HOLY SPIRIT: My holy Spouse Mary, the Bride of the universal Church, will soon come triumphant and glorious as Queen of the Cross, Queen of the whole universe and soon to be revered under this title. She is the Lady of all nations, of all peoples, of all creeds and languages. She is the universal Mother of all peoples (cf Gen. 3:20). She is great to behold, because she is clothed with the power of her Son Jesus (cf Rev. 12:1). She is empowered by me, her beloved Spouse, as a witness to God’s love for all mankind. She is God’s chief instrument against hatred and decadence (cf Gen. 3:15). She is mighty as Queen and Mother of all. One day soon all the earth will bow in reverence to the Mother of the Divine Son, Jesus Christ, Lord of the universe. She has the power to crush the head of Satan. She has been given this power by the Blessed Trinity with whom she lives and who live within her Immaculate Heart. Hearken to the cries of your Mother. Listen to her call to unity in love for her divine Son. Act now by following her up to Calvary, to the Cross heavy with the Blood of her Son. Implore God’s mercy on a world about to be shaken violently in the battle for souls which never ceases, but which will soon reach a crescendo of triumph for God’s love. Never before in the history of mankind will such a battle unfold before your very eyes. You will see for yourself the battle which up until now has been hidden from the majority of eyes. You will behold the mighty power of God as it cleanses and corrects the conscience of the world, a world gone astray, lead astray by the workings of Satan and his seed. Mary, the Queen of the Cross, glorious and triumphant, is about to conquer the workings of Satan (cf Gen.3:15). She will be clothed in the mighty power of her Son (cf Rev.12:1). Already this has been revealed to mankind, but how many have believed in the miracle of the sun at Fatima early this century? How many have believed in the miracles and apparitions of our Blessed Mother throughout the universe? Beware of false prophets, but open wide your eyes and ears, hearts and souls to the truth revealed by Me, the Spirit of truth and love. Record those heavenly visits with awe and wonderment, because God never acts without a purpose. It is the revelation of God’s plan for the salvation of all mankind which is being revealed to you. Do not close your mind to it. Discern with the eyes of faith and love as a merciful Saviour sends His Mother to prepare the world for the second coming of Christ (pp389-390HLAW, 24th Sept. 1992).

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