129. What is God's reward for those who have consecrated their life to Jesus through Mary's Immaculate Heart?

Jesus: For you who have a special love for My Mother and shown it in different devotions, I have a big surprise for you. Your reward will be different from those of your brethren who did not revere My Mother, especially in your heart. Well, your surprise when you see your home will be without precedence, because you will be housed close by your Mother and actually be living in her special love which emanates from her Immaculate Heart.

Yes, this is especially reserved for those who, during their life on earth, have consecrated themselves to Me through her special motherly love. Yes, your reward will be received as you bask in the love of your heavenly Mother's love. What you do on earth will be duplicated in a way in Heaven; only duplication is not the word. It is more like multiplication, because your love for Me reflected through your Mother's Immaculate Heart will embrace you in a special act of love - one which the Father bestows upon those who have faithfully and expectantly hoped for through the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. (p. 736)


130. Does our Blessed Mother know where our heavenly home is to be placed?

Mary: I have seen your home in Heaven. I know where it is to be placed - in His Sacred Heart in a special place reserved for all those who have loved me and consecrated their hearts and lives, minds and entire beings and all to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.

You won't be afraid to make this final exit from your place of exile on earth when the time arrives for your departure from earth. This will be a great rejoicing in your heart and soul. Your mind will then be finely attuned to each and every one of my Son's commands straight to your heart. Your grasp of the reality of Heaven will be such that you will be anxiously awaiting the hour of my Son's arrival to take you home to His Kingdom of love where you will be met by all your fellow saints and the mighty angels of Heaven to salute you and to bring you great joy and loveliness. O yes, I will be there with my Son Jesus when He comes to take you home to our Father in Heaven! Your joy will be deep. Your love will be immense and your trust in His merciful love will be your greatest attribute. (p. 588)


131. Is Heaven well worth the effort to love on earth?

Little Therese: Yes, tell all your earthbound people that Heaven is well worth the effort, while you toil and work for the extension of the kingdom of God's love in the hearts, minds and souls of all those who seek the Lord, those whose will wants love, treasures love, knocks on the heart of love itself, Jesus Christ, true God, true man. Do you think that Jesus could deny you anything good that your heart desires? No, I know you believe in His goodness and love. O, Heaven is well worth the effort to love on earth!

Yes! Yes, God is good. Sing out His praises now and forever, my lovely one. Come. Come into the realm of Heaven's love as you partake of Jesus' true Body and Blood in the feast of a lifetime - Holy Communion when you become one with the Almighty, one with love, one with the new life created especially for you, a true taste of Heaven's peace and love, joy beyond belief.

O, come and live in the goodness of our Lord and taste and see what He has in store for you! If only you knew, you would unite yourself more deeply, more trustingly to His Spirit of life and love Who comes to you and helps you, consoles you as you journey through your life of exile now.

Come, listen to Heaven's citizens singing praises to the Almighty. Listen. Hear what's in your heart now and love. Live in God's love. Live in Jesus Christ through eating His Body and drinking His Blood now. Do it now and join us in the almighty presence of God, singing joyfully forever the songs of love, praise and thanksgiving filled with the joy of the new life lived to perfection in Paradise. Amen. (pp. 723-4)


132. Is Heaven an extraordinary world of love, compassion and peace?

Jesus: O, there is another world of love out there for you! A world that is truly heavenly and a living paradise beckoning you, welcoming all who approach its gates. It is a fascinating, beautiful world in which love presides as King and Queen of all who live there. It is an extraordinary world of love, compassion and peace. There is no materialism there. There are no arguments or fights. All is love, because it is a kingdom of pure love, holy love, unadulterated love beyond your imagination and your wildest dreams.

Heaven is an incredibly brilliant, positive and healthy place in which to live. It is not exotic in any way. In fact, when you get there, all your dreams will have come true and more, because Heaven is forever changing and forever growing in a kaleidoscope of love and peace. There is much laughter and singing in Heaven. All the angels and saints there, led by My Mother Mary, praise God for His goodness and kindness shown to all who enter. This heavenly dream can be yours if you wish it.

Wouldn't you love to reside in an area of love, a place where peace and harmony reign? A beautiful garden of heavenly delights and all beyond your capability of knowing while you live here on earth, dressed in the garments of excessive wealth and the trappings that go with wealth. I know some of My Father's children are destitute and not even able to get enough food for every day. But in Heaven there will be no shortage of heavenly food, of delicious drinks that will quench your insatiable thirst for Me, your Jesus.

O, the love of your Jesus and Mary will grow and grow in your hearts until such time as you reach the fullness of love when it will begin to overflow and drench those around you with its healing balm and copious joys and happiness! This will be a big surprise for you, My love. That is, the whole range of different happinesses which will be your daily lot in Heaven. I speak to you now in earthly terms in order to help you to understand the great reward that awaits all those who respond to My love with their own fragile little love. (pp. 593-4)


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