24th December 1999


MARY: My dear one, become little each day by surrendering your life and time, your heart and work to me as your Mother. I will protect and help you and love you into the Heart of my Son Jesus. I know that is what you want. Now ask for the help of the Holy Spirit and know that Joseph is by your right hand guarding you along with your guardian angel. This book will help people gain a sound understanding of the meaning of the Consecration to Jesus through Mary.

Ask them to continue with further reading and study of St Louis de Montfort’s work and also of other saints who lived this Little Way of St. Therese to perfection with the love of their Triune God coming to them through my Immaculate Heart. This Little Way is the way to Jesus’ Heart through my Immaculate Heart. This Little Way is the way of excellence in love lived within my Heart and therefore in the Heart of Jesus, because that is where my Heart resides.

Call upon the Holy Spirit of love and truth to reveal to you daily, little by little, the marvelous effects in your life and heart of living this consecration in accordance with Our Father’s will. O, such graces and blessings flow to you from the Father’s love, through the Sacred Heart of His Son, onwards, on the wings of the Holy Spirit, the dove of peace, to you my little ones, through my own motherly love for you stored as treasure in my own Immaculate Heart (cf page 2 HLAW). My love for you is really my God’s love for you coming to you from the Father and Jesus by the direct action and holy service of the Holy Spirit through my motherly Immaculate Heart.

Remember what the Holy Spirit, my Spouse, told you. That my Immaculate Heart is the Heart of the Holy Spirit in flesh. We are the Holy Spouses, the two gardeners of your soul, who work within your heart and life, now and for all time, for eternity, as long as you allow us to love you in this way – through your daily surrender into my Immaculate Heart with the help of the Holy Spirit of love. In this way we nourish you, the branch of Jesus the vine, by filling you with the love of God coming to you through my Immaculate Heart (cf John 15:5).

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