24th September 1992

HOLY SPIRIT: Watch closely the workings of nature. They go to a pattern, filled with harmony and peace. When these patterns are interrupted, when the beasts of the land begin to die in large numbers, when the seasons do not unfold as they have in the past with harmony and serenity, when lightning and thunder awaken the earth with the power of God’s love, then you will know the time has arrived. You are about to enter your own Calvary. You are about to be cleansed and resurrected through the power of the mighty Spirit of God’s love. Stay in tune with nature and you will realize the truth of these words. God always works through the ordinary creatures and His created works of love to reveal His plan for all mankind. Try to grasp the true meaning of what I am saying. Isn’t this in keeping with the Gospel message? Isn’t this the way of the Lord to help His unsuspecting creatures to realize the futility of their own hedonistic and materialistic world devoid of God’s love and life? Hold firm to His teachings. Obey God’s commandments to love Him alone and Him in your neighbour and in yourself, then you will come to a deeper realization of the meaning of your times. You are entering Calvary. You are about to be tested and tried. Hold firm to your faith by consecration of your heart and life to Jesus’ Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Jesus’ divine love and life will save you. With the help of the Spirit of love and His Beloved Spouse Mary, you will be saved. (p390HLAW).

JESUS: This is where My believers come in. Their job is to be led by My Mother, the Queen of the Cross, joyous and beautiful to behold as she crushes the head of Satan with the help of her faithful followers (cf Genesis 3:15). The world was dark the day I was nailed to the Cross. Nature reflected the dreadful deeds of men even then. Nature hurled itself in turmoil and torment as I lay dying on the Cross. Thunder rolled across the sky in heavy black clouds of hatred and violence. Huge rents in the earth were visible as nature convulsed in imitation of My own convulsions on the Cross (cf Matthew 27:50-54). Torrential rain fell from the darkened sky in imitation of My Mother’s tears and My own for sinful man, freed on that day from all the horror of sin by My death on the Cross. And yet today two thousand years later, nature is again imitating the state of sin in the world with all its disastrous consequences (p547HLAW).

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