17th April 1999

MARY: Your belt is the cord of the Rosary, my Rosary, because this is a prayer you pray with me to God the Father, through Jesus, and in the power of the Holy One. He is sent to help you become all mine. Embrace the love of the Holy Spirit. How, you ask? Well, when you pray your Rosary with me, He is binding us together in a unity of love that will last forever throughout eternity. Do you understand what I am saying to you, my little one?

(Please teach me, Mother, with your wisdom and love.)

MARY: My dear little child, believe in the goodness of your Creator, Saviour and Sanctifier. This means that what Jesus has given to you is heaven sent. Use all your intelligence to think it out in its entirety, in conformity with God’s will. Love with my love and all will be well. Choose to love me with the love of the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Choose to enter into the power of the Cross – the Holy Spirit’s power. He is there to love you and comfort you as you sit on my lap, the Seat of Wisdom, as Jesus told you, and you have now found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (cf No.721).

MARY: This bond between you and me is really the love of the Holy Spirit. He wants you to bind yourself to me by saying your Rosary with me, in me, through me, and because of me. Why? Because it is my job as your Mother to lead you to Jesus and to reveal to you how to love my Jesus with my love, my Motherly love, my Motherly presence, and my Motherly wisdom and compassion – all gifts to me from my Holy Spouse, the Holy Spirit of love and truth.

HOLY SPIRIT: Choose with your freewill what you want to do with your life. If you choose to do God’s will, then I am free to help you to love your Jesus through Mary with all of My love, for I am the Conception of love issuing forth from the Hearts of the Father and the Son. I am all love (cf 1Jn4:8,16). I am a force of love, an energy in which you may dwell, because I reside in the Hearts of the Father, Jesus and Mary, and I bind you all together as your freewill allows, permits Me to do so (21st May1998).


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