4TH April 1999


HOLY SPIRIT: Today I empower you to be rich in love as you take on the identity of Christ, crucified and risen. He lives within you through your worthy reception of Holy Communion (cf John 6:57). He wants to live in you each day with His Mother Mary and your Mother too. She is My beautiful Spouse.

I advise you of this truth. Anyone, who deliberately avoids living in the holy presence of my beautiful Spouse Mary, will never enter into God’s friendship and love as the Father ordained for each and every person. Such deliberate disobedience on the part of a person sets them apart from God’s friendship and love.

Consider Jesus Christ’s life on earth. It was a model of perfect union with our Father in Heaven, lived in the loving arms of Mary and Joseph, and breathed on by Me. I wanted to love you into the ways of Jesus Christ – each one of you born on earth, after I breathed My breath of love into your soul at your conception.

Although you want to love your Jesus wholeheartedly, you will fail miserably unless you imitate Jesus’ life on earth lived in the atmosphere of His Mother’s love, and of Joseph’s guidance and fatherly love. Yes, her love is your treasure for which you must sell everything else in order to purchase such a treasure.



The kingdom of Heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field . Which a man having found, hid it, and for joy thereof goes, and sells all that he has, and buys that field. Again the kingdom of heaven is like to a merchant seeking good pearls. Who when he had found one pearl of great price, went his way, and sold all that he had, and bought it Matthew 13:44-46).


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