18th February 1993

(Vision of Sister Lucia of Fatima in 1929 – front cover)


JESUS: This writing today is of the utmost importance. Place it at the beginning of your book for all to see. These words of Mine are a summary of Healing Love at Work.

Meditate on them and you will find them living within you, burning into your very heart and soul, mind and being. Meditate on the vision which Sister Lucia of Fatima saw in 1929. This explains how My Blood sealed the New Covenant between My Father’s love and My own, and that of our Mother.

You need never feel alone, because I am with you throughout every minute of every day. My Blood has the power to heal and save a world gone mad with its passions and heretic thoughts. Act now if you wish to come to Me, because I am waiting patiently for each of you to approach the throne of God. If you come to Me through your Mother’s Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, you will be assured of salvation and joy throughout all eternity in My Father’s Kingdom of love.

Those of you who read this book may find that you are surprised upon hearing of My desire. But if you know anything about the depths of My love for you and My Mother, you would begin to understand just a little in the beginning and more as time evolves. Hence, trust Me by placing your life in your Mother’s hands and warm Immaculate Heart. She can be trusted. Indeed she will lead you to Me directly without any deception or lies. She will be your safe refuge in these times in which you now find yourself living. She is today’s Ark of the Covenant. She is all perfect and pure. She is God’s purest creature and hence all love and peace are buried as treasure within her Immaculate Heart.

In order for peace to come into the depths of souls and minds of all men, women, and children, it is necessary to embrace this spirituality, this secret buried for so long and now resurfacing. It is not a new devotion. It was given to My Mother at the Cross when she accepted her spiritual motherhood of you all. It was there that she publicly and generously took you all into her caring, warm Heart. Don’t disappoint her. Don’t betray your Mother as Judas betrayed me. Lift up your voice to the Lord and praise the goodness of My Mother’s name. Cry out in unison this song of joy:

Mary, sweetest Virgin Mother of all, we love you. Because in loving you as
our Mother, we are really loving Jesus our Saviour and the Blessed Trinity
Three in one, Godhead of love.

Hence the reality of the situation is this. Unless you come to Me through your Mother’s sweet embrace in the safe confines of her Immaculate Heart, you will falter and be lost in the difficult times that lie ahead. In fact, the difficult times are with you now and will get worse, until the hour God comes back to earth made ready by the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.

Allow the Holy Spirit of love to plant My seed of life within your soul through Baptism. Then rejoice in the love of your Mother who together with the Holy Spirit resides over the garden of your soul and carefully tenders it with the water of My life’s Blood. This act of yours to consecrate your own heart and soul, in fact, your entire life for the sake of My love, to your Mother’s sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is within your power to carry out, if you so desire. Do it generously and gladly with warm hearts and open minds, because My love comes to you through My Mother’s Heart, so pure and immaculate, so glorious in God’s merciful love.

Tarry no longer, because time is of the essence. Be brave, My little ones, because soon the hand of the Lord will be evident upon each one of you. Sustain yourself by partaking of My Body and Blood. Refrain from nursing grudges and never allow hatred to get the upper hand in the battle for your soul. You destroy all of Satan’s work by loving with My love, by serving with My love, by walking with My love, by living within My Mother’s Heart residing within My own Sacred Heart. Always be Mine now and forever in loving trust and deep repose in My Heart (pp2-3HLAW).


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