Now there stood by the Cross of Jesus, his Mother, and his Mother's sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. When Jesus therefore had seen his Mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his Mother: Woman, behold thy son. After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy Mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own (John 19:25-27 DR).


Our Role in the New Covenant is to:

Be with Mary at the foot of the Cross by consecrating our life to Jesus' Sacred Heart through Mary's Immaculate Heart in the power of the Cross the Most Precious Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit's flame of love, in obedience to the Father's will and for His honour and glory.

Develop the practice of prayer and penance and remain hidden within the Immaculate Heart of our Queen Mother Mary as we labour in childbirth, helping Mary give spiritual birth to all her children in love, united with Jesus' Blood, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, and in obedience to our Father's will (cf Galatians 4:19; Revelation 12:2).

Be a mother to all mankind just as our Blessed Mother is by loving with our Mother's love in the power of the Cross and for the glory of our Father.



Be Mine. (p.7HL).

Be with Mary at the foot of the Cross by consecrating your whole life, death, and eternity to her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. She is the New Eve, the New Ark of the Covenant wherein I place those who surrender to Me through her. This is your safe haven as you labour in childbirth, helping your Mother and Saviour bring new life to you all - to all My beloved ones who freely and without hesitation come to Me now in complete trust, surrendering your heart to My love, willing to help us in the salvation of souls, promising your life to Me through your Mother's love. This is the Little Way of Saint Therese, a Carmelite nun, who was born out of the spirit of Moses and Elijah, who was willing to spend her life at the foot of the Cross, helping your Mother give birth to you all, united with My Blood - the Blood of the Lamb of God, which washed away all the sins of the world (p.686HLAW).

Recognise Mary's role in salvation; accept her as a gift from Me; listen to the Word of God spoken by the lips of Our Lady today (p.635HLAW).

Holy Spirit:
Listen to your Mother. She is the love of Jesus in action. Imitate her. Grow in the love of Jesus (p.436HL).

(Re: Little Therese of Lisieux)
She is a saint for your times. Study her way and resolve to follow its simplicity, humility (littleness) in all things. It is a way of love for a world in darkness and disarray. She is the woman who stands with me at the foot of the Cross brilliant in her glorious works of loving mercy for her Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of all (p.646

Yes, you are going to be sorely tempted to give up your faith - each one of you. The only respite you'll get is to develop the practice of prayer and penance, and to remain hidden within the Immaculate Heart of your Queen Mother Mary, the handmaid of the Lord our God (p.605HLAW).

Jesus: This is your work now,
your role in My work of redemption, to be coredeemers with your own heavenly Mother as she cries aloud in the final pangs of childbirth, the spiritual birth of all her children in love (p.686HLAW).

Become another coredeemer with your Mother, as she teaches you how to love Me and to save souls by telling them about My love, by loving them with My love, by sharing My secrets of the Kingdom of the Father's love, by interceding for all humanity at the foot of the Cross (p.745HLAW).

Giving birth to new life is always painful (p.666HLAW).

You are free to choose My love or to reject My love - in whatever way you wish. You can work half-heartedly for Me and still be My friend or you can be daring in your pursuit of Me - of Me in your neighbour, in your friends and in your enemies. Love them all with your Mother's love, because this is your vocation in life - to be a mother to all mankind just as your Mother is. To do this job well, you need to love with a mother's loving heart. So take My Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart and ask her to dwell in your own poor heart forever. She'll do this for you, because this is her role as Mother of all men, women and children. Use her. Borrow her Heart's charms and love, and practise loving all in your care and all in your heart. Soon you'll soar on eagle's wings directly into My arms where I'll present you directly to our Father in our homeland. When you see the kind loving eyes of our Father, you'll never again doubt the love of God. He is so majestic and yet so gentle and humble (p.332HLAW).

Holy Spirit:
You too have been given a role similar to your Mother Mary! You too carry Jesus deep within your heart and soul upon reception of Jesus' Body and Blood within that tiny host and Most Precious Blood at each Mass and Holy Communion. This is how your are to resemble your Mother who carried the total word of God, really and truly, deep within her virginal body. She became your Mother at the same time. She accepted her role of motherhood completely and without hesitation.

Holy Spirit:
If you want to gain further knowledge from Me about your role as carrier of God's Word and its wider implications of your own spiritual motherhood, then you must seek Jesus in Holy Communion and the other Sacraments of the Church, as well as the Bible of God's Word of life and love. These are all part of God's plan to unite you together in a great groundswell of love and peace. Imagine God's presence in each and every one of you through the reception of Holy Communion. Then imagine His pleasure and delight as He lives in each one of you as you carry Him across the earth, allowing the Jesus within you to heal and save His people with your cooperation and love. You see now don't you, how you resemble your Mother as carrier of the Word of God through the reception of Holy Communion, and the opening up of your heart to the Word of God in the Holy Bible, and in My inspirations and love as I carry on the mission of Jesus in you all for the salvation of your own souls and of all those God has placed in your care? (p.673HLAW).

Holy Spirit:
Just as Mary and I are a team made in Heaven in God's love, so too are you a team with the Holy Spirit. Continue to give Me your "yes" each day and throughout the day. Renew your commitment to do God's will in His way and in His time. Embrace the love of your Mother Mary. She is another great gift of God's love given to you through her Son Jesus in My power for the greater glory of God. Embrace your Mother, the Mother of Jesus. Take her into your heart along with Jesus and Myself (p.674HLAW).



And he said to all: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life, shall lose it; for he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, and cast away himself? (Luke 9:23-25DR).


Our Role in the New Covenant is to be with Mary at the foot of the Cross and to:

Enter into the power of the Cross, into God's friendship, and become His instrument of love as we joyfully take up our Cross and follow Him with the help of the Holy Spouses, the Holy Spirit and Mary, who will teach us the law of the Cross and help us to discover the secret of the Cross, through Jesus, with Jesus and in Jesus, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, and for our Father's glory.

Help Mary, trust her, love her, pray with her with the weapons of war ­ the Mass and Holy Communion, the Sacraments of Jesus' Church, the Rosary, the Chaplet of Mercy, and the Brown Scapular of her army, and be trained and developed as solders of Christ in the power of the Cross, under the command and God-given authority of Mary, our Mother and Queen, our immediate superior, the General of Christ's army and all the servants of God.


Holy Spirit:
Enter into the power of the Cross. Enter into the love, peace and harmony of God's friendship. Become His instrument of love. Become all His as you joyfully take up your Cross and follow Him with the help of His Mother Mary, My Beloved Spouse. This invitation comes to you from the God of love and life, truth and peace, joy and harmony. The power of the Cross lies in its ability to unify all peoples, all nations under one banner of love ­ the shadow of the Cross. With faith in your Saviour Jesus' Blood, with faith and courage in your hearts afire with love of Jesus your Saviour fill your mind and heart with the good things of life, My gifts of love, and bend eagerly towards your Mother who will instruct you in the law of the Cross.

If you try hard to enter into the power of the Cross, you will discover how to live a life of harmony within the realm of God's love and life. The law of the Cross is manifest in your self-discipline as you practise love, as you put your faith into practice and action by conquering all with the love of your Saviour's Blood shed to the last drop for the salvation of all mankind. Help your Saviour by trusting in His love, in His Blood which seeped into the Cross. Sacrifice your life with His as He again gives it to you in Holy Communion at each Mass offered as a sacrifice of love for you and all who faithfully follow Him. (p385HLAW).

Holy Spirit:
Come now, listen to the call of your Saviour and His Mother as they invite all to enter into the power of the Cross, into the power of the Blood of Jesus as Saviour, into the power of the Holy Spirit of love. Maintain your vigil with your Mother as she stands at the foot of the altar, of the Cross at Mass. Sustain yourself for your journey through life and eternity by receiving the Body and Blood of the Lamb of God, your friend and Redeemer. Have faith. Trust in the love of your Lord. Trust in the loving presence of Jesus, true God and true Man in the sacrifice of the Mass, the heavenly food of love and life, a gift from the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the Holy Name of Mary, the Sorrowful and Immaculate Mother of God and of you all. Amen. (pp385-6HLAW).

I want you to be like Our Lady wounded with love (p318HL).

Holy Spirit:
This is what it means to be wounded with love. The power of God's love grows within you until it overflows and reaches out to all those around you, all those you intercede for in the world of today. The world you see now will gradually fade away and be replaced in your affections with the power of the Cross to save and heal, to love and to want to love, to desire to love God and your neighbour, your friends with an intense burning flame of love. Co-operate with My powers to love and all will be well. A new and exciting atmosphere of love will enter your life, so dreary now in comparison to the joys of the heavenly gifts (p383HLAW).

O, the joy of being wounded with His love (p729HLAW).

Be secure in our love which pours forth from the flame of love from my Heart and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Know that He loves you with an everlasting love, an infinite love, a love which will never end. His love is kind and understanding. It is there for you to behold in those He places around you, if they but do His will and love His people. His love is faithful and forever constant, whether you are in the state of sin or in the state of grace. His love follows you wherever you go, ever watchful and taking care of you through His angels and saints which accompany you and are part of your life even now. His love is a constant flame of love which burns within my own Heart deeply and without ever being extinguished. It is my love for you, my dearest daughter, tossed on life's waves and wounded so badly at times that you can hardly function or think. When these times of deep sorrow weigh you down so heavily, just be calm and come to us, your heavenly family. We are only a breath away, a heartbeat so to speak. (pp535-6HLAW).

Forget your own inadequacies while you fight the good fight by leading an exemplary life of love ­ Christian love, Christ's love. Your lifestyle of Christian love exuding the joy, peace and happiness of your Saviour and your heavenly family will attract these poor souls who are devoid of My love and a Father and a Mother's love. O, call upon the help of the Spirit of love to embrace those poor hard hearts of stone! Never stop in your drive to "capture" them and "captivate" them for My Father's Kingdom of love. Fill their lives with peace and harmony, security and love. There is security in My love. There is ecstasy in My love. My love will delight you all with its vision of splendour for your own sweet life lived in your Mother and Father's arms, lived in the arms of a loving Saviour, wrapped up in the Spirit's flame of love. O, activate the flame of love in their life by never ceasing to be a true disciple of Jesus. Show them a new life, a better life, a more harmonious life than the one they live now in their walls of stone built up around their hearts which were made to love Me and to delight in their Saviour's love. Tell them about My love. Show them My love. Be your Christ for them and then love will flow. It will descend from on high as the manna did in the desert for the people of old. (p435HLAW).

Breathe Jesus' love. Espouse Jesus' love. Live Jesus' love. Pray! Pray every moment of your life. Pray while you work. Pray while you rest. Pray while you sleep. Never lose a moment to love your Jesus. Pray! Pray! Pray! Prayer is love in action. Prayer is faith in action. Prayer is hope in action. Prayer is trust in action. Offer Him your life through me. This is what He has asked of you. This is His will. Do it for love of Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you and guide you in Jesus' way of love. The Holy Spirit will strengthen you. I will be your Mother. Please allow me to show you how I want you to love my Son Jesus (pp435-6HL).

Pray for these lost children of mine who close their ears, eyes and minds to the Gospel message of God's love. You can help me by espousing this message to love through prayer and fasting. Become reconciled to God. Turn away from sin. Pray the Mass, the Rosary, and your other favourite devotions and prayers to the saints. Wear your Brown Scapular as a sign of your consecration to my Immaculate Heart. It is also a sign of my love for you. I am the Queen of all the saints. I am also the Mother of all sinners. Fast while praying. Become strong in the love of God. Become strong for others who need your prayers and penance. Have courage and persevere. Return to the ancient practice of fasting on bread and water as best you can. Receive your strength in the Body and Blood of Jesus in Holy Communion. Jesus is the life blood of your soul. Jesus is to be found in all the Sacraments of the Church. They are visible signs of His love. They are opportunities for the healing love of Jesus to strengthen you in your efforts to love Him more and more.

Be reconciled to Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you want to become Christlike, never give up in your quest to love with His love. Be cleansed in His healing love and repent of your sins. Your resolve not to sin will be strengthened through the frequent practice of this Sacrament. You will gain special graces which will help you (pp436-8HL).

Learn about Me in the Gospels. If you're going to be Christlike, to imitate Me during My life on earth, read the Gospels and then all will be revealed to you. Lead good lives according to your state in life ­ the daily sufferings and joys that are your lot. Accept and follow daily your Christ.

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Take up your Cross each day and follow Me. Be at peace with yourself, with your God, with your family, with your neighbours and with all My people. Forgive them their trespasses. Be healed in the Holy Eucharist and My other Sacraments. Go to the Church, your suffering Mother. Seek Me through My Mother and your Mother Mary. She alone can bring you to Me ­ she who was the Bride of the Spirit. She and the Spirit are waiting for you all. Choose God and not yourself. Learn to talk to God daily as you do to your family and friends. Aren't I part of you and your loving family? (p144HL).

Learn to listen to Me when I speak to you through My People, through your heart and in your inner deepness. I am the lonely One waiting to be invited in. Sometimes I wait forever. Will you never acknowledge that this poor lonely Heart of Mine waits patiently for His People to come to Him, talk to Him, invite Him into the inner stillness where you can discover the mysteries of your God's love for each one of you? Don't wait another moment! Do it now as time is short. Each passing moment can be either filled with love or devoid of love. It takes so little to influence your God. I am a lonely broken-hearted God, waiting for His People to glance, to look, to invite, to talk, to listen ­ to love, to hope, to trust, to believe, to desire, to want. Live in God so I can live in My People. Each one has a soul and is so lovable that I want him to realize My dream of him. If only they would allow Me to enter their lives... (pp144-5HL).

Believe in the power of My Mother to help you, because she is clothed with the power and authority of her Son (cf Revelation 12:1). Lead a good life as it states in the Bible. Read especially Paul and John's works, because they have relevance for the times in which you live. Befriend at least one of your brethren a day as I set before you the whole human race. Love these people I place on your path. Do you really know what I'm talking about? Do you understand? Love is the essence of it all ­ your life, hopes, dreams, aspirations to become another Christ like Me (pp507-8HLAW).

(Re: A Special Rendezvous time with Jesus with Mary's help)
Arrange a time with your Mother's help to come to Me during the day and night ­ a time in which we can talk about your troubles and anxieties, about your dreams and love for your God, your family and neighbours. This will help you. This will be soothing balm for the wounds you receive each day of your life ­ wounds inflicted upon your goodness and love by those who hate you and who want to drag you down to the depths of despair and hell's door. (p516HLAW).

Your Mother and I have devised a simple plan for you to follow each day to help you in your work of love. You've been asking for this, My love, haven't you, especially of late when you are beginning to realise the gravity of this responsibility I have thrust on your shoulders? I know what you are thinking: it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of God. Well, do you mind? Isn't it what your heart desires? Don't you keep going onwards with your daily "yes" and your hands in our Mother's? Well, did you think I wouldn't continue to train and correct you, your simplicity and truthfulness? (pp521-2HLAW).

The very blood which cries out in your own body, cries out loudly to our Father to send you the necessary graces and blessings, so that this healing hour (two halves, morning and night) can sustain you in your days and work ahead. Without this deep time of companionship and friendship in My company, you won't be able to complete what I have in mind for you (p708HLAW).

(Regarding Exposition of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament)
My dear one, come to Me, just as you are. I know you have lots of questions to ask and you need answers. But just come now gently and with great fervour and trust in the eternal embrace of your dear Father coming to you through the Eucharistic presence of My Son. This is what is required of you at present. So please obey and just sit quietly. Relax in the gentleness and holiness of My Son Jesus. Thank you, My dear one. I know you'll comply with My wishes. I am your kind Father. I know best always. Just relax now. Open wide your heart to receive all the graces and blessings which are coming to you now, just you, My little rose of beautiful love, on the wings of the Holy Spirit at the express request of your dear Mother Mary. Lose your troubles in the charms of your beautiful Saviour now. Amen. Go now to love and serve the Lord (p761HLAW).

Look at the loveliness of My wounds (p396HLAW).

Keep your gaze upon the Holy Face of Jesus (p99HLAW).



I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel (Genesis 3:15 DR).


Our Role in the New Covenant is to be with Mary at the foot of the Cross and to:

Reveal to the world the power of Jesus' Blood.

Help people love Jesus' Mother, and our Mother in the order of grace, as never before,
and in doing so, we will all begin to experience the joy of knowing, loving and serving Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, as never before in our life.

Restore Easter to its rightful place in the hearts and minds of all people.
In the name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


Jesus: Your job is to reveal to the world the power of My Blood.
Be a living example of faith, hope and love in the power of My Blood to heal and save a wounded world which cries out in fear and trepidation as you behold the power and might of your Almighty Saviour (p236HLAW).

Go before the Cross in reverential awe and feel the love of your Saviour, your Father and Mother in the power of the Holy One, the Spirit of peace and love and holiness. This is a great gift I have given to the earth ­ a beautiful exercise in faith, hope and love of your Saviour. (p639HLAW).

Be the Suffering Servant like Me. Be another Christ for Me ­ silent under trial and tribulation as life's events toss you about (p159HL).

This is your mission in life ­ to defend your Mother's cause in the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus, your Master, covered in My Most Precious Blood. Call all to Mary's side now as she stands at the foot of the Cross, glorious and victorious, triumphant in My own dear love (p745HLAW).

Yes, this is what I want of you now ­ to help people love our Mother as never before. Be bold in proclaiming her sanctity, her purity, her unique role in God's plan of salvation as the Woman of Genesis, clothed in the power of her Son, radiating to all through the hearts of those little faithful souls. Stand by her, with her; defend her from the assault of the enemy, God's foe Satan himself, and all the hordes of evil ones who prefer Satan's viciousness and wickedness to the purity and holiness of the Queen of the universe, Mother of the Good Shepherd and Saviour of all (p745HLAW).

Defend her purity. Defend her humility, her hiddenness. Love her Immaculate Heart. Respect her Sorrowful Heart. Be there for her always standing solidly and steadfastly in the shadow of the Cross of salvation (p577HLAW).

Erect the Cross. My Mother is attracted to the Cross. Gather around the Cross in love and prayer. Show us that you are welcoming to us. Then I will send My Mother and you will have your shrine. But first, you must erect the Cross (p177HLAW).

Unite as a team with one goal in mind ­ the restoration of Easter to its rightful place in the hearts and minds of all My beloved People.

Good Friday
Why not an annual commemorative day for Me, their Saviour and Lord, whereby they come and lay wreaths for Me around the Cross and, in doing so, offer Me their hearts and lives as a sign of their gratitude for My work of love, the giving of My life in return for all the people of the world? This could happen with a small service of love on Good Friday, early in the morning. The vigil could go all day and into the night, with people coming and going, as they remember My work of love for the salvation of them all.

Easter Saturday
On this day place red roses around My Cross for love of her, in remembrance of her tears and wounds suffered at My Passion and death on the Cross. This can be over and above your own Church celebrations. Let Saturday be the day in which you salute the motherhood of our beautiful Mother. She was My dying gift to you all and now today, more than ever before, stand with your Mother and Mine at the foot of the Cross and remember the love I had for you all; (Behold thy Mother John 19:27).

Easter Sunday
On Sunday have a procession to culminate around the Cross in prayerful singing and your hour of mercy at 3pm. The hour of mercy is an hour of healing in which you all come together quietly, listening intently to your Church leaders honouring Me and My Mother, speaking only of My mercy and the purpose of My sufferings and death on the Cross.

Mercy Sunday (i.e. the first Sunday after Easter Sunday)
Jesus: A special call to Mercy Sunday in which I want you to remember My merciful love, My healing Blood which is now covering the earth.
(Unpublished Material, 25 July, 1993).



That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. (John 17:21 DR).


Our Role in the New Covenant is to be with Mary at the foot of the Cross and to:

Love Jesus with the love of the Holy Spirit and Mary, the Holy Spouses, and pray to Jesus with Mary that the Spirit of Truth will pervade the hearts of all the peoples, all nations, so that they will become united under one banner of love ­ Jesus' Cross impregnated with His Most Precious Blood and symbol of Jesus' sacrifice for all mankind, for the honour and glory of our Heavenly Father.

Allow the Holy Spirit and Mary, the two gardeners of our soul, to work together continually to bring us into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus, and become all one as God's People of love and truth, of hope and forgiveness in the bosom of our Heavenly Father.

Abide by the rules of the Church and support, pray for and listen well to the Vicar of Christ, Pope John Paul II, and obey him because he represents Jesus Christ, as he guides the Church to unity, through Jesus, with Jesus, in Jesus, in the unity of the Holy Spirit for the honour and glory of our Heavenly Father.


O, how sublime is your task in life, all of you! To love Me with My Mother's love! To love Me with that flame of love issuing forth from My own Heart, burning with love for you especially and for all men until time ends. (p565HLAW).

Love your Mother with Jesus' love. Yes, love until you die of love ­ die to self, that is. Die to your unwanted passions, comforts and lifestyle in order to embrace Jesus' love. He loves His Mother with an enormous love, an infinite love. If you want to emulate His love, be prepared to die on your Cross, drained of all your blood and your own desires and will; because you will need to surrender everything to Jesus ­ every thought, word and deed of your own. Place it under the protection of Jesus' powerful Blood. Place it into His Sacred Heart ­ all your desires to love Him. Do this for love of the Father and of your Mother Mary who agonised at the foot of the Cross in order to bring you new life in the powerful flame of the Holy Spirit's love. Yes, awaken these desires to love in your heart. Yes, place all your desires and life into Mary's hands, because she will assist you to receive Jesus' graces, His life, His love coming to you on the wings of the Spirit's love. Amen (p709HLAW).

Holy Spirit:
Learn to love and accept love and then share it with others ­ a holy, pure, all embracing love as God's Spirit of love acts in your life in a very exciting and demanding way. This is your real calling. This can be your response to love, if you but give God your "yes" like your Mother did so many centuries ago. Be like her and you will grow in the grace of God as she did all her life. Don't miss an opportunity to show Me your love, because I am waiting and watching and hoping that you will work together with Me in love forever and forever. Amen (p433HLAW).

Show Me that you love Me by being willing to take risks for love, willing to die for love if needs be (p435HLAW).

Gather around the Cross in love and friendship and allow Me to show you My love. My ways are not your ways. Begin by responding to this call for unity and you will see the power of the Cross with your own eyes. You will become drawn to me, My little band of disciples. Watch My love spread rapidly throughout the world. Problems which seemed insurmountable to you will fall away like the leaves on the trees in winter when the winds of change will blow them away forever. This is the beginning of a new day, a new era, a new time in the history of the world, a new reign of love under one Shepherd, one fold, under the banner of the love of the Cross. Do you want to be part of it? Say "yes" and allow My love to sweep you along together. Always together at the foot of the Cross in loving unity and peaceful harmony of God's Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of the great Promise! Yes, I await your love in this new and challenging way. Don't let Me down. Pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten you. Ask Him to breathe over you and possess you. Pray to My Mother that all will gather together at the foot of the Cross with her adoring your Jesus. I desire you to come quickly to Me in love and trust. There is not a moment to spare. I wish to save each creature My Father created out of love for you all. Will you help Me? Will you trust your Saviour and friend? Do I deserve your trusting love and friendship? Will you surrender completely to your God? Will you be Mine, now and forever? Amen (pp173-4HLAW).

Allow me to place my mantle of love around you to protect you from the evil one. Today his evil permeates the world to a degree never known before in its history. But remember, my Son's power to love is stronger than Satan's evil power. My Son's power to love and save will be victorious. I am the Queen of Victories. The Father has placed the future of the world in my hands. God will crush Satan through me (cf Genesis 3:15). My Immaculate Heart will triumph. This is the last cry of a Mother for her beloved children. Come to me! I will show you how to love our Jesus. I will beg the Holy Spirit to sanctify you. He will fashion you into the Father's dream that He had of you from the first moment He created you in His mind. Allow us to love you our way. Allow the Holy Spirit to breathe the breath of God's life and love into your weary souls. They are filled with the nonsense and the difficulties of the world. O, my troubled children, bereft of God's love and life, draw closer to the source of life ­ Jesus Himself (p434HL).

Examine the ways of your Mother ­ her beauty, her humility, obedience to love, her generosity and complete unselfishness, her love for the truth, her great desire to make Me happy, her total surrender and cooperation with her Spouse, the Holy Spirit, her dedication and selfless love for all who come to her for help. She gave herself totally in loving surrender to our Father's Divine will. The Holy Spirit and Mary are the gardeners of your soul, nourishing the seed of the Word of God in your soul, with the help of Joseph. He guards the seed of God's love within you. He never leaves his Queen Mother and friend Mary. The Holy Spirit never leaves His beautiful Spouse in love, Mary. Mary never leaves Me and I never leave our Father. So you can see that Mary is the link between you and Me in God the Father's plan of salvation. Her role as Mother is unique. She is truly the Ark of the Covenant for you all in today's world. She is the Woman of Genesis who is destined to crush Satan by defending you and imploring God's mercy on you all. Respond to My call to love and holiness by consecrating your life to Me through Mary's Immaculate Heart. Then practise your loving cooperation with the help of the Holy Spirit. Allow My Most Precious Blood to cover you with My love and protection. With Mary's help, you'll win. Thank you for the gift of your love coming to Me through Mary's Immaculate Heart. Amen (pp775-6 HLAW).

Hope in God's victory, because before long you will behold the final triumph of God's love as it surges across the world, uniting all as one, under one holy shepherd ­ the Holy Catholic Church, entirely pure in its faith, truth and love. (p359HLAW).

Saint Joseph, as guardian and protector of the Church, is to be invoked (p624HLAW).

Carry on Jesus' mission, empowered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Carry Jesus in your heart. Call on the help of our Queen and all the Communion of Saints. Together we'll all be there when the victory sound is sung by all of Heaven's Court ­ the Church Triumphant working hand-in-hand with the Church Militant and the Suffering Church in Purgatory. Together as one, united under the banner of love ­ the Cross of salvation of our Saviour and leader, Jesus Christ, forever to sing the praises of Our Lord Jesus Christ, together forever in the bosom of our Father and Mother encircled with the Holy Spirit's flame of love. Amen (p349HLAW).

Holy Spirit:
I am still alive and active within the Church today, within the hearts of the faithful. Listen well to the Vicar of Christ, the greatest prophet of his time, the beloved of Jesus and Mary, Pope John Paul II. He is the true Vicar of Christ. He upholds the truth of Christ. He must be listened to and obeyed, because he represents Jesus Christ in person today in your time. (p391HLAW).

Let the Church bells ring as the day of the Lord is fast approaching when laughter and gladness, smiles of happiness and healing love will pervade the hearts of those I love and those who believe in My mighty love, the powerful Blood of your Saviour and friend, Jesus Christ, Lord and King of all the universe. Amen. With Mary's help, you'll win. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! (p645HLAW).

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