HOLY SPIRIT: The triumph of her Immaculate Heart will come, and with its swiftness and eminence will come Jesus Himself to reign supreme in the hearts of the faithful inculcated with My love.

Get ready for the triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart by prayer and fasting, as she has requested many times before.

Get ready to receive her love in a new and gentle outpouring of My Spirit of love.

Get ready to welcome the King and Queen of love into your hearts through the power of My loving presence.

Peace, beloved peace will come. The peace of the Prince of peace will abound and fill the earth with laughter and love, prayer and praise of God’s mercy and goodness, His kindness and faithfulness, His constancy and forgiveness.

Let His love and laughter now fill the earth as your Mother prepares you for these coming events. Be wise. Be patient in love. Be all hers as you stand with her at the foot of the Cross adoring her Beloved Son and Saviour of all, Jesus Christ Himself, the Lamb of God slain for love of you all. His Blood is now filling the earth with its healing love, its wholeness, its mercy and goodness (p461HLAW).



HOLY SPIRIT: Mary’s role is one of obedient submission to God, her true love and the only purpose of her life. She is calling each and every one of God’s children to join with her in crushing the head of Satan as she stands victoriously at the foot of the Cross, triumphant and resplendent in God’s glory and love.

Her role is God-given and she is carrying it out through My power as her Holy Spouse, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. She would like you to do the same; that is to allow Me, the Holy Spirit, to enflame you with divine life and to convey you into the depths of Jesus’ love and life.

Her motive in all of this is purely to obey her Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, her true Son and the Son of the Father. Her intentions are pure and trustworthy. She wants no glory for herself – only love for her Jesus in return for her efforts and work of love. Will you comply with her wishes, the wishes of a forlorn and sad Mother as she watches the horrors and evil in a world created beautiful and harmonious by the Creator of all, the First Person of the Blessed Trinity?

She focuses all attention on the Blessed Trinity.

She is the true image of a faithful daughter of God and disciple of Jesus, because she accepts My love and gifts of love given to her in abundance. She is truly a lover of God. Her radiance and beauty reveal the depths of her virtues and love for her Father, Jesus and Me. I wish to work through My Spouse as I wish to work through you all too.

Imitate your Mother whose acceptance of all that God wills is legendary and spectacular for all to behold. She is truly the humble handmaid of the Lord, but the Father, Son and I have willed that she be recognized, acknowledged and venerated as Queen of the universe, Queen of peace, glorious and victorious Queen of the Cross, magnificent to behold, spectacular in her Son’s love, reflecting the divine life of the Blessed Trinity within her, around her, through her, entirely subservient to God and thoroughly rewarded as Queen and Mother of all God’s children. This is God’s will. This is reality.

When are you poor creatures of God going to submit to God’s will and rule, and pay homage to the humble handmaid Mary, as Queen and Mother of the entire universe? Soon, very soon, God’s power will be evident for all eyes to behold the glory of God shining within her and through her. Magnificent and lovely to look at! A creature of beauty elevated to heights unknown to her when she lived as the Mother of Jesus on earth. Today she is still the Mother of Jesus and she continues to mother Him, to work with Him for the salvation of each and every heart and soul. She wishes to capture with love, the love of Jesus deep within her Immaculate Heart, the essence of God’s love and light within each soul.

She wishes to convey each soul into her Son’s heavenly Kingdom where He is adored as Lord of the hosts and God of all. Mary is true to her name – Queen and Mother of all of God’s children. She wishes to help Jesus save each and every soul every conceived, ever born. Won’t you help her in this important work of salvation of God’s children, of her own dear children? Open up your heart and mind to God’s love. Widen the horizon of your thoughts, the vista of your future life lived within the realm of God’s love and become one with your Jesus, one with the Son of Man, the Son of Mary, the Son of God (pp295-297HLAW).

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