21st May 1999

JESUS: In the face of blinding evidence of wars, unrest, anarchy and disruption of life on earth, people are still not prepared to sacrifice themselves as people did in the days of old. This generation questions everything, even the messages of my Mother sent to the earth by the Father’s will. In order to stop the approaching wars and the consequent even greater disruption on earth, I am turning to you to ask you to go ahead with your mission for Me on earth. Time is of the essence. What I want from you is your continued loyalty and longing to do My will. Pray that God’s will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Consider yourself a disciple of the Little Way and watch the following events unfold on earth with a trusting face. Now it is not as it seems on earth you know. There is an immense network of support for My Mother. All you need to do is to trust in My promises of peace and love on earth. Dissuade all dissenters by asking them to study the Fatima message. Give out your own messages you have received from Our Mother and Me, as well as My Holy Spirit and our dear Father. Ask them to live the Little Way of Saint Therese, now a Doctor of the Church. Get your key words and match them up with the Fatima message. Therese’s messages are one of a simple faith, and hopeful trust, and confident joy in My mission to save you and to renew your world, by renewing My Church. You are My Church, part of My Church who believe in the message of Fatima given by My dearest Mother as My missionary envoy, inspired and directed by God the Holy Spirit. She and the Holy Spirit both support My mission and they will both help you to support My mission too, in a way that accords with the divine will of My Father. All is well. Never doubt your ability to place these messages, that is, Fatima and your own from God and our Mother, into the right hands in whatever way the Holy Spirit asks of you. The means of delivering these messages coming from the Fatima message itself is in the hands of Saint Joseph who will protect you and love you with his fatherly love. This gift I am giving you, you don’t deserve remember. But I want you to go forth with a smile on your lips and a song in your heart, and so, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you will shine and bring great glory to your Triune God, as well as helping to establish firmly in the world devotion to our Mother’s Immaculate Heart.


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