HOLY SPIRIT: Joseph came to Jesus through Mary (p737HLAW).

13th March 1999

MARY: Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you about St. Joseph’s qualities of humility, purity, faithfulness, trust, loving confidence in God’s word delivered to him by angels of light and love (cf Matthew 1:18-25; 2:13-14, 19-23), and his fatherhood of Jesus as Head of the Holy Family, guardian and protector of his charges, Jesus and me (cf Matthew 1:24). He learned so much from watching Jesus at play, sleeping, working, praying that he imitated Him in all things. Jesus also learnt from Joseph and you have an example of that in the last vision at Fatima, October (13th) 1917, when Jesus blessed the world in the same manner as Joseph from whom He learnt so much. Joseph formed the baby Jesus through his headship of the Holy Family of Nazareth, as you call us. His Fatherhood was Heaven sent and God chose Joseph to be the one who would help me form Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit into the great Redeemer of men.

Joseph was a man of few words. He spent his life in obedience to God’s word, loving us with a Father’s love, and teaching us how to relate to other people in all different circumstances. Yes, Joseph was our protector and loving guide in the world. He was the one chosen by God for this beautiful task of helping me to carry, nourish, rear, teach and defend Jesus from prying eyes and meddling tongues.

Joseph’s silence was enough to repel evil men. At times he spoke kindly, but firmly to those who bade to enter our little home at Nazareth out of curiosity, rather than love. You see, Jesus was a beautiful child to look at and to behold. Many came to gaze on His Face, the Face of the Man God. It was Joseph who stood at the door to our home to repel evil with a single gaze, but who also welcomed those strangers who were seeking God.

Remember the Magi! (cf Matthew 2:11). Joseph instinctively knew they were good men and he allowed them to enter.

MARY: Also Joseph welcomed the shepherds who had heard the angels singing that first Christmas night (cf Luke 2:8-20). Joseph believed these humble ones of God, because he himself was led by angels all his life (cf Mt 1:20-21; Mt 2:13-15,19-23). His humility was such that he knew truth from falsehood. His obedience was such that he acted immediately on God’s orders through the angel of light (cf Matthew 1:24; 2:14,21-22). His faith and trust in the Triune God was so great, that he always acted in accordance with God’s will. O, how simple and beautiful was the life we led at Nazareth in the safety of Joseph’s guardianship!


MARY: You can also live this life through your consecration to Jesus through my Immaculate Heart, because this consecration embraces the love of the Head of the Holy Family of Nazareth, Joseph the just, who spent his life in doing God’s will and making Jesus and me happy. His sincerity won over many hearts. His love for Jesus and me was humbly received by us, because we also had a great love for this man of strength and purity, Joseph.


MARY: His triumph will also occur with mine, because God chose us to be holy spouses on earth and in Heaven. Soon we will experience the victory of Jesus through my Immaculate Heart. It will be the victory for the Holy Family of Nazareth, because it is God’s will, and His word will never go to Heaven unfulfilled (cf Isaiah 55:11). My little one, go to Joseph and give him your life’s work every day, because he will guard it from evil men and allow men of good will to receive it in God’s love. This is very important now that your work takes a different turn.

Come into my arms and live in my Heart, because I love you and that is where I want you to be, safe in my Heart living within the Holy Family of Nazareth, living in our simple, humble home, but one filled with God’s graces and blessings, and above all, His infinite love. The Holy Triune God lives in my Immaculate Heart. It is a place of rest where God indwells each and every soul who consecrates his or her life to my Jesus through surrendering to my Immaculate Heart.

MARY: That means, that you surrender to a Mother’s love. You embrace a Mother’s love. You want to accept and live in my motherly embrace now and forever. This is God’s will (cf John 19:27), and this is where your formation as a child of God takes place.



MARY: Will you choose me this day as your Mother and friend? Will you live in my motherly love now and forever? I am the link between Heaven and earth, placed there by God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in your heart, and then come to me. I will place you safely within the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus, never again to know want or hunger, or thirst for God’s love, because the Holy Spirit and I will nourish your soul forever with the fragrance of my Son Jesus, with the simplicity and humility of Joseph, and also of the angels and saints, especially Little Therese, who chose to live the Little Way of total abandonment to God’s will in the shadow of her Father Joseph.

Come to me and stand with me at the foot of the Cross as I repel Satan and his band of evil doers. I need your loving prayers, and total obedience, and complete trust in my Motherhood, and in my love for my little seed (cf Genesis 3:15), born to me that day on Calvary when I stood at the foot of the Cross covered in the Blood and the shadow of my Son’s love (cf John 19:25-27). O, what joy to behold, as I look into your face, the little face of love and trust in your Mother’s love! Thank you for loving me and accepting me as your Mother in God’s love, in the love of the Holy Family of Nazareth, in the love of Jesus’ crucifixion and Resurrection. Yes, let us today, now, begin this new life of love and trust – simplicity in living out the Little Way of St. Therese in imitation of the love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph at Nazareth. This is your heritage.

Accept it with both hands and learn to live out your life humbly in God’s merciful love each day as you renounce self, take up your Cross, and follow my Jesus up to Calvary (cf Luke 9:23), where you will find happiness and contentment, and a great reward in Heaven for all eternity. Amen (13.3.1999).


JOSEPH: I love you, my little one. You are my daughter and I want you to know that you belong to me through your kinship rights, but also because of your desire to belong to me in a special way through your consecration. You made it in accordance with God’s desires – in the Name of Jesus and through the constant intercession of Mary, my holy spouse. She is your Mother and she is also my Mother, the Mother of all mankind (cf Genesis 3:20), (12th August 1998).

LITTLE THERESE: Be like your Holy Family in Nazareth, all loving, all caring and helpful to those around you in the ordinary everyday tasks of life. This is the Little Way of love to Jesus through Mary in the power of the Holy One. Become like them, all love as you live out your life day by day, week by week, year by year, accepting all things as from the hand of God, trusting and loving as a small child in the great mercy and loving forgiveness of Our Lord and God (p652HLAW).

LITTLE THERESE: And yes, you’ll have Mary as your Mother to help you as you climb Calvary with Jesus, in Jesus and for Jesus through the power and love of the Holy Spirit. He is a Spirit of action and love. He wants to help you to embrace your Cross, because it is here on the road to Calvary that you will become a saint, loving all, accepting all, trusting all to Jesus as you abandon your life to Him through Mary, the Mother of all saints and the Mother of all sinners (cf Luke 9:23-25); (p652HLAW).

JOSEPH: Keep still in the presence of the Holy Family of Nazareth. Watch their movements as they go about their daily chores. Wouldn’t you want to stay forever in their presence and love? Well you can begin now by studying them each in their roles:

O, don’t you see how important it is to comfort Jesus by living in the presence of the Holy Family of Nazareth? O, won’t you enter into their presence, their homely abode, their magnificent peace? Their lodgings are humble and clean; they are poor in spirit, but well versed in the truth of God’s love. They pray together constantly and at set times of the day like you do. They set aside fast days in accordance with the Law of Moses. They follow the precepts of the Church as set out by Moses in the Old Testament. They are faithful and courageous, kind and courteous, loving and patient with those who live around them and with those who come to their door to bid them good tidings and the news of the day. O, wouldn’t you love to enter into their friendship and love? Obey your Lord by obeying His Mother and Father Joseph as He did? (cf Luke 2:51).

JOSEPH: Enter into the powerful love of the Redeemer and His family. Enter into the power of the Cross and enter into their friendship and love. Become as they are – friendly, devout, trustworthy. Live in the House of David – humble, poor in spirit, but rich in love and the truth of God’s Word.

Yes, this is how I, Joseph, your foster Father, call you and bid you enter into the House of Joseph the carpenter. We will listen to you and pray for you and with you as you implore God’s mercy on a turbulent world in trouble and in danger from Satan and his evil cohorts.

Live the good life of your consecration to Jesus’ Sacred Heart through Mary’s Immaculate Heart in the home of Joseph the carpenter. There you will be safe in the flame of the Holy Spirit’s love. There you will find peace and goodwill among men. Invite others to enter into this friendship of love and peace with your Jesus, Mary and Joseph. And there you will be able to live out all the designs that God the Father wants of you, my little girl. Amen.


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