Meditation by Our Lord Jesus
Christ on the Rosary of the
Blessed Virgin Mary


The Five Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary

1. The Resurrection
(Matthew 27: 62-66; 28: 1-15) (Mark 16: 1-18)
(Luke 24: 1-49) (John 21: 1-29)
For the virtue of faith

Jesus: I am alive. I have the power to save you, to heal you, to choose you to help Me in the Father's plan of salvation of souls, including your own. Will you co-operate with Me? Will you work with the Holy Spirit of love as He sanctifies you, guides you, strengthens you and consoles you? Will you accept the gift of love of My mother I gave you at Calvary? Will you work with her in My name for the salvation of souls, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and for the glory of our heavenly Father?

O, the glory which is Mine through your co-operation with the Holy Spouses! You are My glory when you say "yes" to My love coming to you through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Why come to Me through her? Why not come straight to Me without her help? Well, this is one of the secrets of God's Kingdom of love. It is within our Father's plan that you come to Me through My Immaculate Mother. This is one of the mysteries of My Father's Heavenly Paradise. I could have saved you all without the help of My Mother or without your own help as Co-worker. One drop of My Blood was sufficient to save you all for My Father's Kingdom of love. But within the plan of our Father there was a place for the Woman of Genesis (3:15) who will crush the serpent, Satan, at God's appointed time. Her seed will help her crush Satan and his seed.

You are her seed, My Mother's seed, with Me - the first-born Son, when you give us your "yes" to receiving My love. And the Father has ordained that you love Him with My love, and that of the Holy Spirit, and that of My Mother. Don't you see that God is loving unity and that the Blessed Trinity craves for your loving acceptance of all His gifts of love? Ask the help of the Holy Spirit Who will reveal all to you that I taught you on earth.

More and more of My love and its secrets are revealed to you by the Holy Spirit in the Father's good time down through the centuries. Today this secret is promulgated by My faithful servants - To Jesus through Mary's Immaculate Heart. I came to you through our Mother and now I come again through her love and through her readiness to prepare a place for Me in your hearts - a place of rest and peace.

I am peace. You won't have peace on your earth until you accept My love, My Father's love, and the Holy Spirit's love coming to you through our Queen of Peace, Mary, the Lady of all nations true spouse of the Holy Spirit of the Great Promise of peace and love.

Open up your heart to receive the love of the Blessed Trinity coming to you through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary whose Heart was pierced many times for love of you all. With her help, you'll win. Thank you for loving My Mother. Amen.


2. The Ascension
(Matthew 28: 16-20) (Mark 16: 19-20)
(Luke 24: 50-53) (Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11)
For the virtue of hope

Jesus: In this mystery I would like you to consider the love of our Father for all mankind. His generosity in sending Me, His only begotten Son, into the world through the spotless womb of the Virgin Mother Mary is highlighted in My Ascension into Heaven. O, the love of our Father for each one of us. He allowed Me to show you the Way to the Father through My Passion, Death and Resurrection from the dead. Now He takes Me in the power of the Holy Spirit up to His open arms waiting for His Beloved Son to return to His homeland in Heaven, Paradise.

Our Father, like the one in the parable of the Prodigal Son, waits and waits for the return of His Beloved One. He waits patiently, but with great longing and perfect love for the entry of you all into His Paradise of love and happiness. The Father anxiously waits for your homecoming straight into His bosom of love where love meets love in the eternal embrace of His Divine Mercy.

O, the joy on His face is beyond description in mere words! You will have to see for yourself when you enter the gates of Heaven greeted first by your heavenly Mother Mary. She quickly presents you to Me, the Good Shepherd, Whose delight upon greeting you, His beautiful one, is reflected in My eyes of love. My love for each one of you shines forth from the eyes of your Saviour and lover. O, the joy you bring to Heaven with your coming is beautiful!

Love abounds in Heaven and when you bring My love, radiating through your soul, back to Me, My love seems to explode in an outburst of loving song and praises to our heavenly Father for His loving plan of salvation for you all. When I present you, My little one, to the Father of all in Heaven's Paradise of love, you will know that you are home. You will know your true identity as a child of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit, because you will be made welcome by all the citizens of Heaven - your adopted brothers and sisters, angels and saints alike.

O, there is no sadness or even a hint of trouble in Heaven! It is truly our Father's heavenly Paradise of love and happiness - your reward for your consistent and generous love shown to all on earth, as it is in Heaven.


3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit
(Acts of the Apostles 2: 1-41)
For love of God

Jesus: O, the love of our Father for each one of you is beyond your imaginings to understand or even comprehend a little! No one on earth, except our Mother who was "full of grace", could possibly understand the love of our Father for each one of you His beloved children, sons and daughters of Mary, the Virgin Mother.

Our Father sent the Holy Spirit of Truth, Love and Peace to you all on that morning of Pentecost. When the Apostles had gathered together with Mary in the Upper Room in which I had celebrated the First Mass as both Priest and Victim, there came a great rushing of the wind of love - powerful, but yet gentle in His outpouring of graces and blessings upon you all.

O, the love of our Father in sending you the Great Paraclete, the Promise of His merciful love! Our love is without compare. The Father promised Abraham that His great mercy would descend upon you all in the form of a great outpouring of His love and merciful forgiveness. The Holy Spirit issued forth from My pierced Heart while I lay dead on the cross at Calvary. He was one of the three witnesses to My great love for you as your Saviour and Redeemer.

The Holy Spirit came forth from My open Heart with My Blood and Water and immediately lodged in the Immaculate Heart of His Spouse, Mary, who stood at the foot of the cross. Here the Holy Spirit found welcoming love and complete obedience of Mary to our Father's Divine Will. Here the Holy Spirit found peace and happiness in His Beloved Spouse's broken heart.

At Pentecost the Holy Spirit was again attracted to His Mary's Heart as she prayed and waited on the Lord. He entered Mary's Heart, who is the receptacle of God's graces and blessings, and from there the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles and faithful right down until the end of time.

O, open wide your hearts like Mary did. Receive the Holy Spirit of love and truth into your own dear hearts! Open wide to receive the rich mercies and life of your Jesus carried to you on the wings of the dove of peace through the open pierced Heart of Mary Immaculate. May your own heart be wounded with love as your dear Mother's Heart was also wounded with love when she stood at the foot of the cross comforting Me, and adoring My Blood - the price of your salvation. Amen.


4. The Assumption of Our Blessed Mother into Heaven
(Revelation 12: 1) (Song of Songs 6: 10)
(Judith 13: 19 re trust)
For devotion to Mary

Jesus: O, how all of Heaven rejoiced when your heavenly Mother entered the gates of Heaven! O, the hymns of praise and thanksgiving sung by all the choirs of Heaven to our Father! Our Father's face reflected the glory and delight that our Mother gave to Him through her life of love, suffering and total obedience to His Divine Will. Heaven had waited for this very moment, when our beautiful Mother Mary received her reward for a life lived completely in loving submission to the designs of our Father in Heaven.

O, how magnificent was the joy and happiness of all the angels and saints! O, the greeting and welcome we gave her was without compare! You see, within God the Father's plan of salvation there existed a place for the Mother of Divine Mercy, the delightful Spouse of the Holy Spirit, and obedient daughter of the Most High God the Father of all.

When you receive your eternal reward, you too will be able to gaze upon the humility and sacredness of our beautiful Mother. Her purity and holiness are beyond compare with any other creature. She was raised up to be My Mother, immaculate and pure in her intentions to love Me, her Son, Saviour and God. Yes, My sacrifice on the cross also saved My Mother through a special grace given to her at her conception. Through the great mercy of God the Father Mary was conceived immaculate, without a spot or a wrinkle, because she was the holy spotless womb in which I became the Word Made Flesh.

O, the plan of our Father to save you all is magnificent in its beauty and truth! Mary became My Mother through her "fiat" at the Annunciation. At the same moment she also became the Mother of the human race, your own dear Mother, loving and kind in her obedience to the Father's will. It is through her Motherhood - both divine and spiritual, that she carries out her role as Mediatrix and Advocate of you all.

You too are invited to become co-workers, co-redeemers with Me, as your Saviour and friend. Copy the model of your Mother in her love of Me in action, her complete surrender to the Father's will, her unselfishness, her generosity of heart and mind. Her life was lived in the shadow of the cross, but always as Spouse of the Holy Spirit. He descended upon her at her conception. He formed her into the dream the Father had of her from the beginning of time. He also has a dream of you since the dawn of creation.

Will you follow and fulfil our Father's dream by imitating your Mother's love of the Blessed Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit? I love you, My little ones. With Mary's help, you'll win. Amen.


5. The Crowning of Our Blessed Mother by the Blessed Trinity
(Tobit 13: 11) (II Peter 1: 19)
(Wisdom 7: 22-30; 8: 1) (Song of Songs 4: 12)
For eternal happiness

Jesus: Yes, in this mystery we focus on the reward of our great Queen and Mother. Our Father, the Holy Spirit and I all crowned her Queen of the Universe and Queen of Peace. We showed our love for her by raising her up to sit by My throne. My Mother sits at My right-hand.

O, the hymns of praise and loving thanksgiving which were sung to us, the Triune God, on account of the Blessed Virgin Mary's presence in Heaven!

O, the glory she has brought to God is greater than any other creature, because our Mother loved her God the greatest of any of you. She is truly the love of Jesus in action. She is the magnificent masterpiece of our Father's creation. She is your heavenly Mother too. So love her, cherish her, treasure her, because without her help, you'll be unable to reach your full potential in love and in serving your Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Examine the ways of your Mother - her beauty, her humility, obedience to love, her generosity and complete unselfishness, her love for the truth, her great desire to make Me happy, her total surrender and co-operation with her Spouse, the Holy Spirit, her dedication and selfless love to all who come to her for help. She gave herself totally in loving surrender to our Father's Divine Will.

The Holy Spirit and Mary are the gardeners of your soul, nourishing the seed of the Word of God in your soul, with the help of Joseph. He guards the seed of God's love within you. He never leaves his Queen Mother and friend, Mary. The Holy Spirit never leaves His beautiful Spouse in love, Mary. Mary never leaves Me and I never leave our Father. So you can see that Mary is the link between you and Me in God the Father's plan of salvation.

Her role as Mother is unique. She is truly the Ark of the Covenant for you all in today's world. She is the Woman of Genesis who is destined to crush Satan by defending you and imploring God's mercy on you all.

Respond to My call to love and holiness by consecrating your life to Me through Mary's Immaculate Heart. Then practise your loving co-operation with the help of the Holy Spirit. Allow My Most Precious Blood to cover you with My love and protection. With Mary's help, you'll win. Thank you for the gift of your love coming to Me through Mary's Immaculate Heart. Amen.

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