HOLY SPIRIT: When the world gives homage to Mary as Queen of the Universe, peace will fill this war-weary world.

Peace will come, heavenly peace, because Mary will herald in the coming of God’s reign on earth. A peace-filled reign which will give due honour and adoration to the Holy Eucharist and to Me, the Holy Spirit of love and peace. All things will happen at their appointed hour. All power to achieve peace has been given into Mary’s hands by her divine Son. Mary’s triumph will usher in the age of peace and consolation. I am the great Consoler. I am the Paraclete. I am her beloved Spouse. Jesus will be at His Mother’s side. He never leaves her. Where she is, He is.

He wishes the world to give the Blessed Virgin Mary the God-given honour and respect that is rightfully hers. Until this happens, there will be no true peace in the world, because Mary is the peace of Jesus. Mary is the true peace of Heaven. Mary is the Queen of Peace. Mary’s triumph is already in her hands.

She awaits the appointed time for her victory. The victory of Jesus through Mary! Then all hearts will sing praise to God! Then all souls will rejoice in God’s goodness and peace and love! Love will come into the hearts of mankind. The Spirit of love will cover and possess the earth. Jesus will reign as King of all hearts. And you, My little one of the Holy Eucharist, your sufferings will be turned into joy, for you will witness the great turning of God’s people to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and their devotion to Mary as Queen of the Universe. She will become Queen of all hearts, because each person will pay her due homage and love as the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus.

And I will comfort you. I will guide you along the stormy paths to this great peace. When you stand with Jesus and Mary in the storms, know that I am with you to comfort you, to console you. I am the great Consoler. Remain committed to Jesus’ mission to save souls and with My help and Mary’s help you will soar on eagle’s wings to Jesus, your Saviour and Redeemer, the King of your heart and soul, mind and being. He is your strength. Get your strength each day from Jesus in Holy Communion and all will be well (pp85-86HLAW).

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