JESUS: Recognize Mary’s role in salvation. Accept her as a gift from Me (cf Behold thy Mother John 19:27). Listen to the Word of God spoken by the lips of Our Lady today (p635HLAW).

JESUS: The Holy Spirit told you that Mary is the love of Jesus in action. Imitate her. Desire her qualities. Her virtues are most pleasing to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Beg for graces from Me through her so that you also may be clothed with the virtues of your Christ, your Beloved, Who anxiously and patiently awaits your “fiat” to My call. O, when will you respond to My loving call? When will you gladden the Heart of your poor Jesus by turning to Me in sorrow for your sins? When will you become all Mine? (pp41-2HLAW).

JESUS: Defend her purity and holiness with your very life, your breath, your blood as you convey to all who will listen, the qualities of My Mother’s love, her beauty and sweetness as she adorns your life with her protection and mantle of love (p744HLAW).

JESUS: Be with Mary at the foot of the Cross by consecrating your whole life, death and eternity to her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. She is the New Eve, the New Ark of the Covenant wherein I place those who surrender to Me through her. This is your safe haven as you labour in childbirth (cf Rev.12:2; Gal.4:19), helping your Mother and Saviour bring new life to you all, to all My beloved ones who freely and without hesitation come to Me now in complete trust, surrendering your heart to My love, willing to help us in the salvation of souls, promising your life to Me through your Mother’s love.

This is the Little Way of Saint Therese, a Carmelite nun, who was born out of the spirit of Moses and Elijah, who was willing to spend her life at the foot of the Cross, helping your Mother give birth to you all, united with My Blood, the Blood of the Lamb of God which washed away all the sins of the world. This is your work now, your role in my work of redemption, to be coredeemers with your own heavenly Mother as she cries aloud in the final pangs of childbirth, the spiritual birth of all her children in love (cf Revelation 12:2), (p686HLAW).


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