Jesus asks: Do you want to become all Mine ?

Jesus: Be brave in the face of criticism and difference of opinion. Do you want to become all Mine ? I know you do. But it is impossible without the help of My dear Mother Mary. She wants to mother you. She desires to draw you closer to her Son Jesus. She perseveres in her prayers and intercessions. She never gives up until you reach the door to eternity - death. Even then she fights for you and your salvation. Relinquish all doubts about the work your Mother does in your life, because even now in her glory she continues to work for the good of all mankind. She is forever stretching out her arms to you in love and supplication. She never ceases to cry out for God's mercy for you at the foot of the cross.

Here she resembles Moses as he prayed for his people over and over again. Mary also prayed and fasted for all of you during her days lived on earth. She devoted her whole life to pleasing God and making Him happy. This is what you should try to emulate. Her ways are generally unknown; but suffice to say that each day she lived out her life on earth in accordance with God's express wishes and desires.

This is why it is so necessary for you to encounter My Mother, and become acquainted with her ways. I wish for you to become more and more like her. She was My one and only true disciple. Everything she did was purely out of love for Me, her Son Jesus. Never once did she falter in her duty to love her Lord and Master. Her ear was finely tuned to listening to the desires of God's Heart.

Even then her prayers of intercession stormed Heaven for others less fortunate than she was herself. Every night she would kneel down and implore blessings from our Father on each and every one of His children. One day as she knelt beside her bed in loving and expectant prayer, an angel appeared to her and changed her whole life with his invitation from the Father for her to leave her present lifestyle and adopt, out of obedience to God, a much less secure and dangerous life as the Mother of Jesus, her Lord and God, her Saviour and Redeemer.

As she prayed for enlightenment, her eyes were opened and she was able to utter the now well beloved words, "I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done unto me according to your word", and with that the angel left her. (pp.185-6)

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