Meditation by Our Lord Jesus
Christ on the Rosary of the
Blessed Virgin Mary


The Five Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary

1. The Agony in the Garden
(Matthew 26: 36-46) (Mark 14: 32-42)
(Luke 22: 39-46) (John 18: 1-11)
For true contrition

Jesus: O, this suffering was indescribable! But I did it for love of you. I was thirsting to save souls, especially yours. I was in agony of mind and spirit, because I knew what was before Me, what I willingly had to go through in order to save you, by winning forgiveness for your sins from our Father.

My Blood soaked the ground around Me in anticipation of My death on the cross. I thought of all those I had saved who would refuse My love. These poor creatures who choose hatred in preference to My love will spend eternity burning in hell's fires.

O, I wanted them to live with Me in our Father's heavenly Kingdom of love! But only those who choose love, choose My Father's Paradise. Because love abounds there. It multiplies and fills up all the space of our heavenly Paradise. I knew My Blood had the power to save everyone of you, but you have the power to choose. You have freewill and can choose to deny Me your love or you can choose to come to Me Who is all love and live in My love.

O, choose love! Choose life. I am the Way, Truth and the Life. You can safely come to Me through the Immaculate Heart of our Mother Mary. You have the right to choose to come to Me through the Little Way of Saint Therese which is the way all great saints choose - To Jesus through Mary's Immaculate Heart.

O, the love of My Mother for each of her adopted daughters and sons! She will teach you how to love Me with the love of the Holy Spirit and her love. She will call upon the help of the Holy Spirit of love. Together they will take you closer and closer to Me, deeper and deeper into My Sacred Heart burning with love for you.

Say "yes" to My love. Then you comfort Me. You know, you don't comfort Me just now. Even then, I knew about your love and your acceptance of My love for you, way back two thousand years ago when I agonized in the Garden of Gethsemane for love of you all, My beloved flock.

I am truly the Good Shepherd Who looks after His sheep. Come to Me with the help of the Holy Spouses - the Holy Spirit and Mary. Amen. Thank you for saying "yes" to My love coming to you in the Heart of our Immaculate Mother. Amen.


2. The Scourging at the Pillar
(Matthew 27: 11-26) (Mark 15: 1-15)
(Luke 23: 13-25) (John 19: 1)
For the virtue of purity

Jesus: My suffering was beyond belief. You cannot comprehend My intense agony as the cruel blows of My torturers literally tore away My Body and Blood. The air was filled with the particles of My Body and Blood. At each blow I remembered each one of you who has profaned your own body through the passions of your flesh.

This was indeed my intention - to suffer for you who abuse your God-given rights to procreate through fornication, adultery and other perverse acts against nature. O, but I submitted willingly to this tearing of My own Body, because I love you and I want to save you all!

Yes, My Mother was not present physically at My scourging, but she knew in her spirit everything that was happening to Me. This was a great grace from the Father that My Mother had requested of Him. Even though it caused her such great agony, she did not want to be separated from Me. She suffered the agony of My scourging in her own pure and Immaculate Heart. O, yes, another sword pierced her dear heart for love of you all! Her breath laboured with Mine. Her heart beat in unison with Mine, her beloved Son and Saviour. Our hearts are one - one in love for you all.

Will you accept our love? Will you accept My love and the love of the Father and the Holy Spirit of Truth coming to each one of you through the Immaculate Heart of our Mother Mary? She alone knows what it cost her to become your Mother. You will never comprehend her sufferings.

Will you also accept suffering in your life for love of Me as your Mother did? Will you comply with the wishes of our Father in Heaven Who has given each person an opportunity to choose love, to choose to become a co-worker with Me as Redeemer of you all? You too can become part of My redemptive suffering, if you want to help me, your Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Ask the help of our Mother Mary and her dear Spouse the Holy Spirit of Peace. They will help you to become a co-worker with Me, your Jesus of love for the salvation of souls. Thank you for responding to My call to love God and your neighbour in this way. With Mary's help, you'll win the race Paul spoke about.


3. The Crowning with Thorns (Matthew 27: 27-31)
(Mark 15: 16-20) (John 19: 2-3)
For moral courage

Jesus: O yes, in this mystery I ask you to remember My Blood which flowed from each thorn which they placed so roughly many times on My head.

O, but I did it all willingly for love of you, My beloved ones! I wanted so much to save you for My Father's Kingdom of love. When you see My Father's look of pride and love on His face for you, you will experience such joy and happiness which is beyond your capacity now to experience. Yes, our Father loves you and wishes to place a crown on your head, just as He has placed one on your Mother's head. Any one of you who stands by Me at the foot of the cross with Mary, imploring God's mercy on your world, receives a crown of glory in our Father's heavenly Kingdom.

Sometimes you too are asked to suffer many headaches, many agonies in your mind for love of your neighbour. Copy Me, by accepting your crown of thorns many times. Imitate your dear Mother who submitted lovingly to the Father's will. Love and obedience go hand-in-hand. Don't forget that suffering begets a great reward in your heavenly Paradise - your home, if you but remain true to My love and true to your Mother too.

Yes, will you accept willingly each suffering that your Father sends you? It is in dying to self that you become another Christ, another co-worker in God the Father's plan of salvation. Redemptive suffering saves. Your tiny efforts to love Me and your neighbour in this way bear fruit. Give all to Me through your Mother's hand in My name and in the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of our Father. Amen.

You love Me when you accept all suffering, all torments of your mind for love of your neighbour. Mary's sufferings at the foot of the cross earned her the title Co-Redemptrix, co-worker with the Redeemer in His work as Saviour of you all. Amen. Thank you for loving Me and for comforting us in our sufferings for love of you all. Amen.


4. The Carrying of the Cross
(Luke 23: 26-33) (Matthew 27: 32-34)
(Mark 15: 21-26) (John 19: 17-18)
For the virtue of patience

Jesus: O, come to Me with the love of My Mother and console your wounded Christ as I slowly and painfully made My way up to the hill of Calvary! O, do not leave Me, because the pain of losing you makes Me fall down, not once, but many times! Let Me see your dear face, your faithful presence near Me as I am bowed down under the horrific load of all of mankind's sins.

Be close to Me as your dear Mother was on that first Good Friday. I want your love to comfort Me for all those souls who choose not to be saved by My Most Precious Blood. I want you to support our Mother as John did. He didn't leave her as we made our weary torturous way up to My death on the cross. Don't leave Me. I want you near to Me. Come to Me now and sit with Me in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. Remember My love for you all. Remember My Passion, Death and Resurrection. Adore Me with Mary and John and all the other faithful women and men who did not desert Me then in My hour of need.

O, I still suffer in My Body and Blood, because of man's rejection of Me as Saviour and Messiah of you all! I still agonize today, because of man's indifference and lack of love for our Father in Heaven. Avail yourself of each and every opportunity He sends you to renounce self and to take up your cross and follow Me each day of your life on earth. One day in God's good time it will be finished and you will wend your way up to Heaven to meet Me, your friend.

Will I be your friend or will you have chosen that I be your Judge? I am your Saviour first and foremost. I will be whatever you choose Me to be - your friend, your beloved Bridegroom or your Judge. Ask the help of My Mother. She will call upon the help of her Spouse. The Holy Spirit will empower you to witness to the strength of My love for each one of you. Do you wish to spread the Good News about My love? Do you want to become another co-worker with Mary? I await your reply to My love. I await your "yes" to My love. Thank you for giving Me your time each day in love of your neighbour. Amen.


5. The Crucifixion
(Matthew 27: 32-56) (Mark 15: 24-41)
(Luke 23: 33-49) (John 19: 17-30)
For final perseverance

Jesus: My beloved ones, I love you and I died willingly for you. I want you to love Me in return. I want you to adore My Body and Blood. I want you to receive worthily My Most Precious Body and Blood in Holy Communion each day.

It is in this way that you show how much you love Me by accepting My gift of love to you all. O, not many love Me enough to die to self in order to receive Me each day in Holy Communion! The gift of My Body and Blood comes to you from our Father on the wings of the dove of peace. Each time you receive My love in Holy Communion, you pass by our Mother Mary who stood at the foot of the cross adoring My Most Precious Body and Blood. Because of her love and obedience in complying with the desires of our heavenly Father, she continues to stand at the foot of the altar and offers you her Son's Body and Blood as food and drink for your weary soul.

It was through her willingness to die to self in order for you to be nourished by My Body and Blood that you have received such a wonderful gift of love from our tender Father. It was through her unselfish sacrifice at the foot of the cross that you also are invited to become one with your Lord at Mass - the re-enactment of Calvary. There was only one sacrifice, but there are many memorials of My sacrifice. But at each Mass the Holy Spirit changes the bread and wine into My Precious Body and Blood for your food and drink. He does so through the beautiful hands of a priest. This co-operation between man and God is most pleasing to our Father.

Will you co-operate with the Father's plan to feed you, to sustain you throughout your days on earth by receiving worthily My Body and Blood each day or as frequently as you can? I crave for your love in this way. I want to be among My people in this way. I want you to carry Me to others as My Mother carried Me when she lived on earth. This is how you gain strength for your journey. This is how you spread the Good News about My love, My life, My healing and My forgiveness. Yes, I am your merciful Jesus. I save. I have the power to transform you into creatures of love - just like your Mother. Do you want my love? Ask the help of the Holy Spirit, Mary, Saint Joseph and all the angels and saints. They await your call.

Thank you for loving Me. Thank you for seeking My love in the gift of My Body and Blood in Holy Communion. I love you. Amen.

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