JESUS: In order for peace to come into the depths of souls and minds of all men, women and children, it is necessary to embrace this spirituality, this secret buried for so long and now resurfacing. It is not a new devotion it was given to my Mother at the Cross when she accepted her spiritual motherhood of you all (Woman, behold thy son John 19:26). It was there that she publicly and generously took you all into her caring, warm Heart. Don’t disappoint her. Don’t betray your Mother as Judas betrayed me (p2HLAW).



MARY: Each of you is so precious to me that I treasure this beautiful role as Mother of you all above and beyond all other works of mine. My motherhood encompasses all other titles and roles which the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, my eternal Spouse, have conferred upon me. I love them all, because it’s God’s will that they treat me as such, but above all, I treasure and hope in my motherhood of you all. This is the most beautiful work I have undertaken.

At times my Heart is heavy with sorrow when I but lose your love and affection. My grief knows no bounds when anyone of you rejects me totally. Rejection of me is also rejection of my Jesus, our Father, as well as my Holy Spouse, the Spirit of love. You see, don’t you now, that your acceptance of me as your heavenly Mother is crucial to God’s plan of salvation for each and every soul that was born, or rather, for each and every soul that was every conceived (pp450-1HLAW).



JESUS: Indeed when you find someone who is faithful to God’s law and willing to carry out His will, then you have found the perfect Christian whose love of God also embraces the love of the Mother of God.

Yes, this is a rule of thumb that you can go by and that will help you to discern those who comply with My wishes and those who are against the law of God.

For indeed, if those who are faithful to Me are faithful also to My Mother, you can dispel all doubts in your mind concerning their love. Their love resembles the true and pure love of My Mother who worked selflessly for My cause all her life and even now as she lives as Queen of Heaven and earth.

Glorious Queen! Victorious Queen! She is the Queen and My Mother. How the Father loves her and dotes on her! How the Spirit enjoys His eternal Spouse and love! What blessedness! What harmony fills Heaven because of her presence there! O, you will never know the full extent of My words until that glorious day when I bring you to Heaven to live with My Mother. She is the perfect lady whose loving presence adds such grace and beauty, life and laughter to all those who enter the kingdom of God.

Until all people acknowledge the presence of My Mother’s role in Heaven, then I shall not be fulfilled in My happiness and joy. She means everything to Me. She is My delight and My love. She is My happiness and joy. She looked after Me totally and in a completely unselfish manner all the days of My life on earth. Indeed from the very first moment of My conception, she kept Me warm and loved. She cared for Me always, even to My death on the Cross (pp252-3HLAW).



JESUS: Refrain from any criticism of Mary, because anyone who speaks out against My Mother is anathema to Me. Anyone who faces criticism of her bravely can depend on My help. I will be there with you at your side, within you, around you, encircling you with My love, if you but come to the defence of My Mother (p567HLAW).



JESUS: Mary calls her God’s children to a life lived in harmony with God’s love. Examine her messages. Are they in opposition to the Gospel messages? Are they against the love of your Lord? Are they leading you away from Me or to me? Ponder this in your heart and ask for the help of the Spirit of Truth to enlighten you (p180HLAW).

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