


Mary, Queen of Peace
(Prayer given to Denise by Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour 9.1.93)

Jesus: Mary is Queen and Mother of all, Spouse of the Holy Spirit of Truth and might, power and all wisdom, Mother of the Son of Man scourged and crucified for love of you all, freer of all man's woes and defender of the seed of His love planted in man's souls at Baptism.

Powerful and sorrowful Mother, defend us now in the hour of battle. Show us your power and queenship. Deliver the final blow to Satan. Watch over us, our dear Mother, as we cry out to you in sorrow and love. We trust you, dear Mother of ours. We are proud to be standing by your side as you face the foe of Jesus.

We want to be with you now, helping you, trusting you, loving you, praying with you with the weapons of war - the Mass and Holy Communion, the Sacraments of Jesus' Church, the Rosary, the Chaplet of Mercy, and the Brown Scapular of your army.

Help us to help you, our dear Mother, by asking God to give us the strength, the wisdom and the light of His love to be with you through the dark days to come. We love you, our dear Mother.

Hail, Holy Queen ! We love you with Jesus' love. We love you with our Father's love. We love you with the burning flame of the Holy Spirit's love.

Be with us now, we ask you. Thank you for being our Mother and Queen, Advocate and Protectress.

Thank you, our dear Blessed Trinity, for this great gift of love - our Mother Mary, Queen of all nations, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Queen of Peace, Queen of our hearts. Amen.


Praise God
(Prayer given to Denise by Our Lord Jesus 3.1.92)

Jesus: Run to the One Who lost all His Blood on the cross for His little ones, His weak lambs, His mighty sheep, His promised flock, His gracious citizens of Heaven, His beloved heritage, His wounded loves, His delights and joys, His glory and His happiness. Such is the love of your Redeemer for each one of you.

My Mother is the only creature who understands My love completely. Go to her side. She'll teach you how to love your Lord with a pure and unselfish love. She'll ask Me to send you the Holy One to inspire you and to guide you along the path to Me, your Jesus. She'll intercede for you at My very throne in the Kingdom of My Father's love.

Allow the Holy Spirit to possess you and then you'll become all Mine, so quickly and effortlessly that you'll cry in one voice:

Blessed be God for His goodness and love.
Blessed be the Holy Name of Jesus.
Blessed be the Paraclete, the flame of love.
Blessed be Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Blessed be Joseph, the spouse of the Mother of Jesus.

And I'll say:

Blessed be you all when you enter into the Kingdom of God's love with shouts of joy and praise.
Blessed be those among you who persevere and live in the love of God every day of your lives.
Blessed be God in His angels and saints.

And Blessed are you when you strive for perfection in the ordinary, every day tasks in life out of love for Me, the strong One, God Almighty, your Redeemer and Saviour.


Love Me!
(Jesus continued the prayer given to Denise on 3.1.92)

Love Me always in the good times of life, and especially in the bad times when life has lost its savour.
Love Me when your soul feels as dry as a waterless creek filled with rocky stones and many deep pits and holes.
Love Me when your tears are falling like the rain in the wet season.
Love Me when winter has stripped your soul bare of any consolations and joys.
Love Me in the autumn of your life when the cold winds of hatred and bitterness try to sweep away the love you keep warm in your hearts for your God and fellow man.
Love Me in the freshness of spring time when blossoms of a hopeful future pour forth in songs of praise and love for your God.
Love Me always and at all times of the day and night.
Love Me in the hurly burly of life, when worldly pressures try to crowd out your thoughts of Me.
Love Me in the quiet, unhurried times in the day, when you relax and find it easier to listen and respond to the promptings of your Jesus within your very heart and soul, mind and being.
Love Me in the deep stillness of a lonely night, when you are feeling afraid or alone and need the love of your Saviour to fill you with His warmth and love, compassion and gentleness.
Love Me when you sleep in restful repose, in your dreams, in your restless tossing and turning.
Love Me now.
Love Me always.


Come to Me!
(Jesus 3.1.92)

Jesus: Come to Me at any time, when you are in any mood, when you want to or don't want to. Let Me love you. I'm there always and everywhere for you, My precious lambs. I died willingly for each one of you. I cried out to each one of you when I said on the cross at Calvary: I thirst.

This was the parched lonely cry of a brokenhearted Saviour Who desires to delight in the love of His promised flock. It is never too late to come to Me, even at the last moment of your life. I am still there knocking on the door of your heart, the love-centre of your being.

Please come to Me. I am begging you. And if you feel you can't approach Me for whatever reason, whether it be fear or timidity, anger or guilt, a lack of love or desire, go to our Mother, because with the help of the Holy Spirit of Love, you will gain the grace to stand still in the presence of your Saviour, the God Who loved you so much that He gave His last drop of Blood for the salvation of mankind.

Look, I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share a meal at that person's side. Anyone who proves victorious I will allow to share my throne, just as I have myself overcome and have taken my seat with my Father on his throne. (Revelation 3:20-21)

Jesus: My Blood sealed My Father's promise for a new and everlasting covenant of love between God and mankind. I am your God. You are My people, so beloved and so enriched in the love of your Lord Jesus; so empowered with the richness and gifts of love of the Holy Spirit, so beautiful in the eyes of your Creator; so special to the Mother who wept at the foot of the cross as she watched the Saviour die for love of you all.

These are the people who have been through the great trial; they have washed their robes white again in the Blood of the Lamb. That is why they are standing in front of God's throne and serving Him day and night in His Sanctuary; and the One who sits on the throne will spread His tent over them. (Revelation 7: 14-15)

Jesus: Yes, are you beginning to believe a little more in the power and might of your Lord ? Are you listening to the rustlings of your own heart as it begins to respond to the merciful love of your Jesus ? Are you at last going to respond to My call to love and holiness for which you were all made ?

O, yes, come to Me ! I beg you all to receive the love of your heavenly family. Start life afresh each day in the arms of your Lord, breathed on by the Spirit of Love, cradled in the arms of your beloved Mother. I'll lead you to our Father in Paradise where your home awaits you.


Unite us, Holy Spirit!
(Prayer by Holy Spirit to Denise on 7.8.93)

Yes, unite us all together, dear Holy Spirit, in the warmth and vitality of Your burning flame of love.

Fill me with the goodness of the Good Shepherd. Fill me with the love of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Help me to heed Your voice deep inside me, Your temple of love. Come and reside deep within my inner recesses of love and fill me with Your heavenly presence. Then I'll respond more generously, more clearly in my belief that it is really You Who wants to love me more and more each day.

Continue to unite me with Jesus, my healer, and with my Mother's protective love. I want to do God's will. I want to become all His. I do want to love others with the love of my Jesus and Mary. Come, my dear Holy One, and reside for ever more in my heart. Make it your eternal home in which the flame of your love burns brightly, strongly, unceasingly forever more until you take me into the heavenly abode of my dear Father, my Maker. He will welcome me home if He sees the stamp of your ownership upon my soul - the stamp of love, of mercy, of forgiveness.

Yes, I want to become like Jesus and Mary in love - pure, humble, generous and desirous of your own strong flame of love to wrap me up forever in the love of God's warmth and strength. Yes, let Your powerful love unite me ever closer and closer to my dear Jesus and Mary. Let the warmth of Your love fill me with heavenly desires for goodness, humility, prudence and all of Your gifts of love.

My dear Holy Spirit, I am longing for you to come and claim me as your own property. I know that if you see the presence of Jesus and Mary residing in my own heart, then you will come even more swiftly to my aid and take me quickly and safely through the Immaculate Heart of my Mother Mary into the arms of my Saviour and love. Yes, Jesus is truly my Saviour and Good Shepherd. He has saved me through the spilling of His Most Precious Blood on the cross at Calvary. Through His Blood I am saved and through the tears of my precious Mother, I am healed each day in Jesus' love. Amen.


Jesus is Lord
(Prayer by Holy Spirit to Denise on 7.8.93)

Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord of my poor little heart.

Come into my life, dear Jesus and begin your work of love in a deep, abiding manner, because I desire it.

I love you, my Lord and Saviour. You are truly the Good Shepherd of love who looks after each and every sheep in your flock. I love you and I want you to show me your presence in my life in a deliberate, visible, important way. Come now, Redeemer of all, and claim your inheritance as Saviour and Lord. Come into my heart and claim me as your own property. Come with your delightful Mother and your beautiful loving care of me as Master and Teacher of all.

Heal me as you healed all those sick people in the Bible, in the Gospel stories, because I believe in your ability to love, to heal, to save me in Your powerful healing love. Come, Lord Jesus. Come into my little heart and dwell there forever. I long to hear Your voice. I long to feel Your caress. I long to be with You now and forever, living the life You have shown us to be the true life of love in our Father's kingdom. O yes, I now believe in You as my Lord and Saviour. I do believe in your power to heal me, to save me from all who wish to destroy the love of God deep within my own little heart. Yes, I forgive all those who have wronged me with the love You have placed in my heart.

My soul now sings music to your loving presence deep within my being. Yes, I am truly becoming a child of God - loving, forgiving and merciful in your own strong love. O, my Jesus, I do want to love you more and more each day, so please come into my heart, into my life with your own dear Mother. Amen.


The Victory Cry of the Angels and Saints
(Jesus' words to Denise on 2.1.93)

Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord, victorious and glorious in His reign as King of the universe and King of all hearts who turn to Him in love and trust! Amen.

Sing alleluia to our Lord! His power and might are there for all to see. He is Almighty. He is all love. He is yours, if you but accept His merciful love now and forever more. Come join with us in the heavenly Kingdom. Be secure in Jesus' love now and we will help you to enter into the heavenly Kingdom of love.

Jesus is King! Help Him! Trust Him! Sing songs of praise and thanksgiving to His mighty love which beckons you to rest within His Sacred Heart now and forever! Amen.

Hosannah! Hosannah! Sing sweet praises to our Lord and King, Saviour of all, Redeemer of all who accept His love in their daily lives, lived under the watchful loving eye of our heavenly Father Who is all love, Who resides in Heaven's Kingdom of love watching and waiting for each and every one's homecoming into His arms, His aching arms and Heart, longing for your touch, your gentle smile, your willing "yes" and your little heart.

Be brave, our brethren on earth. Be brave and sing God's praises with us, your heavenly brothers and sisters, angels and saints in God's Kingdom of love. We live in peace and harmony with our Father and Mother, with Jesus our Saviour, with the Holy Spirit - our Sanctifier and purifier of all hearts.

O, come with us as we help you ascend the steps into God's heavenly Kingdom of love and might. Let us help you. Each one of you is assigned an angel to guard over you and help you come home to our Father's Heart. Each one of you has been given many of us saints to enable you to approach God's love in trust and humility, gentleness and compassion as you approach the King of love, Jesus Himself, the Father of love, the Spirit of love with the Mother of love, our Queen, our beautiful Mary who gave her whole life up for her Jesus, and for each one of you in order that you may enjoy the peace of love which living in God's Kingdom of love offers each one of you now.

Choose us now as your helpers in faith, hope and love, because we do God's will and we also desire to have you living with us and your heavenly family for ever and ever. Amen.


Consecration to Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph, our guardian and protector, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, guardian of the spirituality and truths of the Church, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, guardian of the seed of life within souls, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, protector and lover of Jesus and Mary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Head of the Holy Family, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, working with our guardian angel, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, I consecrate myself to you. I deposit my life work in your hands through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I do this in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

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