18th January 2000


HOLY SPIRIT: Come here, my little child, and ask Me to help you to discover the beauty of your Mother Mary. (I obeyed immediately).

Enflame your heart with love for Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and as a consequence of this, of the Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by delivering into people’s hands your five talks on the mystery of the love of the Triune God reaching out to you all through Mary’s Immaculate Heart. You haven’t been able to write it all yet, because you haven’t been ready. But the time is fast approaching when you will be given the grace to write and to complete them. Now these five talks, written icons I call them, will portray vividly the outline of Mary’s work as the Woman of the New Covenant.



HOLY SPIRIT: Realize and understand with My help and these special graces from God coming to you through Mary’s Immaculate Heart that you are here on earth for one purpose only. And that is to reveal to the world the power of Jesus’ Blood which sealed the New Covenant and which now calls all of you to a lively, fresh and beautiful relationship with Him daily with the help of your Holy Spirit and your Mother Mary in Joseph’s paternal care.

You are well provided for, because you have special angels and saints assigned to you specifically to help you attain your goal in life – to help people love My Spouse Mary, the Woman of the New Covenant, as never before in their life, and in doing so, to experience the joy of knowing, loving and serving Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, as never before in their life.

I am here to help you. Call on Me for help and I will be there right within your own little heart beating in love and with love for Jesus and Mary.


18th January 2000

HOLY SPIRIT: Joseph is at your right hand to guard you and to love and protect you from the evil one. No one in Heaven has this job that Saint Joseph has. He has won the right to continue to protect His treasures, Jesus and Mary, in your heart and in the hearts of all the faithful on earth.

He guards and protects your spirituality and helps you to love and protect Jesus and Mary in your own heart.

Now, remember to call on Me for help and when you do, I direct all of these angels and saints to be with you at your side, helping you to fulfil your purpose in life. This is your one and only purpose in life, lived out amidst your marriage vocation, lived out in the ordinary every day life of discharging your duties as wife to your spouse, as mother and grandmother to your children. This is truly living out the Little Way of Saint Therese, because she loved God with a fierce determination to do the little ordinary everyday things in her vocation as nun/religious with extraordinary love coming from Me for Jesus and Mary. It is with My love, My help, My loving service to you personally that you achieve your purpose in life.



HOLY SPIRIT: See how God takes you all further and further, deeper and deeper into the mystery of His love coming to you on the wings of the dove of peace, Myself, through My Spouse’s Immaculate Heart. When Jesus said to you years ago: Just a little farther, He was referring to your journey with Him, in Him, for Him and because of His living in His Mother Mary, and in your heart. You see, My little one in Christ, you can take only little faltering steps each day just as little children learn to crawl, and then to walk, and finally to run. It takes a lifetime on earth to learn the mysteries of God’s love coming to you through My holy power and loving service to each one of you who wants Me, through the Immaculate Heart of My Spouse Mary, the Woman of the New Covenant.


18th January 2000

HOLY SPIRIT: As Jesus told you, after His Resurrection He went immediately upon rising from the tomb to His Mother and conferred upon her the title – Woman of the New Covenant. This has been revealed to you only now, because in God’s timing it is the perfect time now. So do not worry that you have not written enough in the past. I will inspire you when I want you to write down My words of love and explanation of God’s love alive and on fire in Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Her Heart is also the Heart of the Sorrowful Mother who stood with Jesus at the foot of His Cross on that day of His Passion and death on Calvary (cf John 19:25-27).

O, how that poor Mother suffered in order to help Jesus in His work of salvation and in order to earn her title: Woman of the New Covenant! You see, Mary was not passive in her sufferings and agony of mind, spirit and body at the foot of the Cross.



HOLY SPIRIT: I had revealed to her over time, throughout her life, and at the perfect timing of the Lord, her purpose in life, how to live to attain that goal, that purpose for her life on earth, in order to gain her own victory over her agony of mind and spirit and body. She united herself perfectly with Jesus’ Passion and death on the Cross, because she asked for My help and loving protection on that day on Calvary. She agonized in her body, soul and spirit to such a degree that she could easily have died herself, but it was not God’s will. Mary, the Woman of the New Covenant, had more work to do on earth with the Apostles and Jesus’ Church (cf Acts 1:14;2:1), before she received her final reward as Queen of Heaven and earth. She was always Queen of Heaven and earth, but she was not crowned Queen until after her Assumption into Heaven.

As Joseph’s work as guardian of Jesus and Mary continues in Heaven now, so does My Spouse Mary’s work as Mother of Jesus and Mother of you all continue in Heaven now.

18th January 2000

HOLY SPIRIT: She is still exercising her right as Woman of the New Covenant in My power and in My loving service to her as My Spouse and Queen. I love her with an almighty love, as does the Father and Son and all the angels and saints, because they love her with God’s love. Once you gain your reward in Heaven, you become all love and the Blessed Trinity lives in you perfectly and with great joy and happiness. Mary also lives in your heart, when you come to Heaven. By heart I mean in that secret place of which the Father spoke through Jesus – your heart.

But you when you shall pray, enter into your chamber, and having shut
the door, pray to your Father in secret: and your Father who sees in secret
will repay you (Matthew 6:6).


HOLY SPIRIT: That is your heart – the centre of your being, the place of contact with your living, loving God. Your heart can belong to God through Mary’s Immaculate Heart, if you give it to Jesus through her motherly care. Now her Immaculate Heart is the centre of her being, the place where God stores all His love as treasure for you all.



HOLY SPIRIT: Don’t you see how it is imperative that you all give yourselves without hesitation to Mary’s motherly love? She is the meeting place on earth of God’s love with your love. But it needs your cooperation to get there. All you have to do is to tell Me you want to surrender to her motherly care and protective love as Woman of the New Covenant who is covered in Jesus’ Blood, and then I will take you into the mystery of her Immaculate Heart. It is here in her motherly care that you begin, over a lifetime of cooperation and love, to experience the love of Jesus’ Sacred Heart, the love of a Father’s Heart and the love of My Heart which I gave to My Spouse and which is really and truly her own Immaculate Heart.

18th January 2000

HOLY SPIRIT: Hard to believe? No, not if you ask for My help. Not if you try to live this life of perfect love, the Little Way of Saint Therese (cfMt.5:48). Not if you want to make Jesus happy by surrendering to His Mother’s care as He Himself did (cf Luke2:51).

He trusted her so, that He willingly submitted to her motherly love as the Incarnate Word Made Flesh, as a little baby in her arms, as a little child on her knee, as a boy growing up in the loving care of Joseph and Mary, as a teenager in the home of Joseph and in His carpenter’s shop, helping His Mother with her daily chores as wife and Mother, as a young man in the prime of His life learning the ways of Joseph and Mary in My loving care, and then as an evangelizer, the Messiah at work in His Father’s vineyard, following the example of Joseph and Mary, inspired by My loving service, until finally He completed His work on earth as Saviour and Redeemer dying on the Cross at Calvary, an agonizing death in the presence of His loving Mother Mary.


Jesus therefore, when he had taken the vinegar, said: It is consummated.
And bowing his head, he gave up the ghost (John 19:30).



HOLY SPIRIT: Don’t you see how Mary was always there for Jesus? He was her reason for living and dying, and now as Queen of Heaven and earth, she sits at His right hand and continues to fulfil her duties with great love and respect for her Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit as the Woman of the New Covenant. And it is in this role, and under this title, that she will defeat Satan as the Woman of Genesis. Why? Because she is now covered with the Blood of Jesus’ Sacred Heart flowing out to her and to all of us on the wings of the dove of peace through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.


18th January 2000

HOLY SPIRIT: If you want to partake of the goodness of the Lord, if you want to earn your rightful place designated to you by God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit since time began, then surrender to Mary’s motherly care. Submit to the rule of the Queen of Heaven (cf p316HLAW). She will help you by calling on Me, her Spouse, to transform you into another Christ, into the seed of the Woman of Genesis, the Woman of the New Covenant. Mary, your Mother, will come to Me and beg Me to take your heart to Jesus’ Sacred Heart which can never be separated from her Immaculate Heart.



When you saw the two Hearts of Jesus and Mary so many years ago, you loved them more. Now you saw the wounds on those two beautiful Hearts. Now you saw the Blood of the New Covenant on Jesus’ Heart and His gaping wound. His Heart was wide open with love for you. But you also saw the Heart of your Mother encased in a crown of thorns which even then pierced the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The thorns were entwined around her Heart, as she nestled close to His Sacred Heart, never to be separated again from her Son, the love of her life.

O, My little one, in love for the Hearts of Jesus and Mary! You also, all of you who wish to love God and His Mother and yours, who wish to fulfil their purpose in life, must also be there in the mystery of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary through your consecration to Jesus through Mary - in the daily living out of your consecration within My loving service to you, each one of you, personally, individually, because this is the meaning of the New Covenant in love. It is holy, intimate, personal love for each one of you redeemed that day by Jesus, the Messiah, on Calvary in the presence of His Mother Mary. It was on that day that you all were taken into her Heart with Jesus’ words:

Woman, behold thy son (cf John 19:26).

Woman, meaning the Woman of the Cross had now become
Woman of the New Covenant of Love.


18th January 2000

HOLY SPIRIT: So Mary took you all into her Heart that day, at that hour, and so you became the Children of the New Covenant of Love, of the love between Jesus and Mary, in My power, the power of the Cross, and in the will of the Father of you all. If you have never given Me your fiat to love as your own Mother Mary did, for the love of her Father, Jesus and Holy Spouse, then you must now borrow her love which is stored as treasure in her Immaculate Heart, and love, and want to love your Jesus with her own motherly love.



HOLY SPIRIT: It is in this way, living out your beautiful consecration as children of the Woman of the New Covenant in the power of Jesus’ Blood, that you will fulfil your purpose in life. Not only that! You will complete your job in the New Covenant, your role as children, as seed of the Woman of Genesis (cf Gen3:15), who has become the Woman of the New Covenant through Jesus’ Cross and Resurrection. You will be offered My gifts of love – My gifts of love which come to you only through Mary’s Immaculate Heart, which come to you only little by little as you live out your daily consecration to Jesus’ Most Precious Blood in His Sacred Heart through Mary’s Immaculate Heart.



HOLY SPIRIT: Do you want to be like Our Lady wounded with love? Do you want to help your Saviour Jesus in His work of salvation, including the salvation of your own soul and all those souls which are your own personal responsibility to love, and to help with the love of the Woman of the New Covenant and her Holy Spouse? Of course, all of this is done in the Heart of Jesus, His Sacred pierced Heart, wide open to all those who come to Him willingly, lovingly, cheerfully, looking like other Christs, taking up their Cross each day in order to fulfil their purpose in life.


18th January 2000

HOLY SPIRIT: Seek Jesus and I will help you find Him. I will deliver into your hands and hearts so many gifts of Mine which come to you only upon your consecration to Jesus’ Sacred Heart through Mary’s Immaculate Heart. It is only with your ongoing cooperation, with your own personal conversion, that these gifts when accepted by you, will enable you to fulfil perfectly, in God’s holy will and in the Name of Jesus, your purpose in life. I beg each one of you now who read this, ask Me - what is your purpose in life? What is the role which you must play in the New Covenant of love between the Father and each one of you sealed with the Blood of Jesus in the presence of the Woman of the New Covenant at Calvary, and again at the Resurrection of her Son Jesus?

Believe Me, until you grasp the truth about your Mother’s role in the New Covenant of love, until you accept her as a gift from Jesus: Behold thy Mother (John 19:27), until you surrender your own heart and soul, life and time into her warm motherly Heart, you will be bereft of all those gifts of Mine, of My loving service to you through Mary’s Immaculate Heart which lives in Jesus’ Sacred Heart, My gifts which you expressly need in order to fulfil your purpose in life as children of the Woman of the New Covenant of love. So, pray, pray, pray, and as you receive Jesus in Holy Communion today, ask Him, beg Him, plead with Him for the graces and blessings from the Father, through His pierced Sacred Heart, through Mary’s Immaculate Heart, coming to you through My loving service to you.



HOLY SPIRIT: Without the intercession of your Mother’s Immaculate Heart, you will never fulfil your own personal role in the New Covenant, because she is the meeting place on earth of the Triune God with your own little heart. This is the safe place, the secret of her Immaculate Heart. She is the Ark of the New Covenant. She is your security and love as you stand before your God.

1.    Will you accept Jesus’ Mother as your own (cf Behold thy Mother John 19:27)?

2.    Will you help her crush Satan’s head as the Woman of Genesis 3:15( cf She shall crush thy head Genesis 3:15), and

3.    Will you become all hers in order to become all His?



18th January 2000

HOLY SPIRIT: That is, become one with Mary in her Immaculate Heart, in order to become one with Jesus in His Sacred Heart, because their two Hearts are inseparable.

They are one in love through My holy power.
They are one in thought through My holy love.
They are one in spirit through My holy will.
They are one in love for you.
You cannot have one without the other.
You cannot have Jesus without Mary.
You cannot love God perfectly unless you live in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary each day of your life on earth (cf Matthew 5:48).

You cannot achieve your purpose in life, your role in the New Covenant, unless you learn to live love and to choose love at each passing moment of your life while you live in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

You cannot experience the love of God and accept all of My gifts of love, unless you live with Mary at the foot of the Cross of Jesus, in the power of the Cross, through your total surrender to Jesus’ Sacred Heart through Mary’s Immaculate Heart. It is here at the foot of the Cross with Mary, the Woman of the New Covenant, that all will take place in God’s perfect timing (cf John 12:32).


18th January 2000

HOLY SPIRIT: And you will live to see the Triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart. You will see the victory of Jesus’ Sacred Heart through Mary’s Immaculate Heart over Satan. She will crush his head with My power and the power of Jesus’ Blood which cover her as revealed by John in Revelation 12:1. As the Woman of the New Covenant, she will stand at the foot of the Cross dressed in Jesus’ power, living in My power which resides in her Immaculate Heart, and in God’s acceptable time, she will conquer Satan. She asks and begs you to help her. Become her seed, the seed of the Woman of Genesis with Jesus as her first born, through your complete and utter surrender of your heart to her Immaculate Heart, and thereby you surrender to Jesus’ Sacred Heart, and eventually become all His with My help and the help of all the angels and saints – especially those assigned to you to help you in your role as children of the Father and Mother of the New Covenant. You too are clothed in the power of Jesus’ Blood when you stand with Mary at the foot of the Cross.

And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of the
testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death (Revelation 12:11).



HOLY SPIRIT: You too are given My gifts in abundance when you entrust your hearts, life, time and eternity to Jesus’ Most Precious Blood in His Sacred Heart through her own Heart. I must tell you this truth. It is only with My gifts that you will achieve your purpose, your role in the New Covenant. And it is only through your entrustment to your Blessed Mother that I will shower you with gifts in abundance in order for you to carry out God’s will in your life. Ask Little Therese to help you stand with her as you support Mary at the foot of the Cross, comfort Jesus Christ, and take up your Cross each day and follow him up to your own Calvary, the Sacred Way (cf Isaiah 35:8-10), which passes through Calvary in order to reach Paradise. Go now to Mass and receive the strength of Jesus’ Blood through your Holy Communion. Do so in the loving arms and Heart of Mary, My eternal Spouse. Amen.


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