Know this! I want to save you. I await even a tiny glimmer of hope in your eyes when you turn to Me for comfort and love in return for a lifetime of wasted dreams and ego filled to the brim with pride and disobedience towards Me, your Lord God. And yet, I love you.
(Words spoken to Denise by Jesus on 17.12.92)


17 December 1992

Jesus: Reply to My questions.

Heed My Mother's requests. Take note of what she says and ponder it deeply within your own heart, the seat and source of your own true love. Never forget My love for you, because I am fully human and yet, fully divine.

So many of My people, including My priests, treat Me as though I am dead - that I never rose from the dead. I am alive. I am in control and all is well. These may seem like trite cliches as they roll off My tongue, but they are truth and truth leads to life eternal. Grasp the truth about your Jesus Christ and all will be well with you.

Look, I will ask you again to consider My pleas to the whole of mankind as well as My Mother's which support Mine:

· Will you turn to your God in loving adoration and sweet surrender to My will?

Think carefully when you consider these questions, because the time is fast approaching, and indeed it is here now for some of you, when the Son of Man will come to take you beyond your own world into the unknown eternity.

Tell Me your answer. Explain to Me how you think I will treat you. Talk to Me about your relationships with others.

Think! Think things out with the intelligence I have gifted you with. Reason out what you would do if you were in My place.

Then tell Me your answer. Know that if you turn to Me and accept Me as a merciful Saviour, even at the end of your life, I will reward you. I will save you. I will eagerly take you into My arms which have been waiting and waiting, aching for the touch of you, My beloved one.

O, don't you know Me? I am the merciful Lord. I am your Saviour and King, kind Master and wonderful God. I love you. I want you. I want your love in return for Mine.

Know this! I want to save you. I await even a tiny glimmer of hope in your eyes when you turn to Me for comfort and love in return for a lifetime of wasted dreams and ego filled to the brim with pride and disobedience towards Me, your Lord God.

And yet, I love you. I desire for you to come to Me at any time, in any place, in any way, as long as you come to Me with a contrite heart and a willingness to receive My blessings and love. Believe in My love. Believe in My power to change you into a person of love. Believe that I care about you endlessly and above all else. Each one of you, My Father and Mother's beloved children, I wish to save.

I await your trusting reply. I await in agony as you decide upon your own actions. Please don't keep Me waiting another moment of time, because love becomes impatient and needs to be cherished, desired and accepted. If you want to make Me happy, accept My love in complete harmony and trust. My Mother will help you through the power of the Holy One. And eagerly you'll approach Me. Come to Me as soon as you are able to. Don't take too long, because I love you too much to lose you. Go now in the peace of your Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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