JESUS: Keep your gaze on My Holy Face. Resolve to do My Father’s will in order to carry on My mission to save everyone who ever lived in your own time and beyond. Wipe away each tear with My Mother’s mantle of love. Create within you a clean heart, an open, generous heart, which gladly and reverently responds to My call to love and holiness (cf Psalm 50:12 Douay Rheims, Psalm 51:10 in other Bibles).

The Spirit of love and might and truth is about to descend on the earth in a dazzling display of unity in God’s love. All will be attracted to His power and authority. Not all of you will cooperate with His gifts of love and charming presence, because of your mistaken beliefs regarding My love, the love of a Saviour Whose cry: Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they do (cf Luke 23:34) pierced the skies and reached Heaven, the home of our Father. How His Heart was broken with love of you all! How My Mother’s Heart trembled with sorrow as she witnessed My atrocious sufferings on the Cross of love (cf John 19:25-27)! This was My legacy that I have left each one of you.

Meditate, ponder the meaning of My love, the scope of My love. Ask yourself the question: Why did He die for love of me? Why did He submit to such a dreadful, agonizing death for love of me? The answer should be obvious to you all. The Cross of My sacrifice, visible to you all, is proof of My love for you all. It is soaked with My holy, adorable Blood. It was made pure through My sufferings and merits gained for you on that dreadful day many years ago. However, I died willingly and gladly for each one of you and My sacrifice for love of you all changed that dreadful, fateful day into a day of great grace and mercy for the whole of mankind. Be unafraid when you adore My Blood before a crucifix (pp610-611HLAW).

JESUS: Remember how Moses fasted forty days and nights on Mount Sinai (cf Exodus 24:18), as he gazed on My Face and knew the warmth and vitality of God’s love? You too now are being called to gaze upon the Eucharistic Heart of your Lord, manifest in Jesus Christ, My Body and Blood for you in the Eucharistic offering you pray each time you attend Mass. Be like Moses and gaze and gaze lovingly upon My Face (p686HLAW).


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