(My Spiritual Director taught me that surrender means total obedience and complete trust).

(At Fatima, 17.8.1998)  My Jesus, will I change for the better?

JESUS: If you allow her (Mary) into your heart, your life, your mind, that is the degree of change according to the degree of surrender. Give her your will for safe keeping and she will place it in My Sacred Heart beating with love for you. I know of your desires to love Me with her love and I approve of your desires in this regard. Allow the Holy Spirit to create in you another Mary, My Mother and first disciple of love and truth, first adorer of My Blood, first believer in the Resurrection of your Lord Jesus, and first created being to utterly surrender one hundred percent to the Father through My Sacred Heart in the arms of her Holy Spouse, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, with Joseph’s help. Ask Joseph for his help and he’ll gladly give it to you. My lovely one, come!

(St Joseph gave this plan at Fatima on 22.8.1998)


JOSEPH: Your faith is precious to Mary, so surrender your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord to her in order that she can ask her Spouse, the Holy Spirit, to adorn your faith with her loveliness and her own trust and belief in God’s greatness and love for all mankind.


My dear God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I deliver into Mary’s hands my faith in order to ask You to allow Mary to embellish it with her tears and bitter agony at the foot of the Cross.
I surrender to her Immaculate Heart my gift of faith from my Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I believe in Your goodness, O my God.
I believe in Your compassion, O my God.
I believe in Your wisdom, O my God.
I love you dearly with the love of Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
I believe in Your goodness, O my God, because You have given me Your own sweet Mother Mary as my own Mother to love and to protect in my own heart.
From this day forward, I want to do God’s will with the help of my Mother Mary, in Joseph’s care. Amen.



O my God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I offer to You my trust in Your goodness, mercy and compassion on mankind through Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
She is my Mother by whose example I choose to follow my Jesus up to Calvary where I too will stand with Mary at the foot of the Cross through my consecration to Jesus’ Most Precious Blood through the tears and bitter sorrow of my Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Amen. In Mary’s care and with Mary’s help, I will “keep the faith”.

I have fought a good fight
I have finished my course,
I have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7).


(3) HOPE


O, my dear God, I surrender to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, my hope in Jesus as Lord and Saviour through the Immaculate Heart of my Mother Mary.

I offer You my life’s work in the hope that it will be pleasing to You and will make Jesus happy. I surrender to You, my Triune God, through Mary’s Immaculate Heart, my hope in the Resurrection of my Lord Jesus. One day too I hope to be with You in Heaven, living in the arms of my Mother Mary in the Sacred Heart of my Jesus.

Please take my heart, dear Mother Mary, and place it within the Sacred Heart of your Son Jesus. Please ask the Holy Spirit of hope and truth to possess me with your love and the love of the Father through Jesus’ Sacred Heart. Amen


(4) LOVE


O, my God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I surrender to You my love, my heart and all that I own and all that I am through the Immaculate Heart of my Mother Mary.

I surrender totally to You my faith, hope and love in the promises of the Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque with the help of my Mother Mary. She is your first disciple, my sweet Jesus. She is the first adorer of your Most Precious Blood. She is the handmaid of the Lord.

Let it be done unto me according to thy word (Luke 1:38).



My dear God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I surrender to You through my Mother’s Immaculate Heart, all my deeds, all my possessions, all my dreams and desires to do God’s will, all my wants and needs, because I trust in my Mother’s goodness and love for each one of us, her children in love.

My dear Jesus, when You said to John: Behold thy Mother (John 19:27), I also believe You said it to me. My dear Jesus, with Mary’s help, I stand at the foot of the Cross through my consecration to Your Most Precious Blood, to your Most Sacred Heart, to Your Most Holy Name. I deposit my life work in the hands of Saint Joseph, Your foster Father and mine.



My dear Holy God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I call upon the help of the Holy Spirit to enlighten my mind with His love, to strengthen my will with His power, to comfort me in my loneliness and sorrow with His mercy and compassion, to guide me with His wisdom through the stormy seas safely into the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

My dear Holy Spirit, help me become the Father’s dream that He had of me from the beginning of time. Help me to surrender completely and without hesitation to Mary’s motherly love in order for her to take me in her arms and Immaculate Heart to her Son Jesus’ Sacred Heart wherein I will live and die and spend my eternity in praise of His Holy Name. Amen.


My dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I consecrate to Jesus through Mary, my faith, hope and love in the power of Jesus’ Blood to heal and save me and our wounded world. I surrender totally and without hesitation into the arms and loving Heart of my Mother Mary in obedience to the Father’s will, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in accordance with Jesus’ words on the Cross at Calvary: Behold thy Mother (John 19:27).

With faith, hope and love in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I now consecrate my life to God’s will in the power of the Holy Spirit’s flame of love. I want to become like Our Lady wounded with love. I accept Jesus’ entrustment of His Mother to us on the Cross of Calvary. I promise to listen and obey Jesus’ words of love coming to me through His Mother’s Immaculate Heart on the wings of her Holy Spouse, the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With Mary and Joseph’s help, we will “keep the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7).



O my God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I want to become totally consecrated to Jesus’ Most Precious Blood and to His Holy Sacred Heart, through my complete and utter surrender to Mary’s motherly care and to her Immaculate Heart.

As I stand at the foot of the Cross, I surrender myself totally into her motherly care, in the power of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, in the powerful flame of the Holy Spirit’s love, in perfect obedience to my Father’s will, and in the power of the Communion of Saints – Christ’s Mystical Body, in union with all my brothers and sisters in faith, hope and love of Jesus through Mary. Amen.


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