27th May 1997


JESUS: If you want to be a good and faithful disciple, you must change your ways. Increase your prayer time, some of it in front of Me in the Blessed Sacrament, exposed or in the Tabernacle. Find time to do some good reading, for example, Little Therese’s work, St. Louis de Montfort’s work each day. Give priority to your discipleship, to Jesus through Mary; that means to come to me with Mary and in her graces and blessings stored in her Immaculate Heart.

Be brave, happy; accept your lot. Be content. Be just and loving, patient and kind as I am and so is My Mother (cf Mt11:28-30). Imitate Me the Suffering Servant, the Man of Sorrows, rejected and accepted, criticized and applauded, loved and hated, filled with our Father’s love at all times, under the care of the Holy Spirit and Mary.

Forget self immediately by surrendering all to Me, your divine Master and teacher, through our Mother’s good and clean Heart. Despise yourself and set yourself adrift upon the waves of mercy. Forgive those who hurt you, because they don’t know what they are doing. Keep watch on your thoughts and tongue because you displease Me mightily with your errant ways. Come and sit with Me in the peace and light of our Father’s love coming to you directly through My Heart and the Heart of our Mother in the Holy Spirit’s flame of love.

Cry out to us and we will help you. We are only one cry away from your thoughts and heart when you are in danger and trouble. Difficulty upon difficulty will be your lot, but you will be able to handle this, because you believe and belong in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, united all together in and by the burning flame of the Spirit’s love and desire to make you all Mine. Yes, listen to the desires of My own Heart within you and that of your Mother’s as we love you and help you to ride on the waves of God’s merciful healing love. This feeling of yours that you want to belong entirely to Me through Mary’s Heart is inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself.

So sing a song of yes as your Mother did many centuries ago (cf Lk1:38,46-55). O, this grace is yours. Accept it. Bless it and God will give you free reign in your life to love Him, the Triune God, Godhead of Love, as Mary did.

She loved the Father, Me and the Holy Spirit greater and far beyond the capacity of any other human being to love and to receive our love with compliance to God’s will, with desires to make us happy, with certainty in our promises of salvation and friendship.

Become one with your Mother Mary as she offers your thoughts, words and deeds to Me for our Heavenly Father’s glory. All is accomplished in the strong and constant love of the Holy Spirit Who inspires you to love with your Mother’s love. Amen.



JESUS: Don’t you see how important it is to love your Mother as I do? She will protect you from dangers unknown to you. She will defend you vigorously and in good faith against the evil one who tries so hard to steal you away from Me, the Good Shepherd.

Know this:

It is with my Mother’s love that you conquer Satan and his evil ways.

It is with My Mother’ virtues and strength that you will become free and break loose from the chains that bind you to the world and your own unruly passions.

It is with her love coming directly from the Father through My Sacred Heart in the power of the Spirit of love that you will conquer hatred, division and scorn, and love with the love of your own dear Lord and Saviour (p744HLAW).


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