21st January 1999



JESUS: I go with you now. My peace be with you. Do not fret. Do not complain. Remember the words of My Mother long ago: silence, preparation and prayer. Follow her lead and you will become like her, holy in thought, word and deed. Describe to Me each day your feelings, your love for Me and others who are made in My image. Deliver into the hands of your Spiritual Director all these details for his discernment and blessing. Go now in My Name and love Me in all you meet in peaceful prayer, delightful repose in My Heart which is your home while you reside on earth. Labour and toil now for the Kingdom to become a reality in the hearts of all people who love Me. Go in peace. Go in haste. Go in love in the arms and Heart of our Beloved Mother, covered in My Blood of the New Covenant (cf Rev.12:1), and invoke the aid of the Holy Spirit to guide you through the stormy seas to come.



JESUS: Now grasp this truth in your heart forever. I love you with an unconditional love, with a burning flame of love issuing forth from My Heart pierced on the Cross of Calvary for love of you all. I can use you all to bring about the salvation of souls, if you remain fixed in the Heart of Mary, so immaculate and pure, so loving and forgiving, merciful and gentle. Be like her and you too, each one of you, will become like a flower in her Immaculate Heart, each one issuing forth its own perfume of love and peace in a world growing increasingly troubled. Be brave and I will send you My peace soon on angels’ wings. This will enable you to continue your work of love for Me in the power of the Holy Spirit. Yes, this peace is about to descend on each one of you; so open up your hearts to receive My love as you labour and work for the salvation of souls in your own time and beyond.

Learn off by heart the messages of Our Mother Mary at Fatima and relate all you do and say back to specific sentences of hers. Then people will understand what I have chosen you to do – your work of love; that is, to help people know, love and serve My Mother in order to know, love and serve me, your Master, the Suffering Servant of all mankind. And Mary is the Mother of the Suffering Servant, while you are her disciples in love of her for Me.



JESUS: I want you to love Me with the love of Mary and the Holy Spirit in order for you all to accomplish the mending of My broken Heart, broken for the love of all humanity, and for each one of you, whose love I seek in response to My burning love.

Ask yourself this question: When Jesus returns to earth will He find any faith at all? (cf Luke 18:8 But when the Son of man comes, will He find any faith on earth?) Ponder on the meaning and the answer to My question in light of the world today. Then consider it a privilege to work with My Mother and Holy Spirit in order to mend the broken Heart of your Saviour through your consecration to Me through Mary, as you stand each day at the foot of the Cross in obedience to Our Father’s wishes (cf John 19:26-27). Yes, all is well, if you but consecrate yourself to our Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Surrender to her loving commands and all is well. Amen.


Behold thy Mother (John 19:27).

JESUS: Yes, your Mother is truly a wonderful Mother to you and your own loved ones for whom you pray to her – daily, in some cases. Yes, Mary of Nazareth, Virgin Mother of Mine, given to you by Me as I lay dying on My Cross is beautiful to behold as Queen and Protectress of the universe. Yes, that means she stands guard over you all, always calling on God’s mercy and love to descend upon her adopted children of God. I am her only Son, begotten of the Father, and flesh and blood of My Mother through the power of the Holy Spirit of God’s love. You are hers through My death on the Cross and through My Resurrection from the dead (p553HLAW).



JESUS: When I ascended into Heaven by the power of God’s Spirit, I won for you the right of kinship with My Father and Mother. I won for you the forgiveness of sins by the power of the Holy Spirit of mercy. I won for you the freedom to choose Me or to reject Me, if that is what you wish. I dedicated My whole life on earth to winning you over to My ways and to the way of our Father. I gave you the right of kinship. You belong to My Father and Mother through the power of the Holy Spirit. His main task is to purify you, to sanctify you, to unify you and to make you citizens of our Father’s heavenly Kingdom. God’s Holy Spirit never ceases in His mission to unite those who seek Me to God and to His Spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This may seem amazing to some of you who read these words of Mine, through My servant, but it is truth, pure and unadulterated. All will be revealed to you in God’s good time. And now is the time for My beloved creatures of God to realize and understand the role of My Mother Mary in today’s plan for salvation through the power of God’s Spirit of truth. The truth is plain for My believers to see. It will be revealed in a much more visible way as time unfolds (p553HLAW).



JESUS: Yes, I will come again in glory to take you to your heavenly home at the hour appointed by our Father. He is the Father of you all, of all creatures including My Mother, the Queen of the universe. She stands at My side now dressed in the power and glory of My holy name (cf Rev. 12:1). Won’t you honour her as you should?

She and I are one – our Hearts are entwined, bonded together by the Spirit of love. Her Heart beats in unison with Mine. Her very breathing echoes My own. Her songs of praise are sung in unison with her Spouse, the Spirit of love (cf Luke 1:35). She is indeed full of grace (cf Luke 1:28). She is clothed with My divine power and grace. The Holy Spirit works through her presence in a divinely powerful way. Yes, this creature of God, Mary My Mother, is raised to this status by the will of the Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. She stands as a conqueror and lover of all, because I stand with her. I am the Almighty Saviour of the world.

She and I are one in our thoughts, words and deeds. I work through My Mother in a wonderfully powerful and holy way. She is your Queen and Mother too. Love her with My own Sacred Heart, and you will soar on eagle’s wings of love, ever upward, upward and upward, forever and ever, until you find yourself in the arms of love, home in the Father’s bosom of love, never again to know rejection and hatred, fear and sadness, only rejoicing with all the angels and saints in God’s Kingdom of love. Amen (pp553-4HLAW).

HOLY SPIRIT: Jesus’ Mother is His most faithful and obedient, most loving and generous disciple and friend. She is the best friend His Sacred Heart has ever had (p616HLAW).



JESUS: My Mother is My constant joy and happiness. Her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is filled with the goodness of her Lord and God. Our Hearts beat as one – hers in unison with Mine. So finely tuned is hers that her very breathing is in constant step with Mine. She gave her life to Me from the beginning of time. Her Jesus was her everything. She continues to give Me everything throughout eternity. She is My true disciple. She gave Me My life and looked after Me for all those years. Why would she not continue to look after me now? My mission to save souls was her work too. My longing to have all souls who were ever created to live with Me in My Kingdom is her desire also (p41HLAW).

JESUS: When My Sacred Heart overflows with love for My People, her Immaculate Heart opens wide, so that My love can flow through her to you (p41HLAW).

JESUS: Her whole life was a prayer to God in unison with My prayers, love and sufferings. The Holy Spirit told you that Mary is the love of Jesus in action. Imitate her. Desire her qualities. Her virtues are most pleasing to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Beg for graces from Me through her, so that you also may be clothed with the virtues of your Christ, your lover (cf Revelation 12:1), Who anxiously and patiently awaits your “fiat” to My call (pp41-2HLAW).

JESUS: Two Hearts beating together in love. Two minds loving you together. Two spirits united in one cause – the salvation of all (p491HLAW).

MARY: Through the power of my Heavenly Spouse, the Holy Spirit of love and might, I am ever present in His Sacred Heart. My own Immaculate Heart beats in unison with Him (p602HLAW).

JOSEPH: Bow low and honour your Queen and Mother of all, Mary, whose place in Heaven is God-given, whose love is wrapped up in the Spirit’s love of fire, whose Heart rests securely in her Son’s, and whose will rests easily and firmly in the bosom of our Father. Amen (p621HLAW).

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