JESUS: How does it feel to belong to Me completely through your unconditional surrender to My Mother’s Immaculate Heart? Reap the benefits of such a loving friendship (p754HLAW). Keep well now in My arms, because when you place yourself in the realm of love through the Holy Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Heart, you become the property of the Holy Spirit of truth and love, might and power (1Cor3:9), (p754HLAW).

JESUS: Become attuned to the sighs of the Heavenly Spouses, Mary and her Holy Spirit, as they walk among the flowers of your love and sacrifices, as they partake of their beauty and perfume, and foster their growth alongside the weeds and darnel of despair. Always be happy, because you are now their property, theirs to care for and to maintain an excellent approach to life, a life lived wholly within the confines of your host’s sanctity and love (cfGal4:6), (pp743-4HLAW).

MARY: In order to obtain my help in a compelling and decisive manner, you must consecrate yourself, your life, your whole family to my own motherly Heart pierced for love of you all. If you feel so inclined to accept my invitation, I will be free to do my utmost to help you, to mother you and to nourish you with the Body and Blood of my Son Jesus, true Lamb of God (p573HLAW).

JOSEPH: You are my daughter, and I want you to know that you belong to me through your kinship rights, but also because of your desire to belong to me in a special way through your consecration. What I want you to do is this: come to me and I will be at your right hand to guide and to instruct you in accordance with God’s plan for you yourself, my little one (12.8.1998).

LITTLE THERESE: Know that you are in my legion of souls. Unite with your friends in the company of your Little Flower as we stand with our Queen and Mother at the foot of the Cross, adoring Jesus as our love and life, recognizing His divinity and humanity, acknowledging His manhood crucified, resurrected (p353HLAW).

MARY: I am your Spiritual Mother. I alone have been given the role of taking you by the hand to Jesus. Call on the help of the Holy Spirit. He will help you go to Jesus through me. This requires a special grace. It is a privilege not granted to many souls (p80HLAW).



MARY: Even though it is the will of the Blessed Trinity that you belong to Jesus through me, not many realize the value of this special consecration. Pray hard for enlightenment. Pray with me, and through me, and in me. I will cover your prayers with my mantle of love. I will place your prayers in the hands of my Son Jesus. With the guidance of the Paraclete you will come to me with love and humility. I will take you immediately with the Holy Spirit to Jesus. I will place your tired heart into His. I will give Him to you entirely. He will come and indwell your heart with the whole heavenly family.

Where Jesus is, there is the Father. Where Jesus lives, there live I. Where I live, the Holy Spirit, my Spouse, lives with me. He never leaves me. He is with me constantly. I never leave Jesus and Jesus never leaves the Father. Neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit ever leaves Jesus. This is a taste of Heaven.

When Jesus lives in your heart, you have already commenced your heavenly life on earth. Of course the veil which prevents your seeing Him clearly is not withdrawn very often, if at all. But nevertheless, you begin to experience your Heaven on earth. You become more and more a creature of love as Jesus’ presence within you grows and grows. You become less and less, as He fills you with His divine presence and love (p80HLAW).

He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30).

As the Father knows me, and I know the Father: and I lay down my life for my sheep (John 10:15).



MARY: In my care you will respond to His new found love with great joy and peace. The gifts of the Holy Spirit will fill up your entire being. You will grow in His love which will manifest itself in your thoughts, words and deeds. You will become beautiful flowers in God’s garden. The Holy Spirit and I will be your gardeners. You will be refreshed with the Word of God. You will be fed on the Body and Blood of Christ. He will shine on you and you will become resplendent in His light (p81HLAW).



MARY: Peace will descend upon you and your homes. Your families will be the grateful recipients of God’s many graces and blessings. Your earthly spouses will grow deeper and deeper in the faith of their Lord Jesus. Your homes will become havens of peace as my tiny home in Nazareth became. It was a beacon to all wayfarers. Many lost souls knocked on its door and were welcomed by Jesus and me. No one was turned away. When Joseph was alive, he also made all of God’s creatures who entered our home, feel welcome and loved. He protected us from the wrath of God’s enemies. He stood between them and us and repelled those filled with the hatred of Satan.

Even today he will be there protecting Jesus and me from those invaders who wish to do harm. I have asked Jesus to allow Joseph to protect your homes from Satan and his band of demons. When you go to the door of your home, know that I go with you. Know that Jesus hides within you. Know also that Joseph continues to protect his heavenly family as well as you and your family. He was always true to his God. He was always an upright and just man of God. He upheld the rights of the little family at Nazareth. Believe that he will be your special patron and defender. At his command, Jesus will dispatch many heavenly angels to His side in defence of God’s property (p81HLAW).

For He is our peace (Ephesians 2:14).



MARY: You belong to God. You are entirely in Jesus’ care from the first moment you wished to consecrate your life to Him through me. When you offer me your life, and when you renew your life offering each day, I accept it graciously and thankfully and give it to Jesus for safe keeping. He is your Saviour. He has the power to save your soul. Give him your heart and He will fly to your side. He will enter into your heart and make it His abode (p81HLAW).


MARY: All demons will flee at His coming. Jesus’ very presence will cause great fear and terror among Satan and his devils. Jesus’ presence will drive away all evil doers. He will uphold His own. He will defend you with His Most Precious Blood spilt on the Cross at Calvary. Carry your Cross with Him and you will be freed from all danger from Satan and his demonic band (p82HLAW).


JESUS: Yes, go into your Mother’s arms, because she is there to mother you, to caress you, and to put salve on your wounds. She pours her love over you and calms your restless mind in anguish and torment as you receive blow after blow from Satan’s hand. Do not become distressed. This is what it means to become another Christ. There is no justice in what has been meted out to you – no love, just hatred and isolation. Do you mind? I told you your sufferings were going to worsen. I warned that you were going to be treated no better than your Master and King (cfJn15:20). I understand your distress. Just rest content in My Mother’s arms and I will heal your wounds with My own. I will not let anyone harm you. I will not allow anyone to prevent My work of love from being carried out. Trust Me, because I heal as I work through you. I pour My healing love on all those you intercede for. With the help of My Mother, you’ll surface with brilliance and strengthen your love for me (pp326-7HLAW).


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