Jesus: Each time you attend Mass and offer your own sufferings with those of Mine and My Mother's at the foot of the altar, you are really there standing at the foot of the cross with us, the Suffering Servant of all mankind, as well as the Suffering Mother of all Mankind. Don't you see your role as one of support for our Mother as she adores Me, her Saviour and Redeemer of all? (p.562HLAW).

Holy Spirit: Come now, listen to the call of your Saviour and His Mother as they invite all to enter into the power of the cross, into the power of the Blood of Jesus as Saviour, into the power of the Holy Spirit of love. Maintain your vigil with your Mother as she stands at the foot of the altar, of the cross at Mass. Sustain yourself for your journey through life and eternity by receiving the Body and Blood of the Lamb of God, your friend and Redeemer. (p.386HLAW).

Holy Spirit: If you try hard to enter into the power of the cross, you will discover how to live a life of harmony within the realm of God's love and life. The law of the cross is manifest in your self-discipline as you practise love, as you put your faith into practice and action by conquering all with the love of your Saviour's Blood shed to the last drop for the salvation of all mankind. Help your Saviour by trusting in His love, in His Blood which seeped into the cross. Sacrifice your life with His as He again gives it to you in Holy Communion at each Mass offered as a sacrifice of love for you and all who faithfully follow Him. Attach yourself to Jesus' cross through the loving help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, victorious and triumphant as she stands in full battle dress, arrayed with the power of the Blood of the Lamb of God. Her power is mighty to behold as she delivers the death blow to Satan and his demons. (p.385HLAW).

Jesus: O, stay close to us, My love. Your Mother and I wish to develop you into a strong building of faith, hope and love in Me as your Saviour and friend. I will always remain your Good Shepherd and great lover through Holy Communion. This is how I wish to become intimately known and loved by all My followers. Tell them that this is the secret desire of My Heart, that all of you will become great saints through the reception of My Body and Blood in Holy Communion.

Your Mother, whose great sacrifice and life-giving accomplished this through her selflessness and great faith in the Father's love, helped Me to become your Saviour and great lover through the power of the Holy Spirit of love, and the help of Joseph and all the angels and saints. Go now to your Mother's side and look into her eyes as she instructs you in how to love Me confidently and wisely, wrapped up in the Spirit's flame of love. Remember all is for the glory of our Father and His mighty Kingdom of love and confidence, joy and sweet surrender to His charms and beauty. Amen. (p.728HLAW)

Thou hast prepared a table before me against them that afflict me. Thou hast anointed my head with oil; and my chalice which inebriateth me, how goodly is it! And thy mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And that I may dwell in the house of the Lord unto length of days. (Psalm 23, God's spiritual benefits to faithful souls, verses 5-6, DR Bible)

Mary: O, what sweetness fills my Heart when I behold in your own, my dear Son Jesus! This is how you can comfort me. Receive Jesus in Holy Communion each day if you can, because then you begin to take on His face, the face of the Christ-child, Jesus of Nazareth. O, in some people I see the suffering face of my beloved Son, the Man of Sorrows! Or I even see His glorious risen face bathed in the beauty of our Father's love. How comforting it is for me to behold in your own dear face the beauty of our Lord, the Good Shepherd of all! (pp.728-9HLAW)

Jesus: She is immense in her love for you all. For each one of you her love is unique and individual as she embraces all of God's children as her own. She won the right to Motherhood of you all through her bitter agonies and steadfast love at the foot of the cross on Calvary. Today she continues to stand at the side of each priest who is feeding His flock with My Body and Blood. My Mother is always the nourisher and always will be. A mother feeds her baby with her very own milk. Your Mother feeds you with the very food of Heaven, her Son's very own Body and Blood in order to save you from sin and from your own nature which takes you so far away from me. Overcome your faults, your own tardiness and indifference towards your God by being fed the manna from Heaven, My own Body and Blood through the grace of God and the love of My Mother as she offers you life, true life, true hope, true love in a world rapidly dying from its lack of love for Me, the Saviour and Redeemer of all mankind. (pp.577-8HLAW).

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