Comfort, rest and reward!
Peace, love, joy and happiness!
Security, safety, hope and confidence!

JESUS: Peace will descend upon you, the peace of your Saviour and Lord (cf John 20:19-29). Love will envelop you as the Holy Spirit breathes His flame of love and possesses you. Joy will be yours as your Heavenly Mother cries out in My name to save you, her beloved daughter or son. And happiness will be your lot as we present you to our Heavenly Father of love, welcoming you into His Kingdom of love (cfMt11:27), (p320HLAW).

HOLY SPIRIT: And I will comfort you. I will guide you along the stormy paths to this great peace. When you stand with Jesus and Mary in the storms, know that I am with you to comfort you, to console you. I am the great Consoler(cf Isaiah9:6; Jn14:16,26;15:26); (p86HLAW).

JESUS:  Herein let it be known that all who favour My Mother with special prayers and devotions will never be left unaided by her nor by Me.  We support our Queen with the utmost respect and devotion. We uphold her good name and give her honour above all the angels and saints (p657HLAW).

HOLY SPIRIT: As Jesus’ love unfolds in a myriad of ways dazzling to behold and striking terror into the hearts of sinful man, then you, who are safe and snug in your Mother’s arms, enwrapped in My flame of love, secure in Jesus’ love will triumph. You will see the triumph of love over all evil and sin. Death will not bother you as you face each day with Jesus’ love. He has placed His victorious Cross, soaked in His Blood, in front of each of His faithful creatures of love (cf Revelation 12:11), (p476HLAW).

JESUS: Receive my Body and Blood in Communion each day with Me, and I will give you rest and strength, love and peace, happiness and joy amidst life’s troubles and turmoils (p143HLAW).


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