(Excerpts from Healing Love At Work)

 1. What is the accomplishment of God's plan of love?

 Jesus: This is the accomplishment of God's plan of love - that you all come to Me through the hands of My loving Mother with the aid of the Holy Spirit of love, winging your way up to life eternal, entering the Kingdom of God's love and light where you'll be happy forever and forever with Me and all of God's creatures of love. Love is the key. (p.318)


2. Who holds the key of love to Jesus' Sacred Heart?

Jesus: Open your hearts to My love with the key of love held in My Mother's hands, breathed over by the Spirit of love and you will become all love in God's Heavenly Kingdom where love abounds and fills all space. Your happiness for your future life depends on the "now"; the hereafter is determined by the decisions you make now for love, to love and through love. Never forget - love everyone, despite their behaviour and attitude towards you. (p. 318)


3. Isn't Jesus our Mediator with the Father?

Jesus: O, yes, come to Me! I beg you all to receive the love of your heavenly family. Start life afresh each day in the arms of your Lord, breathed on by the Spirit of love, cradled in the arms of your beloved Mother. I'll lead you to our Father in Paradise where your home awaits you. (p. 142)


4. What does Jesus want of each one of us?

Jesus: Act now if you wish to come to Me, because I am waiting patiently for each of you to approach the throne of God. If you come to Me through your Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, you will be assured of salvation and joy throughout all eternity in My Father's Kingdom of love. (p.2)

Behold thy mother. (John 19:27 Douay Rheims Bible)


5. Does Jesus' desire surprise us?

Jesus: Those of you who read this book may find that you are surprised upon hearing of My desire. But if you know anything about the depths of My love for you and My Mother, you would begin to understand just a little in the beginning and more as time evolves. (p.2)


6. Why does Jesus want us to show our trust in Him by placing our life in Mary's Immaculate Heart?

Jesus: Hence trust Me by placing your life in your Mother's hands and warm Immaculate Heart. She can be trusted. Indeed she will lead you to Me directly without any deception or lies. She will be your safe refuge in these times in which you now find yourself living. She is today's Ark of the Covenant. She is all perfect and pure. She is God's purest creature and hence all love and peace are buried as treasure within her Immaculate Heart. (p.2)


7. Why is it necessary to embrace this spirituality?

Jesus: In order for peace to come into the depths of souls and minds of all men, women and children, it is necessary to embrace this spirituality, this secret buried for so long and now resurfacing. (p.2)


8. Is it a new devotion?

Jesus: It is not a new devotion. It was given to My Mother at the cross when she accepted her spiritual motherhood of you all. It was there that she publicly and generously took you all into her caring, warm heart. Don't disappoint her. Don't betray your Mother as Judas betrayed Me. (p.2)

Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. When Jesus therefore had seen his mother and the disciple standing whom he loved, he saith to his mother: Woman, behold thy son. After that, he saith to the disciple: Behold thy mother. And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own. (John 19: 25-27, DR Bible)


9. Should we praise the goodness of our Mother's name?

Jesus: Lift up your voice to the Lord and praise the goodness of My Mother's name. Cry out in unison this song of joy: Mary, sweetest Virgin Mother of all, we love you. Because in loving you as our Mother, we are really loving Jesus our Saviour, and the Blessed Trinity, Three-in-One, Godhead of love. (p.2)

Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. (Luke 1:28, DR Bible)


10. Why should we become devoted to Mary?

Jesus: Become devoted to our Mother, because she is the new hope of the everlasting Covenant sealed in My Blood, the Blood of the Lamb of God. It is through My Mother's Immaculate Heart that all will be accomplished, because this is the Father's will. His will is holy and divine. I carry out His wishes. I, and I alone, am the true Son of the Father, My Father, our Father, the Creator of you all. Yes, He created Heaven too, as well as the earth. Yes, Heaven is for those who love Him through Me, His only begotten Son, the sacrificial Lamb of God. (p.607)


11. What do we need now to keep us standing before our crucified Lord?

Jesus: O, go to our Mother! I gave her to you with My dying words on the cross of Calvary. That is why I want you to go to the foot of the cross. I want you to stand there and to embrace My Mother. Her love is just what you all need now to keep standing before your crucified Lord, your eyes on My face, your lips pressed closely to My wounded feet, your spirit open to the promptings of My Holy Spirit, and your heart beating in unison with a Mother's love for her Saviour, her Son, her God and for all of mankind. Escape from your tiny minds. Allow the Spirit of love and truth to heal you of your narrowmindedness and wounds through leading you to Me, through and with our Mother. (pp. 639-640)


12. What is the reality of the situation?

Jesus: Hence the reality of the situation is this. Unless you come to Me through your Mother's sweet embrace in the safe confines of her Immaculate Heart, you will falter and be lost in the difficult times that lie ahead. In fact, the difficult times are with you now and will only get worse, until the hour God comes back to earth made ready by the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. (p.3).


13. How can we make our Lord Jesus Christ happy?

Mary: Make your Lord happy by rallying around your Mother, your general of the Lord's army of prayer and penance. Prayer and love are the weapons of war which I need in order to fight against Satan and his hordes of screaming demons. Their filthy blasphemies against my Son can be expiated by continual prayer on the part of my faithful children. I love you so. Why don't you all rally around your Mother in this day of battle? Why don't you throw yourselves and your loved ones into the loving arms of your Jesus? He awaits your cries for mercy. He wishes to save you all. Yes, He wishes to save even those who utter blasphemy and pour filth from their mouths and hearts. Entire nations await your prayers. (p.100)

I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed; she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel. (Genesis 3:15, DR Bible)


14. Are some people asleep?

Mary: Some people are asleep instead of being in action praying beside their Mother who with God's power leads the assault against Satan and his evil seed. (p.100)


15. What is the power of Jesus' Most Precious Blood?

Jesus: My Blood has the power to heal and save a world gone mad with its passions and heretic thoughts. (p.2)


16. How does the Holy Spirit of love plant Jesus' seed of life within our souls?

Jesus: Allow the Holy Spirit of love to plant My seed of life within your soul through Baptism. Then rejoice in the love of your Mother who together with the Holy Spirit resides over the garden of your soul and carefully tenders it with the water of My life's Blood. (p.3)


17. Is this act of consecration - to belong to Jesus through Mary - within our power to carry out?

Jesus: This act of yours to consecrate your own heart and soul, in fact, your entire life for the sake of My love, to your Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is within your power to carry out, if you so desire. Do it generously and gladly with warm hearts and open minds, because My love comes to you through My Mother's Heart, so pure and immaculate, so glorified in God's merciful love. (p.3)


18. How soon should we make our consecration to Jesus through Mary?

Jesus: Tarry no longer, because time is of the essence. Be brave, My little ones, because soon the hand of the Lord will be evident upon each one of you. Sustain yourself by partaking of My Body and Blood. Refrain from nursing grudges and never allow hatred to get the upper hand in the battle for your soul. (p.3)


19. How do we destroy all of Satan's work?

Jesus: You destroy all of Satan's work by loving with My love, by serving with My love, by walking with My love, by living within My Mother's Heart residing within My own Sacred Heart. Always be Mine now and forever in loving trust and deep repose in My Heart. (p.3)


20. Can we understand Jesus' love for us without our Mother's help?

Jesus: You can't even begin to understand My love for you without your Mother's help. I submitted to her love when I lived on earth. I want you to do the same for love of Me. Become as humble as your Saviour Who died and shed all His Blood for you. (p.145)


21. Does it require humility to submit to Jesus through Mary?

Jesus: You will be able to carry out My plans for your life work only if you ask for the help of My Mother and Me. This help will come to you through the power of the Holy Spirit of truth. It requires humility to submit to Me through My Mother; not too many people will be willing to do this. Ask the help of the Holy Spirit. He will show you the way to My Heart and I tell you solemnly now, the way to My Heart is through the Heart of My beloved Mother and friend, Mary of Nazareth, spouse of Joseph true and just in the love of the Lord. Be with your heavenly family as they journey with you through life. (p.405)


22. How did Joseph come to Jesus?

Holy Spirit: Joseph came to Jesus through Mary. (p.737)


23. Does Joseph ever leave Mary's side?

Jesus: Joseph never leaves her side. He prays for you without cease. Ask for his aid. (p.405)


24. Why should we consecrate ourselves to Saint Joseph?

Jesus: Consecrate yourself to him also, because he has the ear and eye of his earthly spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Deposit your life work in his hands through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, because Joseph and Mary always worked together during their life on earth, opening their hearts, minds and wills to the Holy Spirit. You are beginning to realise and understand this strong cohesiveness in Paradise between Myself, My Father, the Holy Spirit of love, our Mother, her earthly spouse Joseph and all the angels and saints, all bound together with love, living in love, sharing love, living together in a kingdom of love, grace and blessings which they wish you to partake of. (p.405)


25. Will a special grace be conferred upon all those who surrender everything to Jesus through His Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart?

Joseph: A special grace will be conferred upon all those who surrender everything to Jesus through His Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. The Spirit of power and might will become more and more visible in order to counteract Satan's ploys at deception and the mayhem they cause each and every one of you. No one will be able to close their eyes and ears to God's call to unity, holiness, love, forgiveness and mercy shown to all mankind by all of you. Be as merciful as your Heavenly Father is merciful. Jesus is the King of Mercy and Mary is His Queen. Throughout it all we will be together unified in the bright light, warmth and vitality of the Holy Spirit of love and harmony. Outward mayhem will be counteracted by inner silence, inner calm, inner peace and love. All fear will leave you when you live in the realm of God's love. Become a true light of Christ. Light up your little part of the world. All of you who are true to God will receive grace after grace, blessing after blessing and light and warmth to fill up your smiling eyes and gentle hands. (p.606)


26. Do many realise the value of this special consecration?

Mary: I am your spiritual Mother. I alone have been given the role of taking you by the hand to Jesus. Call on the help of the Holy Spirit. He will help you go to Jesus through me. This requires a special grace. It is a privilege not granted to many souls. Even though it is the will of the Blessed Trinity that you belong to Jesus through me, not many realise the value of this special consecration. (p.80)


27. What must we do to realise the value of this special consecration?

Mary: Pray hard for enlightenment. Pray with me, through me, and in me. I will cover your prayers with my mantle of love. I will place your prayers in the hands of my Son Jesus. With the guidance of the Paraclete you will come to me with love and humility. I will take you immediately with the Holy Spirit to Jesus. I will place your tired heart into His. I will give Him to you entirely. He will come and indwell your heart with the whole heavenly family. Where Jesus is, there is the Father. Where Jesus lives, there live I. Where I live, the Holy Spirit, my Spouse, lives with me. He never leaves me. He is with me constantly. I never leave Jesus and Jesus never leaves the Father. Neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit ever leave Jesus. This is a taste of Heaven. When Jesus lives in your heart, you have already commenced your heavenly life on earth. (p.80)


28. What are the effects of living this consecration - to Jesus through Mary?

Holy Spirit: Firstly , you will change inwardly as well as outwardly. You will become more loving and unafraid of the consequences of loving God as He deserves and God in your neighbour and friends. Secondly, I will anoint you with the charisma of My powerful love and you will become totally love as time progresses and as you keep persevering in God's designs of love for you yourself and an unruly world. You see, in order to help your Jesus in His work of salvation and love, you must become like Him in all things. You must become more loving and faithful to His cause, His mission, His work of loving His people through Him, with Him and in Him. Lastly, you will begin to take on a certain glow as love lights up your heart and leads you ever deeper and deeper into the heart of love, Jesus Himself, His Sacred Heart which is His abode of love and life for all those who sweetly surrender to His graces and blessings in the daily routine of their life. (p.476)


29. Can this transformation take place only with our consent, perseverance, faithfulness and love?

Holy Spirit: Well now, even if you do surrender to God in a blaze of truth, energy and My power, you will still have to undergo an everlasting metamorphosis as love takes control of your life, your heart, your mind, and, in fact, your entire being - body and soul together. Yes, this transformation can take place only with your consent, your perseverance, your faithfulness and your love. Indeed, this is what your Mother asks for - a hasty retreat into your Saviour's arms in order to begin your transformation into a creature of beautiful love. Then the woes of the earth will be unable to touch you deeply. You will ride on the waves of God's ocean of merciful love. You will ride out the coming storms with certitude and faith in your Jesus as Saviour. (p.476)


30. What happens to us from the first moment we wish to consecrate our life to Jesus through Mary?

Mary: You belong to God. You are entirely in Jesus' care from the first moment you wished to consecrate your life to Him through me. When you offer me your life, and when you renew your life-offering each day, I accept it graciously and thankfully and give it to Jesus for safe-keeping. (p.81)


31. Do we become a temple of God?

Holy Spirit: Grasp the reality of Jesus and Mary living within you, and where they live so do I. The Father never leaves His Jesus. So the reality is that the entire Blessed Trinity and the Queen of Peace live within your own being. You are truly a temple of God, radiating the life and love of your Lord from your eyes and smile, mouth and hands. Your feet travel along the path to Calvary with Jesus and Mary in My power and for the glory of God, if you but give all to Jesus through your Mother Mary. (p.300)


32. What happens if we continue to give our heart to Jesus through Mary's hands?

Holy Spirit: Not one heartbeat will be lost for the salvation of others if you continue to give your heart to Jesus through Mary's hands. Nothing will be wasted. Any joy, suffering work of love for your Jesus will be used in the salvation of all souls, to catch all souls in the net of My Holy Spirit Whose charms and gifts cannot be denied or withstood. (pp. 299-300)


33. Will Mary make demands on us if we offer our life to Jesus through her?

Mary: As your Mother, I won't make demands upon you. I only tell you of my wishes. I know what is best for all my children. I know the love of my Jesus for each one of you. I ask that you think very carefully and consider my plea to offer your life to Him in love and trust. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to abandon yourself to Jesus. He will lead you along life's path to my Son Jesus. Consecrate your life to Jesus by honouring me. Obey Him, because then you show humility and love. Be committed to following His cause. His mission was, and still is, to save souls, to bring all sinners into the realm of God's love and life. He won't force you to do this. He is so gentle and respectful of each person's choice to surrender to His great love. (p.48-49)


34. Does Jesus desire to know each one of us intimately?

Mary: He loves you even more because you are my children and I am your Mother. He desires to know each of you intimately. I desire this too, because it is only then that peace and love will be established in the world. Soon it will be the reign of the Holy Spirit. Then peace and love will abound on the earth. People's hearts will espouse the breath of their Christ. O happy days! Days filled with the joy and the wonder of the Lord! Each day will be filled to the brim with the love of God permeating each heart and soul, mind and being. People will seek my Son in the Holy Eucharist. People will thirst for His love. Then contentment and joy will fill the earth, because God's love will cry out for all to hear. And you will all respond to His cry of love. You will hunger and thirst for His Body and Blood in the Eucharist. You will crave for His closeness in your hearts and lives. You will become other Christs, reaching out in love and happiness to other less fortunate souls. You will have the flame of the love of the Holy Spirit to guide and enlighten you in a deeper and more intimate way. O, God is so good! (pp. 49-50)


35. How will Mary help those people consecrated to Jesus through her Immaculate Heart?

Holy Spirit: Bring all little ones to her through My powerful love. She will create in them the desire to love her Son which she imbued in others in her lifetime lived in the rigours of this earth. She keeps nothing for herself, this Mother of Mercy. She feeds all with the Lamb of God, her Son and Redeemer. She finds in their hearts a place for Jesus to settle, to live in peace and harmony, a place to lay His weary head. She is the personification of all the graces and blessings of God's love and life, all found together living in harmony in her Heart. She can be trusted. She belongs to Me. She is all Mine. She belongs totally to the Father and to the Son and to Me, her Holy Spouse.

She is the first adorer of the Blessed Trinity. She is the handmaid of the Lord. In her Heart and womb, soul and mind lived the presence of the Divinity, the Word Made Flesh Who dwelt amongst you all. He still remains with you all now through the goodness and mercy of the Father by coming to you all in the Holy Eucharist, the perfect sacrifice to be offered to the Father in the presence of His Mother and yours who remained at the foot of the cross in perfect harmony with the Divine Will, ever obedient unto death herself, ever trusting and willing to be a receptacle of the Word Made Flesh, the entire world of all My gifts of love, all the Father's blessings, all the tears and sighs of her Blessed Son Jesus, all the tears and sighs of Jesus' blessed flock.

Don't you see that the Blessed Virgin Mary was the meeting place on earth of God's divine life and love for all humanity to see and wonder at? Yes indeed, this humble handmaid of the Lord was chosen by God to be Jesus' Mother and the Mother of all men, women and children now and forever, kingdom without end. Amen. (pp. 625-6)


36. Why is it imperative to tell everyone of the importance of this consecration to Jesus through Mary's Immaculate Heart?

Holy Spirit: Those who have consecrated themselves to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of their Mother Mary are the only ones who will remain firmly attached to Jesus as the whole earth shudders and lurches like a drunken man, staggering under the blows of Satan and his hordes of demons from hell. This is why it is imperative that you tell everyone the importance of consecration of your heart to Jesus' Sacred Heart through Mary's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. It is the only way you will survive the coming onslaughts of the enemy of God. (p.385)


37. Does Jesus want us to talk to people about His plans for their salvation?

Jesus: Talk to people about My merciful love. Tell them about My plans for their salvation. Ask them to consider making Me happy by consecrating their lives to My Sacred Heart through My Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. All you can do is ask them to do this. You can't force someone to act out of love. So keep interceding for them. Keep telling them about My wishes. Don't stop in your loving drive to save all souls placed on your path in life. These are the ones I want you to intercede for.

Mary takes care of everyone. If you give her your life for love of Me, then you become part of My plan for salvation which Mary is carrying out in this day and age. Don't lose hope! I have prepared for you this role of telling people of My wishes. Tell them what they can do to make Me happy. Ask the help of the Holy Spirit and Mary. They'll never let you down. They'll continue to lead you and other faithful souls to Me. And remember, I love you so much.

You are the pride of the Holy Spirit and your Mother. I am so pleased with your little efforts. You may not see much success, but do you have to? Isn't that for Me to know? Isn't that for Me to cherish and be comforted by? Thank you for loving Me. Thank you for allowing Me to use you as My little instrument of loving peace. Thank you for trusting your life and family to Me. I love you. Never doubt this. A great reward awaits you in Heaven. (pp. 74-5)


38. What does Jesus advise for those people who cannot come to Jesus through Mary?

Jesus: Ask Mary to help you to respond to My call. She knows how much I crave for your love. Place your life in her hands and come to Me. If you cannot do this, then come to the foot of the cross of Calvary and adore Me with My Mother. Allow the drops of My Precious Blood to wash away your sins. Allow My Blood to cover you and infuse into your heart and soul, mind and body, the powerful love from My Heart which will heal you and caress you.

Don't you want to receive My love? Don't you want to be all Mine? Don't you want to help Me save all souls I place in your care? This is your lifelong work! This is the purpose of your life - to love Me and to bring souls to Me which I place in your care.

Don't disappoint Me. Don't let Me down. Aren't I abused enough in the face of suffering humanity today? Aren't I kicked aside and trodden upon by My enemies?

If you are My friends, come to Me. If there is a flicker of love or goodness within your heart, come to Me. I'll make you strong in love for your Christ. I'll heal you. I'll look after you. I'll protect you. I'll care for you. I'll save you. Your time to respond to My call is running out. Act now and you won't be sorry. (pp. 43-4)


39. Can we consecrate our family, friends and all the people in the world to Jesus' Sacred Heart through Mary's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart?

Father: Place all souls in your realm of love into the loving hands of Jesus through Mary. This is the answer to your many questions about what you can do to save souls who are your responsibility. If more souls were shown the love of their Lord and His Mother, then many more would respond to their love and experience love, peace and joy in their life. The gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as the fruits of these gifts, would be abundant in their lives.

O. the joy of God's obedient children! Obedient to the will of their Lord and Master! Fruitful souls! Loving children of Mine! Not one of their prayers is wasted. Not one of their efforts to love My Son and His Mother is overlooked by My kindness and love.

Come and praise your God Who is so heedful of His children's needs and prayers. Strive to be as merciful as Jesus. Keep close to Him in prayer and sacrifice. Keep gazing upon the face of your Saviour. His gaze is salvation. It is pure love. The love of your Lord and Master for each of you. Place yourself in His care by kneeling at the foot of the cross with Mary and faithful John. (p.89)


40. How must we hold firm to our faith in God in these difficult times?

Holy Spirit: Hold firm to His teachings. Obey God's commandments to love Him alone and Him in your neighbour and in yourself. Then you will come to a deeper realisation of the meaning of your times. You are entering Calvary. You are about to be tested and tried. Hold firm to your faith by consecration of your heart and life to Jesus' Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Jesus' divine love and life will save you. With the help of the Spirit of love and His beloved spouse Mary, you will be saved. You will be rescued from the snares of the devil and his counterparts. Be brave, My little ones, because all is well. God loves you all. Respond to His loving call by loving God and neighbour with all your heart and soul, with all your strength you can muster within your heart. Love and you will be freed from the burdens of this life on earth. (p. 390)


41. How has our world at large lost its faith in God?

Jesus: My Blood is your price of salvation, hope and mercy in a world gone wrong through its lack of silence and prayer. Consequently your world at large has lost its faith in God, because it has been imbued with its own spirit instead of God's Spirit of love and truth. Yes, until the world repents of its sins and comes in humble obedience to its Saviour of love, peace will not be yours. (p.750)


42. Are we all going to be tempted to give up our faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ?

Joseph: Yes, you are going to be sorely tempted to give up your faith - each one of you. The only respite you'll get is to develop the practice of prayer and penance, and to remain hidden within the Immaculate Heart of your Queen Mother Mary, the handmaid of the Lord our God. Suffice it to say that never before in the history of the universe will you see such bloodthirsty happenings each day and night on your television screen. It will make all of God's people alarmed and cry out in fear. Fear will reside in your hearts, because your world will become a real bloodbath. Trembling knees will bow to their God. A fearful people will cry out for mercy. Nature will revolt at the thought of such inhumanity by man to mankind.

O, come to your dear Mother and mine, the Most Holy Virgin Mother of Nazareth, my earthly spouse and Queen of Peace. She is your safe refuge in such a troubled world. (p.605)


43. Does our own guardian angel work ceaselessly for our salvation?

Jesus: Your own guardian angel works ceaselessly for your salvation. His work resembles My care for all of you, My little ones, enclosed in the safe harbour of your Mother's Immaculate Heart. His work becomes one with that of Saint Joseph, the guardian of the seed within your soul, My life, the little mustard seed that grows and grows until it becomes a great tree of life for all those who find shelter in its branches. This is how love grows. You give it and I give it to you. The Holy Spirit works through you spreading My love with the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother of love. (p. 591)


44. What life-giving help is administered by the Church?

Jesus: You can become part of this life of Christ by partaking of the Sacraments of the Church. You only have to receive the waters of Baptism once in order to regain full entry into God the Father's realm of love - His Kingdom of love. See how the Church plays a part, a role in God's plan of salvation.

Yes, the Church is an integral part of the Father's plan to save you all through the life-giving graces and blessings coming to you from the Father through the Blood of the Lamb of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit of love and truth.

Indeed, it is through the life-giving sacrifice of Jesus, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, that all is accomplished. My sacrifice on the cross at Calvary marked the beginning of new life in you all - life through the Body and Blood of Myself at Communion, the life-giving graces and blessings, the new life in the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit of love and truth. (p. 718)


45. Should we reflect the joy of Heaven now in our time on earth?

Jesus: Joy abounds in Heaven. Reflect the joy of Heaven now in your time on earth, because it is above all earth's imaginings what this special act of consecration to your Mother's Immaculate Heart means to you now, and later throughout your life, lived in everlasting peace and joy, in the embrace of your heavenly Father and Mother.

Allow the graces of each day to descend happily and gratefully into each moment. This is how you love Me and breathe in the breath of God, the Holy Spirit Himself manifested in the love of a Mother's charms. Do not resist her love any longer coming to you in the fire of the Spirit of love. Don't deny this truth any longer. Be brave and edify your Church by embracing the love of your God coming to you directly through the loving graces and kindly smiles of our Blessed Mother.

She is My gift of peace to you. She is above all My most precious gift of love. She never stops praying for you all, her beloved children of God, her heritage won for her by the spilling of My Most Precious Blood. Love her now as best you can. Love her through My own Sacred Heart. Love her in the power of the Spirit of love, her Spouse. And love her in the realm of the Father's love, perfect and exhilarating, as you behold the power and splendour bestowed on you all through the wonderful love, suffering and merits of this holy woman of God, our Mother. Amen. (p.736)


46. Who is Saint Therese of Lisieux?

Mary: She is a saint for your times. Study her way and resolve to follow its simplicity, humility (littleness) in all things. It is a way of love for a world in darkness and disarray. She is the woman who stands with me at the foot of the cross brilliant in her glorious works of loving mercy for her Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of all. (p. 646)


47. What is the essence of Saint Therese's Little Way of love?

Little Therese: Firstly, you must follow His command to love your Lord, your God with your whole heart, your whole mind, your whole soul and with all your strength, and love your neighbour as you love yourself.

Be true to your Lord God in all your dealings with your neighbour, because it is in this way that you show how much you love Jesus in Whose image people are made. This is the garment which Saint Paul talks about, the outer garment of love. Underneath that garment each of you has a multitude of desires according to your nature, personality and circumstances in life. Each one of you is special in God's eyes, made differently according to the wishes of our Father in Heaven. Each one has a different job to do for God, a different way of coming to God and a different mind-set and thoughts from others. However there is only one way to come to God and that is according to His will and to His decrees.

We go to Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit and of Mary and we go to our Father through Jesus Christ Himself. That is the essence of the Little Way. It is love, love, love because on Judgement Day it will be the measure of our love of God, self and neighbour that will determine whether we enter Paradise or not. (pp. 651-2)


48. When do Jesus and the Holy Spirit begin their work of love in us?

Little Therese: When you have chosen love, then Jesus and the Holy Spirit of life begin their work of love in you, transforming your heart into the hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Be like your Holy Family in Nazareth, all loving, all caring and helpful to those around you in the ordinary everyday tasks of life. This is the Little Way of love to Jesus through Mary in the power of the Holy One. Become like them - all love, as you live out your life day-by-day, week-by-week, year-by-year, accepting all things as from the hand of God, trusting and loving as a small child in the great mercy and loving forgiveness of our Lord and God. (p. 652)


49. Will we have Mary to help us as we climb Calvary in imitation of Our Lord Jesus?

Little Therese: And yes, you'll have Mary as your Mother to help you as you climb Calvary with Jesus, in Jesus and for Jesus through the power and love of the Holy Spirit. He is a Spirit of action and love. He wants to help you to embrace your cross, because it is here on the road to Calvary that you will become a saint, loving all, accepting all, trusting all to Jesus as you abandon your life to Him through Mary, the Mother of all saints and the Mother of all sinners.

Say "yes" to Jesus today and many times each day with Mary's own "fiat" to our Father in the shadow of the Holy One. Then you'll soar on eagle's wings up to your Heavenly Father, your real and true home in Paradise for all eternity. We are waiting for you to call on us for help. All of God's angels and saints await your cries for our help. In the mighty power of the Holy Spirit all is accomplished. Believe in the love of your Lord for each and every one of you. (p. 652)


50. What is the sign of our consecration and dedication to Mary's Immaculate Heart?

Jesus: Elijah left his garment of love for each one of you, picked up and worn by Elisha - the garment of fire and new life lived in the fire of the Spirit's love, lived contently and safely in the Immaculate Heart of His Spouse Mary.

Put Elijah's garment of love around your neck today - the Scapular of the Order of Mary, the Mother of Mount Carmel, the sign of your consecration and dedication to her Immaculate Heart which protects you and cares for you in the Father's love. (p. 685)


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