HOLY SPIRIT: Yes, this dear creature fulfilled God’s plan of motherhood with her virginal body through her assent to do God’s will willingly, joyously, graciously, and above all, trustingly. She trusted her God. No other human being has ever trusted as fully as Mary, your Mother, your Advocate and your Queen. Mary became the vessel in which the Word of God, Jesus incarnate, was carried through the power of God’s love into the world as Saviour and Redeemer of all mankind. Now you must realize that Mary accepted her role as Queen of Heaven and earth, Queen of Peace, Mother of all nations when she uttered her beautiful reply to God’s invitation to love in this special way: Yes, I am your servant. Let it be done unto me according to your word (cf Luke 1:38).

And at that moment Jesus became flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, your Mother too, through an act of love by God the Almighty, carried out by Me, her Spouse, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. So now you can see that Mary not only conceived a Son she was to name Jesus, which means Saviour of all, but that she also publicly accepted her role as My Spouse. Together we took on the role of teachers of the Word of God, incubator of God’s designs and will according to My inspirations and guidance to Mary, My Spouse in love and truth. Yes, this divine prodigy of God’s Word became flesh and lived among His people, first of all in the womb of His Mother, and secondly, as man among mankind. Lastly, and not the least, He now lives within the hearts of all those people, sons and daughters of God with Mary as their spiritual Mother, through My power and through the Word Made Flesh and Blood in Holy Communion. He truly dwells among you, even now as you live and breathe His life in your own heart. In other words, you too have accepted the Word Made Flesh into your body, My Temple, My Home, through the reception of Holy Communion (cf 1 Cor.3:17). It is in this way that you most resemble your Mother (pp670-1HLAW).

HOLY SPIRIT: She and I are a team, always together, always forming a union between the Father’s love and mankind created in His own image through the powerful Mediator between God and mankind, Jesus Himself, the Word of God Made Flesh through the generosity and love of Mary (cf 1 Tim. 2:5); (pp671-2HLAW).



JESUS: Our Lady is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit (p691HLAW).
(NB: to manifest means to make known)

HOLY SPIRIT: Jesus is the Way (cf John14:6). Follow Him if you choose, and you will find life eternal, peace and happiness now and later on in the bosom of your Father. The kingdom of God is at hand. Respond to the battle cry of Jesus’ Mother as she complies with the Father’s will, as she breathes out My life and love on you all (cf Genesis 3:15). She is the manifestation of the breath of God. She is divinely present in the hearts of all the faithful, in their lives and in their hopes. She is placed there by Me, her Spouse and love, in all hearts that cry out to Me for love of their Lord.

Without her care and motherly advice, you will never succeed in becoming one with her Son and Saviour of all. This fixation of yours to bypass the Immaculate Mother is wrong and deceitful. It is not in your interests to exclude her from your life’s work - loving Jesus with My love and the love of your Mother Mary. Ask Joseph to help you understand Mary’s love for Me, for Jesus and you all, because she is all grace (cf Luke 1:28), all love, all perfect in the eyes of God. She is God’s masterpiece of love, exquisite in the reception of My graces and gifts of love, because she accepted all the Father placed before her in life and in death. Even now in Heaven she remains totally one in faith with Jesus in loving the Father forever and ever. She is exquisite in her delicate graces and charms. She is motherly and loving. She is gracious and friendly, completely trusting in the love of her Lord, her Son and Saviour, the friend of all mankind.

Bring all little ones to her through My powerful love. She will create in them the desire to love her Son which she imbued in others in her lifetime lived in the rigours of this earth. She keeps nothing for herself, this Mother of Mercy. She feeds all with the Lamb of God, her Son and Redeemer. She finds in their hearts a place for Jesus to settle, to live in peace and harmony, a place to lay His weary head (cf Luke 9:58). She is the personification of all the graces and blessings of God’s love and life, all found together living in harmony in her Heart. She can be trusted. She belongs to Me. She is all Mine (pp625-6HLAW).



MARY: When you give yourself to Jesus through my Immaculate Heart, you place yourself within the presence of the two Holy Spouses, the Holy Spirit and myself. O, this is how you are to live your life in Christ, right here in the burning flame of the Spirit’s love in my Immaculate Heart. He lives in me. Jesus lives in my Immaculate Heart, and the Father lives in me. I am the meeting place on earth of the Triune God and all my children in love. I am the link between you and Jesus. Your lifeline! Take hold of my love by surrendering to me as Mother, learning to live in my motherly presence, and imitating my life lived in the Holy Family of Nazareth. As you defend me by consenting to live this life daily, then I will defend you in the power of the Holy Spirit and in Jesus’ Blood, in accordance with our Father’s holy will, from the evil of the serpent in Genesis 3:15. I am the Woman of Genesis. I will crush the head of Satan in your own heart and claim you for my Son Jesus in the power of His Holy Blood to heal and save (24.12.1999).

HOLY SPIRIT: Don’t you see that the Blessed Virgin Mary was the meeting place on earth of God’s divine life and love for all humanity to see and wonder at? (p626HLAW).

HOLY SPIRIT: She is the meeting place on earth of God’s love with your love. But it needs your cooperation to get there. All you have to do is to tell Me you want to surrender to her motherly care and protective love as Woman of the New Covenant who is covered in Jesus’ Blood (cf Rev.12:1), and then I will take you into the mystery of her Immaculate Heart. It is here in her motherly care that you begin, over a lifetime of cooperation and love, to experience the love of Jesus’ Sacred Heart, the love of a Father’s Heart, and the love of My Heart which I gave to My Spouse, and which is really and truly her own Immaculate Heart. Hard to believe? No, not if you ask for My help. Not if you try to live this life of perfect love, the Little Way of Saint Therese (cfMatthew5:48). Not if you want to make Jesus happy by surrendering to His Mother’s care as He Himself did (cf Luke 2:51); (18.1.2000).



JESUS: She is all perfect and pure. She is God’s purest creature and hence, all love and peace are buried as treasure within her Immaculate Heart (p2HLAW).

HOLY SPIRIT: Now her Immaculate Heart is the centre of her being, the place where God stores all His love as treasure for you all. Don’t you see how it is imperative that you all give yourselves, without hesitation, to Mary’s motherly love? (18.1.2000).

MARY: My Heart is the receptacle of all of God’s graces and love. My Heart is on fire with love for all of God’s children, all of my little ones, so dear and lovable in the sight of the citizens of Heaven. Yes you, my little ones, are ordained by God to help me, your Mother and Queen, the Woman clothed in the glorious love of my Son Jesus (cf Rev.12:1), the Woman destined to crush the head of Satan and his band of followers through the love issuing forth to you all, my littlest helpers, from my Son Jesus through my own Immaculate Heart. I love you all so very much. Do not linger any longer, but rush to the aid of your Mother. I am now in position with all the army of Heaven and earth at the ready, standing victorious and glorious in My Son’s power, to crush, with your help, the demonic powers of Satan, to crush his head with my heel (cf Gen.3:15).Come forward to receive your commission as soldiers of Christ standing bravely with me, the Queen of the universe, the Mother of you all (cf John 19:27), and the Woman destined to restore peace and love to a war-torn and bitter world, reeling and crushed by the hatred and violence of the enemy of God Almighty. Support me, your Mother, in my role as the Woman of the universe, the New Eve (cf Gen.3:20), the daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and the victorious Spouse of the Holy One of God. This is my role which I now display to all who believe in the love of Jesus as Saviour. Yes, I am your servant of love, my little ones, the servant of the Most High, the handmaid of the Lord (cf Luke 1:38), the Spouse of God’s Spirit of love and truth (cf Luke 1:35). But above all, I cherish my role as your Mother and the Mother of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, the Father Almighty. Enter now into the Heart of your Mother’s love and discover the delights of God’s love for you all issuing forth in torrents of love from the mighty Blessed Trinity. With love, your Mother in Christ (pp694-6HLAW).



I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: She shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel (Genesis 3:15).

FATHER: This is why she stands defiantly and victoriously at the foot of the Cross now, because it is her God-given duty to:

Surrender! Surrender to the love of My Son. Be brave as you accept your own role in God’s loving plan of salvation. Know the truth about your Mother’s role. It is her work now that must be accomplished for all time with the help of her children of love, her friends and servants of Christ’s Blood, in order that Scripture may be fulfilled in the same way that My Son fulfilled the Old Testament Law to:


Yes, bind yourself together in the net of the Holy One by consecrating your heart to Mary. Then you will find happiness and contentment, because her Heart resides with Jesus (pp704-5HLAW).


(23rd September 1991, p83HLAW).

HOLY SPIRIT: She will be victorious. She is the Queen of Victories in this war-weary world. Such suffering as has never been experienced before awaits this sin-filled world! When will you recognize Mary as My Spouse? When will you recognize Mary as the Mother of Jesus Christ? When will you recognize her as Queen of your heart and homes? When will you welcome her into your heart as Queen of the Universe?

She holds the clue to peace. Mary, My dear Mary, My beautiful Spouse, faithful and true, dedicated to her God – she is the answer to your world’s troubles. She comes as your Mother. She beckons you to obey your God. She sheds tears of blood trying to convince you that evil has reached epidemic proportions in a world gone mad with lust, corruption, and evil ways. O, come to your stricken Mother! Respond to her cries for help. She needs your prayers and sacrifices - life sacrifices, to repel Satan and his devils.

Mary’s Immaculate Heart will triumph, because it is God’s will. When the world gives homage to Mary as Queen of the Universe, peace will fill this war-weary world. Peace will come, heavenly peace, because Mary will herald in the coming of God’s reign on earth. A peace-filled reign which will give due honour and adoration to the Holy Eucharist and to Me, the Holy Spirit of love and peace. All things will happen at their appointed time. All power to achieve peace has been given into Mary’s hands by her divine Son. Mary’s triumph will usher in the age of peace and consolation. I am the great Consoler. I am the Paraclete. I am her Beloved Spouse.

Jesus will be at His Mother’s side. He never leaves her. Where she is, He is. He wishes the world to give the Blessed Virgin Mary the God-given honour and respect that is rightfully hers. Until this happens, there will be no true peace in the world, because Mary is the peace of Jesus. Mary is the true peace of Heaven. Mary is the Queen of Peace. Mary’s triumph is already in her hands. She awaits the appointed time for her victory. The victory of Jesus through Mary! (pp83-86HLAW).


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