(2) TRUST:

51. What is our part in God's Covenant of love sealed with the Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ?

Mary: Your part is to trust in the love of your Saviour. Become a living example of faith, hope and love in your Saviour's Blood to heal a world gone astray, a world in which the values of man have supplanted the values of God's Kingdom of love. (p. 575)


52. Will Jesus awaken in us feelings of faith, hope and love for Him?

Jesus: Yes, I will awaken in you feelings of faith, hope and love for Me, your Good Shepherd. Trust in My loving help coming to you through Mary Immaculate. All is well. Remember to call upon the help of Saint Joseph too. In his own way, he will help to purify your intentions to love Me with an ardent desire to make Me happy. Yes, all is accomplished in the powerful love of the Holy Spirit. The truth will conquer all. Remember this. Don't deny the truth. Be conscious of your responsibilities to love Me and to love Me in others when you are My disciple. (p. 737)


53. Does our happiness depend upon the trust we place in Jesus' holy name?

Mary: Your happiness depends upon the trust you place in His holy name. Your glory depends upon your response to His goodness and kindness. Spread His love throughout His Kingdom of love by loving God and loving others as you love yourself. In order to enter into God's kingdom of love and happiness you have to love now. You will be judged upon the measure of your love for My Son Jesus and for your love shown to others for Jesus' sake. This is how you may enter into the realm of God's love and later into His loving Kingdom. You must become like Jesus in love. You must try to become perfect in love as our heavenly Father is perfect in love. He sent His only begotten Son to die an ignominious death on the cross at Calvary in order to save you for Himself, for His Kingdom of happiness and peace. (p. 602)

Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48 DR Bible)


54. Shouldn't we trust Jesus always?

Jesus: Trust Me in the little, ordinary things of life. Love Me when danger approaches and rocks you off your feet. It is then that I await your cry; the cry of My beloved pierces the very depths of My Heart. I reach out to you and rescue you from the evil one. (p.320)


55. Why is it so important to trust Jesus our Saviour and friend?

Jesus: Trust Me, because My mercy is poured out to you in proportion to the amount you place your trust in My Heart. Call out to Me, your Saviour and friend. I redeemed you. I love you. I don't want to see your condemnation now or ever. Gaze into the loving face of your Redeemer; all will be well.

Peace will descend upon you - the peace of your Saviour and Lord. Love will envelop you as the Holy Spirit breathes His flame of love and possesses you. Joy will be yours as your heavenly Mother cries out in My name to save you, her beloved daughter or son. And happiness will be your lot as we present you to our heavenly Father of love, welcoming you into His Kingdom of love: 

"Well done, good and faithful servant of Mine. Enter now into the realm of My love, never again to know misery or to cry tears or utter sounds of fear, because you are clothed with the garment of love. You are Mine to have and to hold from this day forward. Time has no beginning or end in My heavenly Kingdom. It has always been love and it will always be love, love, love - love without end throughout eternity. Mine to love and yours to adore and to enjoy now and forever. Amen." (p.320)


56. What is of paramount importance as the world faces one crisis after another?

Mary: True hope in your Saviour Jesus Christ is of paramount importance as the world faces one crisis after another. Do not allow Satan to fill you with despair and hatred for your brethren, especially those who persecute you for your beliefs in God as Creator, Saviour and Sanctifier, Three Persons in One. Abide by the rules of your Church, the one true Church, inspired by the Spirit of love and truth as each day you see further destruction of the true faith in your Saviour Jesus as Lord of all creatures, including myself. (pp. 636-7)


57. What is a measure of our own love for Jesus?

Jesus: Trust Me to save you all, because one drop of My Blood was sufficient to do this. And yet, I gave all of My Blood as a measure of My love for you - the love of a dying Saviour as He agonised on the cross of Calvary.

Attend even one Mass in honour of My sufferings and those of My Mother, because this is a token of your love, a measure of your own love for Me. Gaze upon the face of the Suffering Servant and you will comfort Me. You will adore Me through the eyes of love. This will invigorate your soul and mind and help you to focus on love, the love of a Father and a Mother for all their children, the love of a Saviour Who died in order to give you salvation through the powerful love of God's Holy Spirit of love. (pp. 502-3)


58. Can Jesus trust us?

Jesus: I love you. Don't let Me down this time! Can I trust you? Will you be there when I need you? Do I have to doubt you? Do you love Me? Do you need Me? Do you want to be all Mine?

Trust in My graces and blessings to help you. O, ye of little faith ...! Pray to be as faithful as our Mother who was completely Mine and lived just for Me. (Healing Love, p. 48)


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