Meditations on The
Way of The Cross
(Words Jesus spoke to Denise in 1994)

As you reach each station pray: We adore You, O Christ and we praise You (genuflect), because by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.

At the end of each meditation pray: My Jesus, I want to love You more. Have mercy on my soul.


First Station: Jesus is Condemned to Death

Jesus: Watch out for the different guises of Satan, because he comes to destroy that which he hates. I was an innocent man condemned to death for no good reason, except that I loved and I still do.

Love as I have loved, because then Satan cannot penetrate your mind as he did that of Pontius Pilate. Fear overcame that man's mind and numbed it to the goodness in Me and in himself.

Fight the good fight from now on in the safe arms and Heart of Mary Immaculate. Amen.


Second Station: Jesus Carries His Cross

Jesus: O, the way I carried My cross was for love of you! But it got heavier and heavier as I stumbled along the way to My death. Will you do the same for love of Me and My Father, Mother, and Holy Spirit? Will you carry your own cross bravely and with resolute spirit and obedient will, because then you will most resemble Me, the crucified Lord, Jesus Christ?

I was hated by those who wanted to kill Me for My goodness. The same will happen to you. You will be unable to find a reason for your own persecution, and in some cases, the ultimate sacrifice of death. O, My little ones, identify with Me, your Christ! I loved you. Yes, even unto death, I loved you. I died willingly for you, so that you could live with Me in My Father's Kingdom of love and happiness.

So joyously pick up your cross and follow Me, your beautiful Saviour of Love. Be like Me. Renounce self and become Christlike, because then your sufferings will become redemptive and you will begin to take on the glorious face of the Risen Christ. Amen.


Third Station: Our Lord Falls the First Time

Jesus: Time and time again I fell over stones or was pushed off balance by those who were there to torment Me and My Mother and friends. John was supporting his Mother and Mine at this time as they tried to find a way to gain entry and be near Me.

In searching for the kind face of My Mother I fell without the consolation of seeing the beauty in her eyes. Her love for Me was outstanding. She was the love of Me in action. You be like your Mother, because then you will grow in love and never make Me fall for love of you all. Amen.


Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Mother

Jesus: O, the look of sadness and horror in My Mother's eyes! O, the look of loveliness and radiance in My presence overcame her deep sorrow! My Mother has always adored Me - My Body and Blood.

When I was small, she would go pale and weep when she saw My Blood run down a knee which was grazed by sharp stones. O, the love of My Mother is without comprehension on your part! She knew I was the Messiah. She knew that one day I would become the sacrificial Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.

My Mother did not suffer only at My crucifixion and death. No, she suffered her whole life, because of the knowledge of the fate of the Messiah. This knowledge was infused into her soul at conception. However she did not know she would be the Mother of the Messiah, the Christ, until God the Father asked her through His messenger, the Archangel Gabriel.

O, what joy filled Heaven when our Mother gave the Father her "yes" at the Annunciation! Can you do the same for love of the Father? Can you, in humble obedience, fill the skies of Heaven with your own "yes" to accepting God's will in all matters in your life on earth?

You will never be sorry that you gave Us, the Triune God, your heartfelt "yes" to running with God along Heaven's Way which first, must of necessity, pass through the Way of Sorrows to Calvary. Be brave, My little ones, because love awaits your "yes" to receiving My love. Amen. Don't keep Love waiting, will you? Amen.


Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to Carry His Cross

Jesus: By now, I was completely exhausted on My way up to Mount Calvary. The cross became an insurmountable one. I needed help then, and I do now "to make up all the hardships that still have to be undergone by Christ for the sake of His body, the Church." (Colossians 1:24).

I fell under the heavy cross, the weight of the sins of the world, so many times that My knees became scarlet with My Blood. O, the Blood of the Saviour saved mankind! Who will accept salvation for love of the Father? You have been given freewill in all matters, because you are made in the image and likeness of our Father.

Please think carefully about your decision to renounce self, and pick up your cross and follow Me up to Calvary. You will become like Me, the Man of Sorrows. All of your own Blood will be spilt for love of Me, yourself and your neighbour.

This is the work of redemption, of salvation. This is a labour of love. Will you accept your cross and follow Me throughout each day of your life on earth? Then at your own death you will wend your way up to Heaven, because you have sacrificed your own life in imitation of your Jesus Christ. Amen.

Think things out very carefully, because there are many souls at stake in this battle which rages unseen by human eyes. There are many souls in need of your loving care and generous life sacrifice, because these are the ones especially assigned to you in your life on earth. Think things out very carefully, I say, because they are your responsibility. Will they achieve their eternal reward in Heaven without your help?

It is the duty of every Christian to surrender their life into My hands. Don't you think that I will take the utmost care of you? After all, I died willingly for love of you all. Will you help Me? Will you give Me your "yes" to your life offering for the salvation of souls? I await your reply, lived out every day in the arms of your Mother's love. Amen.

Mary herself has given you a fine example of how to be a disciple of Mine. She was My first disciple. She gave her "yes" at the Annunciation to become the Mother of the Messiah and of you all. But her whole life was filled with many "yeses". You will need to choose every day of your life, many times throughout each day, between supporting Me in My work of redemption or rejecting My love coming to you in a myriad of ways.

Never fear. I am with you, My little ones. I will call you and with the help of the Holy Spirit and that of My Mother, the gardeners of your soul, you will respond generously and courageously to love. Ask the help of these Holy Spouses and also that of My foster Father Joseph. They await your cries for My mercy.

Study the Gospels about My life, love and forgiveness and this will help you to make your decision to offer your life with Mine as an oblation to the merciful Father Whose love outstretches to each one of you, His dearly beloved children. Amen.


Sixth Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

Jesus: O, the compassion shown to My holy, adorable face by Veronica! Yes, I tell you solemnly and truly, the greatest gift you can give to Me, your poor lonely Saviour today thirsting for your love, is the love of your heart through My Mother's Immaculate One.

Yes, this victory over death is yours, because I have gone before you in all things, in all ways, and in life and death itself. Yes, you are My beloved one, so pure and serene, if you but remain in the realm of My love.

Adore My holy face on the Shroud of Turin, My death cloth placed over My face while I lay dead in the tomb. This is different to Veronica's cloth, but surely you can appreciate My numberless wounds and sufferings for love of you all. Adore My face and all will be well in your own little heart. Amen.


Seventh Station: The Second Fall of Jesus

Jesus: O, this time I reached out to My Mother for her love and protection. But I fell under the heavy load of the cross, the heavy weight of your sins. Yes, this time I cried out for My Mother to help Me in My great sorrow.

She never let Me down, not once in her life. She was always there to comfort Me and to see Me loved and wanted. Think of her loneliness and concern for Me, the Suffering Servant, the lonely, rejected Holy One of God. The most beautiful face on earth scarred with the sins of mankind!

Think of the horror of My Mother when she saw Me in such a pitiful state. I was a leper. I was condemned to die for your sins. But I willingly obeyed My Father's will 'till the very end. Yes, here we can see the love of our Mother shining forth in the darkest hours in order to cover Me with her precious love.

She'll do the same for you when you fall under the heavy weight of mankind's sins as you help Me, your kind Saviour and friend to carry the heavy load to the top of Calvary. Amen.


Eighth Station: Jesus Consoles the Women of Jerusalem

Jesus: O, My love, watch closely your thoughts, because I know your every thought, word and deed! Be brave as Satan tempts you to sin against My love. Call on the help of the Holy Spirit and that of Mary to sustain you with My goodness and love.

Go to Confession regularly and unburden yourself of your sins against My love. And then My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, will cleanse you and wash away your sins. Ask for My forgiveness, because forgiveness was won for you that day when I died willingly on Calvary for your sins of hatred and deceit.

Allow love to come into your heart, your way of life. And then I will be able to console you throughout all your trials and sufferings. I have sent you the Holy Spirit from the Father through My death and sufferings on the cross. Remember - after the cross comes the Resurrection.

Keep your eyes on My face, the face of your Beloved Saviour and Redeemer of your poor little soul. O, yes, always remember this: I died willingly for love of you all. I desire that all souls will be Mine and live with Me in Heaven's Paradise. Allow your mind and heart to dwell on the gift of Heaven for all eternity. Then with the help of the Holy Spirit and all the angels and saints, and particularly that of the Queen of Angels and Saints, Mary, our dearest Mother, you will win the race that Saint Paul speaks about in Holy Scripture:

Remember I am with you all days, even until the end of the world. Amen.

Be consoled with My Blood and the tears of Mary Immaculate's Heart. Be consoled with the love of the Great Consoler, the Paraclete, the Spirit of the Great Promise of love to you all from the Father of love. Amen.

Know that I love each one of you individually and that I want you to respond urgently every day to My call to love Me and your neighbour as yourself. Amen.


Ninth Station: The Third Fall of Jesus

Jesus: This time I fell as I reached out to touch the love of My Mother. Love reaching out to love. Love whispering its sweet notes of music as heart finds solace and love in each other's heart.

O, come to Me all you who labour and are burdened and I will give you rest. Help Me get up again and keep going carrying the burden of sin and malcontent.

Become a witness to My tremendous love for you all. Become just like My Mother who stood bravely at the foot of the cross. Amen. Go now and set forth with a song in your heart. Amen. Run with Me as we gather up the lost sheep into the Good Shepherd's arms and place them in My Sacred Heart - the sheepfold of My love. Amen. Forever to be Mine! Where no one can steal you away! Amen.


Tenth Station: Jesus is Stripped of His Garments



Jesus: Yes, make sure that you give your all, your life to Me through My Mother's tender Immaculate Heart. Then you can be sure that you will most closely resemble Me, your crucified and risen Saviour, with the help of the Holy Spirit of love and comfort and the Mother of consolation. Amen.

Yes, identify with your Christ. See how I was stripped of all earthly possessions. See how I was also stripped of all dignity. But I was always clothed in the garment of love. In fact, you all need to be stripped of your unruly passions and disobedient ways in order to be clothed in the garment of love, the wedding garment of the Lamb of God with His Bride - the Church. You are Mine when you give back all of yourself to Me.

I hope you will do so through the
Little Way of Saint Therese - To Jesus through Mary's Immaculate Heart in My name, in the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of our Father. Amen. O, then you would make Me so happy, because then I would be able to mould you into My ways through the Heart of our Mother!

She and I are so close together in the Spirit's love which has united us for all time in a rhapsody of loving praise to our Father in Heaven. She and I are together as one, hearts beating together in love, always united in the loving relationship of the Spirit with the Father and Me, your Lord and God, Master of all.

Yes, this is what it means - to be stripped of all your desires to love by embracing My will. I will show you how to live love, how to choose love at every turn, every day, year in and year out. I will transform you into a creature of beautiful love through the reception of My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. I will cherish you and adorn you with the virtues of love to replace your old self.

Put on the new creation of love. Discard your tent of clay for one of beautiful graces and blessings until you resemble your Mother who died to self for love of her Triune God and for love of you all, her adopted sons and daughters in our Father's love. Yes, this time in your life is a beautiful period of peace and gratitude to God for all His blessings coming upon you and your own loved ones through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, carried there to you on the wings of the dove.

Escape from your tiny mind by coming to Me singing heartfelt praise and living love under the care of the gardeners of your soul - the Holy Spirit of Truth and the Mother of Truth. Ask Saint Joseph and Little Therese (of Lisieux) to help you respond to My love in this way. You yourself will be stripped and made whole through the Blood of the Lamb which fills you with the living power of God through the worthy reception of Holy Communion. Amen.


Eleventh Station: Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross

Jesus: I forgave those men who nailed Me so roughly to My cross. My Father forgave them, because My Blood, the Blood of your salvation, won forgiveness from our Father for all your sins of deceit and lust and pride.

O, watch your pride because it is the root of all evil! Your pride leads you into all types of sin, because it is the downfall of the human race. By keeping your eyes on My holy face, you will think more of My sufferings than your own. My Mother forgave all those who hurt Me, who hated Me for no good reason at all. You do the same for love of Me - forgive seventy times seven each day, even for the same offence against you. Forgive! Listen to My Words of forgiveness while I lay dying on the cross:

Jesus said, 'Father forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.' (Luke 23:34)

Let these words penetrate your mind and settle comfortably into your heart. Copy Me. Imitate My Mother. We both forgave instantly with an act of the will. Forgive and forget! Ask the help of the Holy Spirit. Talk to Me about your sufferings lived each day for Me and your fellow man. Suffering is never wasted if you accept it and unite it with Mine on the cross at Calvary. Your suffering when united with Mine becomes one with My life sacrifice and helps to save souls for our Father's Kingdom.

O, suffering is always accompanied with love, My love, which covers you with its healing power and allows you to choose love at each step of your journey to the Promised Land. Yes, I love you, My little ones, so brave in the face of adversity.

O, come to Me all you who are heavily burdened and I will give you love. Yes, from this time on you will be clothed with the garment of love. You will begin to resemble more closely your crucified Lord. But don't forget, not one tiny

suffering is wasted if you unite with your Jesus through the Sorrowful Heart of our Mother who stood at the foot of the cross adoring Me, forgiving our enemies, and loving you all as she gave birth to you, her beloved children.

This day can make a difference to your life and eternity, if you but accept My love coming to you in whatever way the Father chooses. Accept and embrace your own cross. Then your love will grow. It will soar on the wings of the dove of peace and come to rest securely and safely in My Sacred Heart which burns for love of each one of you.

O, say "yes" to My love and allow Me into your life. Do not be afraid of suffering, because it is in the midst of your pain that you discover Me, the crucified Son of God and now the risen Jesus, alive and active in your life. Love Me in your sufferings, because I am there in them waiting to be loved and cared for by you, My little warrior of love. Amen.


Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross

Jesus: O, did you see the Blood and Water flow out of My pierced Sacred Heart, pierced wide open for love of you? Yes, My Mother did and so did John and all the faithful souls all over the earth, in all times down through these twenty centuries.

O, the love of your Saviour for you all! My love is immeasurable and unfathomable as the last drops of My Blood and Water gushed forth for love of you all. O, who will understand My love? My Mother does. Ask her help and that of the Holy Spirit's Whose love also gushed forth with the Blood and Water of your Saviour of love.

This was the fulfilment of the Great Promise of the Father to Abraham to shower mercy on all generations through My Body and Blood and through the release of the gift of the Holy Spirit through My open Heart.

Today My Heart is wide open to receive your love, to show you My merciful, healing love which comes to you through the gift of My Mother's Heart. She is the receptacle of all God's graces and blessings. She is the home of the Holy Spirit, her Spouse and faithful lover. Her Heart is wide open to receive My graces and blessings from the Father through My open Sacred Heart, coming to you on the wings of the dove. All graces and blessings, all My merciful, healing love comes to you through your heavenly Mother's Immaculate Heart.

O, embrace the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit coming to you through their Queen's open Heart! Open your own heart to receive love, to cherish and treasure our love through the "yes" of your Mother's love. Copy your Mother by responding to God's love as she did all those years ago when she stood at the foot of the cross in humble obedience to our Father's will even though she was crushed with the weight of suffering. She has earned her title "Mother of Sorrows". She has earned your love with her willingness to obey her God's wishes.

She died a little that day with Me and every day after that as she remembered and meditated upon My intense agony of body, soul and mind. Yes, our Mother understood My sufferings and My sacrifice. Be with her now at the foot of the altar at each Mass which is a reenactment of Calvary. Be with her in humble obedience to our Father's will. Be with her as you live out your life consecration to Jesus through Mary's Immaculate Heart.

Yes, she is your Mother and she wishes to teach you how to love Me. Let her into your heart and life. You will begin to change, because Mary will call upon the help of her Spouse, the Holy Spirit, and you will be raised up to God each day of your life lived in the shadow of My cross - the cross of salvation, in a world which grows increasingly dark and so far away from My light.

I am the light of the world. If you wish to die to self nailed to your own cross, then allow My Mother to accompany you as she did for Me. You need her to comfort you and to keep you faithful and persevering as you pray and sacrifice for the salvation of the whole of humanity.

But what beauty is yours as you are clothed with the garment of love and adorned with the jewels of My virtues! O, what glory is Mine, when I behold in your own eyes, the beautiful love of My Mother! Amen.


Thirteenth Station: Jesus Is Taken down from the Cross

Jesus: My dear ones, thank you for loving Me. Thank you for taking care of My Mother. Thank you for accepting her as My dying gift to you. When I said to John, "Behold your Mother", I was really entrusting her to you all, My dear brothers and sisters, through the spilling of My Most Precious Blood mingled with the tears of our Mother.

Thank you for allowing her to come into your life as Mother. Thank you for listening to her words of wisdom and love poured forth from her Immaculate Heart in the power of the Holy Spirit of Love and Truth.

Yes, when you consecrate yourself to Me through our Mother's Immaculate Heart, then you become the property of the Holy Spirit. He and Mary will guide you along your weary way until you die peacefully and secure in your Mother's arms as I did.

My last cry which rent the earth was the unfinished word: "Mother". Just before that I had completely surrendered My death to our Father: "Father, into your hands I commend My Spirit". And then I died in front of My Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart which now rests forever against My own Sacred Heart.

O, the peace of knowing we have such a kind and generous Mother in love! She is the pride of her Triune God as well as of the human race.

Yes, she suffered untold agony of mind, body and spirit when she witnessed My agony and death throes on the cross which became for you all - the tree of life. When you are taken down from your cross, when death has finally come to you, know that our Mother will also be there for you, waiting to carry you to Me, your Saviour and King, in the arms and Heart of our beautiful Mother, Queen and friend, Our Lady of The Rosary and Mount Carmel. Amen.

O, the prize which awaits you all who are faithful to Me through your Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart! You will spend your eternity in our Father's Heavenly Paradise thanking Me and praising Me for giving you the beautiful gift of Mary as Mother and Advocate of you all, the People of God. Amen.


Fourteenth Station: Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb

Jesus: My friends, know that your Mother suffered intolerably when she saw Me, her Beloved Son, placed into the tomb. I was laid out on the cold, hard marble while My enemies rejoiced. They had got Me out of the way now, or so they thought. They did not know that the Father used them in order for Scripture to be fulfilled.

After My death came My Resurrection. In your life there will be no difference to its pattern - first the cross, followed by your own resurrection. Believe in the goodness of our Father to give you all you need to cope with life and death before you enter eternity.

Your Mother also suffered dreadfully as she accepted her cross and finally her death and glorious Assumption, body and soul into Heaven.

O, have hope, My little ones, in the joyous life which awaits you in Paradise! O, as Paul said, you cannot hope to imagine or understand now what Heaven holds for each one of you!

So keep trying as you bravely renounce self and pick up your cross each day and follow Me, your lonely Saviour Who trudged the weary way up to Calvary. But always remember I was accompanied by My Mother and yours. She will do the same for you. She was there for Me when I needed the comfort of a loving Mother's eyes and heart. You will be no different to Me in so far as you also will receive the love of our Mother in your last hours on earth. In fact, you will know she is with you all your life, if you but consecrate your life, death and eternity, all your belongings including family and home, and all your spiritual merits, but especially your love, to Me through our Mother's beautiful Immaculate Heart.

She also was pierced by many swords of sorrow during her life. Give all your sufferings and joys to Me through her motherly hands and all will be well. All is well, when you come into the realm of My love through Mary's pierced Heart - pierced wide open to receive My love which flows out through her Immaculate Heart to each one of you, her children in love.

Yes, if only you knew the love of our Mother for each one of you, you would die of joy! Because her love knows no bounds and it originates in My loving Sacred Heart where it gushes forth in torrents of love, passing through her Motherly Immaculate Heart, out to you all, My beloved friends in the Holy Spirit's flame of love.

You will never understand our Father's love for each one of you in giving to you all the gift of My Body and Blood in Holy Communion, the gift of the Holy Spirit of life and truth, in the life-giving Sacraments of My Church, as well as the total gift of a Father's love coming to you through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of our dear Mary.

What joy, what bliss fills the entire heavenly Paradise when anyone of you voluntarily and without any collusion accepts our love through Mary as Mediatrix of all the graces in our Father's bosom. O, come to Me all you who are thirsty, and I will give you drink from the fount of mercy gushing forth from My Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart of our Mother! Amen.

New life awaits those who choose to come to Me. Will you become all Mine in loving trust of your Saviour and Redeemer? Become all Mine in loving trust of your Saviour and Redeemer. Stand by Me at the foot of the cross with our Mother. Become My little co-workers with her as she crushes the head of Satan with your loving help. Amen.

The invitation is there for each one of you. The choice is yours, but first, ask the help of the Holy Spirit and that of Mary. They will lead you deeper and deeper into the heart of the mysteries of My love. And wait till you see the look of love and pride on our Father's face when He sees you enter the gates of Heaven with the help of the Queen of Heaven and Joseph and all the angels and saints. Amen.

Approach love and allow it to take hold of you in the burning flame of love which is the Holy Spirit. He is the breath of God and Our Lady is the manifestation of His breath. Listen to her. Indeed she is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit Himself.

Allow love into your life at every passing moment. And I will reveal to you all the secrets of our Father's Kingdom which will finally unfold to you at your death when eternity beckons with its reward of love forever and ever. Amen.

As Saint Therese said, "Heaven is well worth the effort". So seek the Kingdom of God in your life and soon you will reach the Gate of Heaven in joyous surrender to your Lord and God. Amen.

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