Two half-hours of meditative prayer every day morning and night

And Jesus came to his disciples, and found them asleep, and he said to Peter: What? Could you not watch one hour with me? (Matthew 26:40).



JESUS: Your Mother and I have devised a simple plan for you to follow each day to help you in your work of love. When are you going to come to Me in love and trust at a special rendezvous time with the help of our Mother Mary? She knows what I mean and how to accomplish this request of Mine (p521HLAW).



JESUS: Consciously place yourself on your Mother’s lap. She’ll help you get there. She’ll reach down and place you on her knee, the knee of My Mother, where I myself sat and learned many secrets about God and His love. Yes, she taught Me to love My Father in Heaven as a tiny child who listens in wonder and awe as a Mother reveals to her loved one the secrets of the Kingdom of God revealed to her by the Holy Spirit Himself.

O yes, how I listened to My Mother as I sat on her knee in silence and reverence for My great Father in Heaven! You too can avail yourself of the opportunity to draw closer to Me through My Mother’s love and charms. Don’t resist as time is short and you have much to learn about the ways of God – His love and how it comes to you throughout your life, My saving grace given to Me by My Father in Heaven through the powerful Holy Spirit of God (p497HLAW).


Come to Me, all you that labour and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For My yoke is sweet and My burden light (Matthew 11:28-30).

JESUS: Come now, and rest your weary head against My Heart like John did at the Last Supper, when I gave My Body and Blood to the world for the first time. Learn to live in the grace of your Lord with true humility and meekness. You honour Me best by never doubting My love. Even the tiniest disbelief on your part tears at My Body and wounds Me dreadfully. Don’t you know I love you? Don’t you feel it? Allow yourself to experience My love by sitting quietly with me each day (p105HLAW).

JESUS: Arrange a time with your Mother’s help to come to Me during the day and night – a time in which we can talk about your troubles and anxieties, about your dreams and love for your God, your family and neighbours (p516HLAW).

JESUS: My Mother will be there to help you, but you will not see her. She will embrace you with her heavenly motherly love. Be unafraid as we have lots to talk about and to discuss. But first, let us be together – just you and Me. Don’t you want to spend time with Me, the Infinite One? (p708HLAW).

JESUS: Pray silently in My company, in My friendship and allow My healing love to invade your mind (p708HLAW).

JESUS: Put your hand in Mine and let Me lead you through life. Don’t be afraid! My love will overcome all difficulties. Together we will face the world. I’ll heal your brokenness. Trust Me! Love Me! I’ll help you. I am the great physician. I am the great healer. Escape from yourself by coming to Me. I know you better than you know yourself (p282HL).

JESUS: O, ye of little faith, how much longer must I put up with you? I have asked you to go to our Mother for help. I have asked you to come to Me each day in a quiet way and unburden the secrets of your heart’s desires to My Sacred Heart. I have searched for you and longed for your company many times each day and still you resist (pp227-8HLAW).



JESUS: Two half-hours of meditative prayer, sunbathing as you call it, every day, morning and night, will help prevent Satan penetrating My divine light which encases your body and heart. It causes him much pain to do so, but he’ll do anything and put up with anything to capture a soul (p735HLAW).

JESUS: Without this deep time of companionship and friendship in My company, you won’t be able to complete what I have in mind for you (p708HLAW).

JESUS: Unless you do this for love of Me, you won’t be able to pour forth My graces and blessings which I wish you receive through your Mother’s Immaculate Heart (p691HLAW).

JESUS: Without this quiet, still time with Me, every one of your efforts will be of no avail and bear no rich harvest for your Lord and God (p708HLAW).

JESUS: If you were to come to Me faithfully at a certain time every day, then you would be better able to resist life’s torments and those who hurt you. Believe Me, this is the only way you will be able to keep going along the road to Calvary (p105HLAW).

JESUS: This is what is now required in order for you to help your lost brethren, My loved and wounded sheep, driven out of My fold by the devil’s hatred, running from Me in fear and ignorance (p468HLAW).

JESUS: Don’t you know that this is how you can comfort your poor Master by showing others the way to My Heart burning with love for all mankind? (p106HLAW).



The Master is come, and calls for you (John 11:28).

JOSEPH: I want to help you to maintain a proper perspective. This will be my key role – to help you keep a balance in life, so that you always have quiet time with your Lord Jesus in the powerful love of the Holy Spirit of love. Without this healing love each day, you will wither like the fruit on the vine without water and the proper nourishment to grow. Keep aware of the inner promptings of the Spirit. Love your Jesus and the Holy Family in your everyday life (p715HLAW).

JESUS: Joseph will help you to move even further deeper and deeper into the new life I am offering you and all who seek Me, the true source of all of God’s life and love – Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Amen (p721HLAW).

Who will help us respond to Jesus’ call to love and holiness?

JESUS: Now ask for the help of the Holy Spirit and of My Mother, because they are the gardeners of your soul. It is their job to help you to turn your heart around to receive the full strength of My healing love which will shower you with blessings, graces and the Good News of God’s Kingdom of healing love. They will lead you to me. They will always be there for you. They work as a team as God’s gardeners of your soul. Gently and constantly they will work in your soul, if you but give it all to them in trusting love of your Saviour, Jesus Christ. I love you. Come and receive My love. I’ll never let you down. Soon we’ll be soaring on wings of fire into the realm of the Father’s love. You can do it, if you’d only say “Yes”. Say “Yes” now and make your Saviour happy. Thank you in anticipation of your love (p193HLAW).


JOSEPH: I assist them in their role as gardeners of your soul by guarding the seed of life placed within you all by Jesus, the giver of life and love. Jesus is that seed, that Word of life, that springs eternal in your soul throughout your entire life. He plants His word within your heart in order that it may take root and spring up as a tiny delicate plant – the beginnings of the divine life deep within you. It is the Holy Spirit and Mary who water that tiny seed of life and it is I who guard and foster its growth in conjunction with their work of love.

O, the sublimity of God our Creator! Who can know such wonders and mysteries of the universe as watching, tending, and carefully guarding that little tiny seed of God’s life deep within each soul? The waters of Baptism given to you through the power of the Holy Spirit help this seed to grow in the love, warmth and light of Jesus’ love. Mary carefully nurtures its life as she succoured Jesus at her breast. She mothers that tiny seed of eternal life within you, because she is your Mother, your heavenly Queen and God’s obedient servant.

The Holy Spirit empowers life into that seed, the Word of God, and watches it grow in the gifts of His love. He showers it with His gifts which are especially part of His love and truth. Without these gifts of love, without Mary’s guiding hand, the seed would remain lifeless, and in some cases it dies, never to be rekindled with love (pp273-4HLAW).


JOSEPH: Because it is imperative for the person to respond willingly and happily with the workings of the divine life deep within. It is each person’s task to face God and to open up his/her arms and heart in prayerful surrender to that great God of love and might.

Without a person’s cooperation and willingness to freely come to the fountain of all life, Jesus Himself, that work of love, designed by God to be accomplished in partnership with Himself and Mary remains lifeless and loveless, cheerless and joyless. There is little warmth, life and love in those hearts which remain as hard as stone in the hands of the Holy Spirit and Mary. With your intercessory prayers joined to those of your Mother and the groanings and sighs of the Holy Spirit of love and truth, Jesus continues to try to save that soul by pouring out His healing love – His Blood to cover that person’s heart (p274HLAW).

The seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11).

Jesus: Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. And they by the way side are they that hear; then the devil comes, and takes the word out of their heart, lest believing they should be saved.
Now they upon the rock, are they who when they hear, receive the word with joy: and these have no roots; for they believe for a while, and in time of temptation, they fall away.
And that which fell among thorns, are they who have heard, and going their way, are choked with the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and yield no fruit.
But that on the good ground, are they who in a good and perfect heart, hearing the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit in patience.


10th January 1999

JESUS: This hour we spend together, two halves, morning and night, at a time appointed by you with the help of your Mother and the Holy Spirit, the two gardeners of your soul – keep going! Don’t stop trying, because the Holy Spirit and Mary will teach you how to come to Me in this manner I desire.

Forget past indiscretions. Forget your apparent failures and limitations. Forget yourself completely with the help of the Holy Spirit and Mary. Be calm in My presence and face Me with the love of your Mother and the Holy Spirit. I love you, My little one, tossed on the wild waves of life. Be calm and be calmed in My holy presence, because then you will take on the charms of your holy Mother.

I want you to be like Mary wounded with love. So come to Me, whenever danger threatens and I will becalm you. I will soothe your hurts and wounds, I will cover them with My healing love, and all will be well. Be brave, My little one. Be unafraid in My holy presence. I am the Infinite One. I am all yours and you belong to Me through the holiness of our Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Be calmed in My holy presence and in this way, you will begin to answer My call to love and holiness. Amen.


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