(17th April 1999)

HOLY SPIRIT: I am the power of the Cross. My job is to empower you with God’s love and light  (p383HLAW).

MARY: I entered into the power of the Cross. That is, I entered into the power of my Spouse, the Holy Spirit, Who embraced me and helped me in His loving power and compassion while I stood at the foot of the Cross and watched my Jesus, my Son, in His last agony of mind and body.

I was there to see the piercing of His Heart broken for love of all of us (cf But one of the soldiers with a spear opened his side, and immediately there came out blood and water John19:34). I was there at the foot of the Cross to comfort my Jesus and to love Him with all my Heart and soul, all my mind and strength, and my neighbour as myself (cf Mark 12:30-31). I did not do this alone. I embraced the love of the Holy Spirit. I stood there at the foot of the Cross in the power of the Holy Spirit, and I embraced my Cross. I allowed the Holy Spirit to comfort me as my own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart broke in two (cf And thy own soul a sword shall pierce Luke 2:35). I did it for love.

I lived my life for the sake of love – love of my Father’s will, love of my Jesus as Saviour and Redeemer, and love of my dear Spouse, the Holy Spirit of love and life. He breathed life into me that day on Calvary. If He had not sustained me, I would have died with Jesus on His Cross, because the Father had willed I remain with my Jesus to the very end. It was only the presence of the Holy Spirit within me that sustained me and helped me to be there with Jesus on His Cross. I was also there with Jesus at His Resurrection. This was a great gift from the Father. The motherly presence was there for Jesus inside His tomb as He rose from the dead in accordance with the Father’s plans. He rose glorious and immortal from the dead, because this was His victory over death, over sin, over Satan the father of lies. O, my dear one, the Holy Spirit sustained me at the Resurrection of my Son too, or I would have died with joy at seeing the Risen Jesus, my Beloved Son, now risen from the dead, glorious and immortal. O, the joy of this Mother’s Heart!


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