24th April 1999

JESUS: Pick up your pen and write. You have been asking Me what I want of you. You have been searching My Face for love. You have been giving yourself more and more in surrender to our Mother. This is all pleasing to Me. This is making Me happy.

JESUS: Now act on what I say.

What I want from you is the right to your heart – open access as it were. I won the right to your heart on Calvary. Never shut the door to your heart or turn away from Me. Never!

I want to be able to come in and out of the door to your heart at My pleasure. I want to be able to love you in the way I want. I want to be able to console you and heal your wounds. I want to be able to gain My rest on your heart.

Jesus said to him: The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air nests; but the Son of man has no where to lay his head (Luke 9:58).

JESUS: I want to live in your heart - your innermost self, symbol of your entire being. I own you. You are Mine and I love you so. When are you going to grasp this truth? I love you, My little one, so afraid, and yet so brave at times. Why is this so? You are being given the opportunity to show you love and trust Me in the good times, as well as in the bad times, when life’s events and troubles throw you around and knock you down like the dumpers in the surf knock you and toss you around. You understand?

Yes, you can understand My words going straight to your heart. Your door to your heart is open wide not only to Me, your Saviour and your beautiful friend, but also to those I place at the door to your heart. Yes, I know of your struggles, your torments, and turmoils. I know of your eagerness to forgive and be forgiven. I have heard your sighs and seen your tears. I have experienced your sorrow at past behaviour. Simon Peter also experienced deep remorse at his three denials of Me. Paul the Apostle also made reparation all his life for his tragic beginning before he was converted.


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