Meditation by Our Lord Jesus
Christ on the Rosary of the
Blessed Virgin Mary


The Five Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary

1. The Annunciation (Luke 1: 26-38)
For the love of humility

Jesus: In this mystery I want you to think about My Mother's unselfishness, her great desire to do God's will, her obedience and her ready compliance with our Father's wishes. My Mother became your Mother too at the precise moment of My Incarnation. I am her first-born Son while you are her adopted sons and daughters through the grace of our Father. However it wasn't until she stood at the foot of the cross that I publicly stated this truth, "Woman, this is your son. Son, behold your Mother." (John 19:26-27).

John took her into his home. Would you do the same for love of Me, your crucified Jesus, now risen and alive? Would you make a place of rest for her in your heart? O, if only you knew the loveliness of our Mother! You would die from the joy of knowing it. For love of Me, please accept the Woman as your beloved heavenly Mother. She is clothed with the power of My Blood. She is here to protect you and to comfort you as a mother should. Open wide your heart to accept the love of My Mother. Thank you for your generosity of heart. Amen.


2. The Visitation (Luke 1:39-56)
For love towards my neighbour

Jesus: In this mystery our Mother set out immediately for the hill country of Judah. This was no mean feat, because she had to travel many miles through often rough terrain and in danger from brigands. Joseph accompanied her, but did not remain in Zechariah's house for any length of time.

Think of our Mother carrying Me in her womb. I was safe in her womb. It was my first haven of rest in the world in which you live now. Today she carries you all in her Immaculate Heart. Today she cares for you as she cared for Me, her beloved Saviour and Son. O, think of the generosity and willingness of our Mother to become the one who was destined to stand at the foot of the cross on Calvary and watch her beloved baby die an atrocious death!

She knew what the Scriptures had foretold about the Messiah. She knew what was in store for both of us. She accepted all of this suffering and joy for love of Me. Would you do the same for love of your Jesus and friend? Would you carry Me in your heart in imitation of Mary the Virgin Mother? Would you be so kind and generous as to take Me across the world to where I send you?

You know, don't you, that I am still willing today to be taken care of in your heart. Make your heart My place of rest - a place of comfort and joy for your poor lonely Saviour and Lord. How are you to do this? Through receiving My Body and Blood in Holy Communion - My gift of love to you. Thank you for accepting My love. Amen.


3. The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus (Luke 2:1-20)
For the spirit of poverty

Jesus: O, the joy in your Mother's eyes and face when she beheld Me, her infant Saviour and Son! O, the loveliness of our Mother is beyond compare! O, the joy she gave to Me, her beloved, was welcoming in such a cold hard world as yours.

Today I seek hearts who resemble My Mother's loveliness, generosity and humility. These are My beloved ones who welcome Me into their hearts as a place of rest in a world gone mad with its heretic thoughts and unruly passions.

O, the comfort you give Me when you try so hard to resemble your beloved Mother and friend! When you hold Me in your hands in Holy Communion, you remind Me of My dear Mother who held Me so tenderly in her own hands. When you receive Me on your tongue, you make Me think of the kisses My Mother bestowed upon My little face, My hands and feet. When you receive My Word into your heart, you are now beginning to most resemble your dear Mother who treasured all these things in her heart. When you live in My presence and adore Me, you remind Me of the thirty years I lived in the home of My Mother and Joseph.

Make your heart into My home by asking the help of the Holy Spirit, of Mary and Joseph. They will help you to prepare to receive Me each day into your heart. They will help you to love Me Who is so often despised and rejected by those whose indifference towards Me suffocates me. Thank you for seeking Me. Thank you for loving Me.


4. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:22-40)
For the virtue of obedience

Jesus: Think of the joy of Mary and Joseph when they presented Me to the Lord God, our Father. Think of the love of Simeon and Anna which welcomed Me in the Temple. Think of the fulfilment of the Old Testament words: "Every first-born male must be consecrated to the Lord" (Luke 2:23).

O, My Mother carried Me so gently and firmly in her arms and heart that day when she gave Me back to her Lord, the Father of all! Joseph was with her as head of the Holy Family. He supported her and loved her in a pure and holy way. He found Me through the love of the Virgin Mary when they were betrothed to each other. He now gave Me back to God the Father in obedience to the Law of his forefathers.

Don't you see how humble and devoted were Mary and Joseph? Don't you find your happiness in their obedience and love to God the Father? Don't you know that this is how you can make Me happy - by giving all to the Father in My name, in the power of the Holy Spirit, through the loving hands of Mary, ably assisted by Joseph the just? I endorse this practice of faith and love. The Holy Spirit delights in working with you in co-operation with His beloved Spouse, Mary. Joseph is always there with Mary, helping her, supporting her in her role of divine and spiritual motherhood. Togetherness in your family life is so pleasing to the Lord, your God.

Seek the help of the Blessed Trinity. Seek the help of the Holy Family of Nazareth in imitation of their love for God the Father. Are you willing to give your heart, your life, your eternity into the loving hands of God the Father, in My name, through the Immaculate Heart of our Mother? You can trust her, you know. She is pure in her intentions to love God Who is love. Thank you for receiving the love of our Mother in your heart. Amen.


5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
For the virtue of piety

Jesus: O, the love of our Mother is beyond compare! O, the suffering which was hers and Joseph when they thought they had lost Me forever! But no, they found Me teaching in the Temple in the midst of the Doctors of the Church and listening to them with love, patience and understanding.

My Mother understood My role as the Messiah and Saviour of all. My Mother knew that I would one day die for love of you all. My Mother knew that I was the fulfilment of the Old Testament Scriptures. She knew all of these things, because the Holy Spirit had prepared her for such a sublime role as Mother of the Divine Word of God. Yes, then why does Luke's Gospel state that she did not understand?

As My Mother, she knew that I would not give up My life into the hands of the enemy until I was a man. She never expected Me to commence My role as Messiah in a public way until I was an adult. She was truly My devoted Mother who cared for Me and grieved when she thought she had lost Me. That is why I allowed My Mother to announce the hour of My public ministry at the wedding feast at Cana.

Will you remain faithful to Me as your Mother did when you don't understand all that happens to you in life? Will you search for Me when you think you have lost Me? Will you try hard to accept all I send you out of love for you?

Try to be as faithful as your heavenly Mother and Joseph were. Try to love Me with their love. Try to become all Mine. I want you. With Mary's help, you'll win.

Thank you for seeking Me, your Lord and Saviour. Amen. Thank you for wanting Me and persevering in your faith. Prayer is the way of putting your faith into practice, into action. Copy our Mother Mary who was the love of Jesus in action. Amen.

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