Our Lady of Fatima’s 1917 Message of Hope and Love in Jesus Christ
On 13
th October 1930 The Bishop of Fatima declared the Fatima
apparitions to be worthy of belief.

MARY: In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me (The Collegial Consecration was made by Pope John Paul II and the Bishops of the world on 25th March 1984), and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.

On 13th October 1930 the Bishop of Fatima declared the Fatima apparitions worthy of belief.

What does God require of each one of us now in order for peace, God’s peace, to establish its reign on this earth?

1.    Allegiance to Mary, and to her Son Jesus through her Immaculate Heart in the power of the Cross, that is, in the power of Jesus’ Blood of the New Covenant and in the power of the Holy Spirit of Truth. This invitation to consecrate or entrust our life to Jesus through Mary is Biblical in its roots: Woman, behold thy son. Behold thy Mother John 19:26-27. At Fatima, Jesus through Mary, invites us to recognize her role in salvation, to accept her as a gift from Jesus, to listen to the Gospel message spoken by Our Lady today. Jesus invites us to be with Mary at the foot of the Cross to adore and trust in the power of His Most Precious Blood to heal and save us.

2.    Reparation for our sins and the sins of the world to a deeply offended God: Eucharistic Reparation, Daily Rosary, Communion of Reparation on Five First Saturdays (that is, Mass, Holy Communion, Confession, Rosary, Meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary for 15 minutes with the intention of making reparation for sins committed specifically against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and therefore against God). Our Lady asks us to stand firm and wear the sign of our entrustment to her, and of her motherly care of us, the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

If people heeded Our Lady of Fatima’s requests, and carried them out in a purposeful way with love seeking Jesus, the Way, Truth and Life (John 14:6), then all would be well in our hearts, as well as in our world.


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