6TH August 1993

MARY: What a truly remarkable time is about to unfold on the earth! You will begin to see the splendour of the Lord unfolding more and more in the hearts of all little ones. You will see more and more yearning for God’s love to come to your sorely troubled earth.

O, send this message far and wide to all God’s servants of love, because it is now the time for rejoicing in the goodness of the Lord. Yes, now is the time for your salvation as in the days when Moses led God’s people into the promised land out of a wilderness of hatred and oppression. Yes, rejoice in the love of your Lord. Escape from the troubles of the earth by clothing yourself in Elijah’s garment of God’s powerful love – the Brown Scapular of the Immaculate Heart of your Mother. My own love is clearly visible to my own little servants and friends of Christ, my Son. My own protection is available to you all by consecrating your lives to Jesus through my own Immaculate Heart, so dear to my Son Jesus and you all.

Yes, this is my hour, the hour of salvation for all of God’s people. I have been given the role of leading you out of the land of exile into the land of milk and honey for all of God’s beloved ones. O, let me take you by the hand and lead you forever forward and onwards towards the safe haven of my Son’s Sacred Heart! His presence is totally loving and magnificent to behold. He is clothed in the fire of the Holy Spirit, resplendent in His Father’s powerful love and radiating all His love to you through His Eucharistic Heart in Holy Communion.

His healing love is pouring out to you now in torrents of love, not just a tiny flow, but literally gushing forth from His Heart as though they are flood waters just released for all humanity by the dam gates of His burning desire to save you all. Yes, He is coming to save you all. He is here now in the hearts of all my faithful disciples – the little ones who have dedicated their own lives to Jesus’ Sacred Heart through my Immaculate Heart. O, the beauty of God’s peace flowing over you in a mighty river of loving kindness, generosity, faithfulness, and love. Yes, stand still to receive His love. O, my beloved children, thank you for being so faithful to my Son’s love coming to you through my own Immaculate Heart! (pp692-3HLAW).

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