But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come,
He will teach you all truth (John16:13).

HOLY SPIRIT: First, I want you to pray hard and invoke My help in the name of Jesus and through Mary’s holy intercession (1.6.1999). It is My job to bind you closely together – the Mother and child, in this special relationship of love and peace, living within the mantle of a Mother’s sweet and generous love (28.1.1999). Allow Me to set up My empire of love in your kind heart (21.5.1998).

Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit, O Lord, and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.


This day, O Holy One, O God, I delight in your company. I desire to become entirely yours. I wish to heal others with Your holy power. I wish to help them grasp the truths of God’s Kingdom of love. I place my life before each one of those You want me to love, to help. I await Your holy commands with a firm trust in my Saviour’s saving power – His Blood.

Commence Your work of love deep within my own heart, so that I will cooperate most generously, courageously and humbly with Your loving designs and with the Father’s divine will. Enhance Your power within me by rescuing me from all evil foes. Then the light of Christ will shine through my eyes, my heart, my soul and my mind. I will voice Your praises, O mighty One. I will submit readily to Your daily commands whether I be in my workplace or at home. I will try to respond to Your urgings and promptings deep within my heart. I do so with the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and also of all the angels and saints, the faithful on earth and the suffering souls in Purgatory. Remind me that I am but dust and ashes. Furnish within me heavenly desires and yearnings to do Your will, O Holy One, O God.

I will find my strength in the Most Precious Body and Blood of the Lamb of God. I will call on the name of the Queen of Heaven and earth – Mary, Mary, Mary! O, what joy fills my heart and soul, mind and entire being when I pray: Mary, my Mother, help me. I love you. I trust you, my Queen and my friend. At that instant all Heaven comes to my aid, led by the heavenly Mother of sinners and Queen of all the children of God’s Kingdom of love.

Commence this great work in me, O Holy One, so that I can commence loving God in this special way, every day of my life. I know I will never be forgotten or abandoned, not ever. God is my Redeemer and Saviour. He is my appetite (cf John 4:34), and desire to do good, to love others for love of Him, and in doing so, to comfort His poor lonely Heart and also the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God.

Come now, Holy Spirit of Truth. Come! Invade my being and set up there Your empire, Your temple of love where all commands are heeded and obeyed. All love is mine, because at last I am becoming one with the Lord, my God. Together! Together at last, never to be apart again, not ever! Fear has left me. Vice has flown away from me at the sound of my Mother’s precious name, Mary.

O what fondness, what ecstasy fills my soul when I behold the Handmaid of the Lord! What vigour and strength are mine when she commands my soul with her heavenly requests to love and obey my Saviour and friend, Jesus Christ, the Lord and giver of all. Amen.

(Words spoken by the Holy Spirit on 5th February 1993.)


O, Holy Spirit,
Soul of my soul, I adore You.
Enlighten, guide, strengthen and console me.
Tell me what I ought to do, and help me to do it.
I promise to be submissive
in everything that You permit to happen to me,
Only show me what is Your will.
(Adapted from Cardinal Mercier, source unknown).


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