101. Is our role in the salvation of souls a very important one?

Father: Your role in the salvation of souls is a very important one. Jesus wants you to intercede for all souls He places in your care. He wants you to go to Him through His loving Mother Mary, because she has such power over His love that His mercy overflows and saves each soul presented to Him by her. This is without fail. If the soul is obdurate and stubborn in responding to Jesus' merciful love, I grant more time in which that soul may convert to God through repentance and sorrow for sin. (p. 89)


102. Why are many souls lost in darkness and spend eternity in the hatred of hell?

Father: Many souls are lost in darkness and spend eternity in the hatred of hell, because there is no one to intercede for them. If only you, My faithful followers of Jesus, would love those poor souls, many who would otherwise be lost forever would repent and return to the fold of the Good Shepherd. (p.89)


103. What can we do to save souls who are our responsibility?

Father: Come now and kneel before the Good Shepherd and His Mother. Place all souls in your realm of love into the loving hands of Jesus through Mary. This is the answer to your many questions about what you can do to save souls who are your responsibility. If more souls were shown the love of their Lord and His Mother, then many more would respond to their love and experience love, peace and joy in their life. The gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as the fruits of these gifts, would be abundant in their lives. O, the joy of God's obedient children! Obedient to the will of their Lord and Master! Fruitful souls! Loving children of Mine! (p.89)


104. Are any of the prayers of God's children wasted?

Father: Not one of their prayers is wasted, Not one of their efforts to love My Son and His Mother is overlooked by My kindness and love. Come and praise your God Who is so heedful of His children's needs and prayers. Strive to be as merciful as Jesus. Keep close to Him in prayer and sacrifice. Keep gazing upon the face of your Saviour. His gaze is salvation. It is pure love. The love of your Lord and Master for each of you. Place yourself in His care by kneeling at the foot of the cross with Mary and faithful John. (p. 89)


105. Where will we find the suffering Mother, ever faithful to the love of her Saviour and Son?

Father: The cross has power because it symbolises the sacrifice of My Son on Calvary. It epitomises the sufferings and love of your Saviour Jesus Christ. It is here that you'll find the suffering Mother, ever faithful to the love of her Saviour and Son. It is here that I look down with favour upon those who gather around the cross with the great Queen and Mother. O, how I wish all mankind would honour her by their support and love at the foot of the cross! Ask the help of John and the holy women who comforted the dying Saviour and His poor Mother on that Good Friday. Unite your sufferings with these faithful children of God who did not abandon My Son in His hour of need. (p. 90)


106. How can we help Jesus?

Father: You can help now by living there with Him at every Mass where Calvary is re-presented. Kneel at the foot of the cross with Mary and Jesus' faithful followers. Love your Saviour with the love of your Mother and Queen. Place all souls in His care through her. Be ever ready to co-operate with His love in whatever way the Holy Spirit enlightens you.

Do the ordinary everyday tasks allotted to you in life for love of your Lord. Offer your life to Him through your Mother and Queen of the Universe. She will keep nothing for herself. She alone out of all mankind loves My Son with a pure and true love. She is totally unselfish. She wants to make Jesus happy and she does continually. Imitate your Mother and love Jesus in this way. Happiness will also flow to you. True happiness is living in the peace and love and joy of your God. (p.90)


107. How does Our Father want us to respond to the love of His Son Jesus?

Father: Come now and offer Jesus your entire life with all your joys and sorrows for love of Him and your neighbour. In this way souls will be saved, because you will be able to unite your offerings with those of My Son and His Mother on Calvary. This is how I want you to respond to the love of My Son. Remember I loved you all so much that I sent My only-begotten Son to die for each one of you. Through His death and resurrection He won salvation for each and every creature. His love has the power to heal and to save. His love is without measure. His love is Himself. (p. 90)


108. Who will help us to respond to Jesus' great love?

Father: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to respond to Jesus' great love. It is through Jesus that you came to Me, your heavenly Father. It is through Mary that you go to Jesus, your Saviour. Believe in the love of your Lord. Believe and great graces and blessings will be yours. Respond to the love of your Lord now. Run into the loving arms of your Good Shepherd and all will be well. Fight the good fight until the very end. (p. 90)


109. Is our God-given role similar to our Mother Mary's role?

Holy Spirit: You too have been given a role similar to your Mother Mary! You too carry Jesus deep within your heart and soul upon reception of Jesus' Body and Blood within that tiny host and Most Precious Blood at each Mass and Holy Communion. This is how you are to resemble your Mother who carried the total Word of God, really and truly, deep within her virginal body. She became your Mother at the same time. She accepted her role of motherhood completely and without hesitation. (p. 634)

But I most gladly will spend and be spent myself for your souls; although loving you more, I be loved less.
(2 Corinthians 12:15 DR Bible)


110. Have we accepted our role of spiritual motherhood completely and without hesitation?

Holy Spirit:


111. What is the meaning of the role of spiritual motherhood?

Jesus: To nurture the Word of God in other people. (p.669)


112. How do we gain further knowledge from God about our role as carrier of God's Word and its wider implications of spiritual motherhood?

Holy Spirit: If you want to gain further knowledge from Me about your role as carrier of God's Word and its wider implications of your own spiritual motherhood, then you must seek Jesus in Holy Communion and the other Sacraments of the Church, as well as the Bible of God's Word of life and love. These are all part of God's plans to unite you together in a great groundswell of love and peace. (p. 673)


113. How do we carry Jesus across the earth?

Holy Spirit: Imagine God's presence in each and every one of you through the reception of Holy Communion. Then imagine His pleasure and delight as He lives in each one of you as you carry Him across the earth, allowing the Jesus within you to heal and save His people with your cooperation and love. You see now don't you, how you resemble your Mother as carrier of the Word of God through the reception of Holy Communion, and the opening up of your heart to the Word of God in the Holy Bible, and in My inspirations and love as I carry on the mission of Jesus in you all for the salvation of your own souls and of all those God has placed in your care? Just as Mary and I are a team made in Heaven in God's love, so too are you a team with the Holy Spirit. (pp. 673-4)


114. What truths must we grasp with God's help in order to be able to fulfil our role as coredeemers with Jesus?

Holy Spirit: Mary of Nazareth has now become the Mother of all peoples, of all nations on earth as she embraces her role as Mother of Jesus, Mother of you all, and spouse of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. She is truly a faithful daughter of the Father, all powerful in her Son's love and victorious and triumphant in My union of loving truth, harmonious peace, great happiness and joy. This is your heritage, all gift from your heavenly Father through the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. His Blood was spilt on Calvary for love of you all in cooperation with the Mediatrix of all graces, Mary. Try to grasp these truths with My help, because until you do, you will not be able to fulfil your role as coredeemers with Jesus. Mary calls each and every one of you all to be with her at the foot of the cross, imploring God's mercy on a world gone mad with Satan's empty promises and dreadful lies. (p. 674)


115. How should we imitate our heavenly Mother?

Holy Spirit: Be like your heavenly Mother. Trust in God's promises of salvation, love and peace. Respond to His loving call like your own Mother did, when she gave her "yes" to God's will and designs in her life, and in God's plan through Gabriel, faithful messenger of God. Amen.

We will help you to understand your role in God's plan of salvation. Spend time with Jesus in prayerful love and silence as He heals you and prepares you to embrace God's will in your life, in conjunction with your heavenly Mother. You too must answer the call to do God's will in your own life as your heavenly Mother did. She united her will with God's will. She grew and grew in God's love over the years as she lived out her whole life in the shadow of My Spirit and within God's plan of love for your salvation. (pp. 674-5)


116. Do we each have a role to play in God's plan of salvation?

Holy Spirit: You each have a role to play in God's plan of salvation. You each must give your consent, your "yes" as your Mother did so long ago. So many times throughout her life she was confronted with situations which were hurtful and painful to her just like your life is at times. But be like your Mother. Ride out each storm in the comfort of your Father's arms, in the loving embrace of a Saviour's love, in delightful harmony with My love. I will sustain you through the reception of Jesus in Communion. I will unite us all together in order that you will become strong and loving as your Mother was.

Copy her. Give your support to Jesus and Mary. Comfort those who are unable to love as you do, who are not as generous as you are in loving and serving God through the love of His Mother. My love helps to bind you closer and closer to Jesus, as He saves you each day, and prepares you for your meeting with His Abba Father. Amen. (p. 675)


117. Is each soul responsible for the care of countless others?

Jesus: Love works with love and makes the kingdom of God become a reality in the lives of all people I place around you and within your care. Each soul is responsible for the care of countless others. Accept your responsibility and do it in the arms of the Good Shepherd of love. I will never abandon you, not now or ever. Just remain in the realm of My love and all will be well. Amen. (p. 592)


118. Is Jesus asking us to work with Him?

Jesus: Be Mine, because I'm asking you now, again and again, as you travel the road through life. Make an effort to know Me better, because then you'll love Me better in order to serve Me better. To work with Me, the Suffering Servant, the risen Christ, is a work of love - challenging, exciting, forever fresh and rewarding, sometimes difficult and definitely demanding with some responsibilities to try your best, to become a true disciple of Mine, but only with our help, the loving help of your God, Three in One, the gentleness of your Mother's care and blessings, the strong network of support from the angels and saints who live with Me in glory, in Paradise, in My Father's kingdom of love. O, won't you reconsider your role in My work of love? Ask Me about it. Be always prepared to love Me in new and exciting ways, even if you never move out of your home, your workplace. But together, your life can change and take on more of the qualities and peaceful existence of knowing you are Mine, that you are making Me happy, and that I am looking after you - no matter what! (p. 524)


119. Does Jesus want us to be a living example of faith, hope and love in the power of His Blood to heal and save us?

Jesus: Your job is to reveal to the world the power of My Blood. Be a living example of faith, hope and love in the power of My Blood to heal and save a wounded world which cries out in fear and trepidation as you behold the power and might of your Almighty Saviour. (p. 236)


120. What is our mission in life?

Jesus: This is your mission in life - to defend your Mother's cause in the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus, your Master, lover, covered in My Most Precious Blood. Call all to Mary's side now as she stands at the foot of the cross, glorious and victorious, triumphant in My own dear love. My healing love, My precious Blood even now is calling all to Me through My Mother's lips, My Mother's Heart, her tears and sighs, her smiles and gladness.

Yes, this is what I want of you now - to help people love our Mother as never before. Be bold in proclaiming her sanctity, her purity, her unique role in God's plan of salvation as the Woman of Genesis, clothed in the power of her Son, radiating to all through the hearts of those little faithful souls. Stand by her, with her; defend her from the assault of the enemy, God's foe, Satan himself, and all the hordes of evil ones who prefer Satan's viciousness and wickedness to the purity and holiness of the Queen of the universe, Mother of the Good Shepherd and Saviour of all. (p. 745)


121. Does Jesus want us to defend Mary with our very life?

Jesus: Defend her purity and holiness with your very life, your breath, your blood, as you convey to all who will listen, the qualities of My Mother's love, her beauty and sweetness as she adorns your life with her protection and mantle of love. (p. 744)


122. Does Jesus want us to ring the victory bells in our Churches?

Jesus: We are all lined up in position in our Mother's army - her seed. I am amongst you all, because I am her first-born Son. I am here to complete My Mother's victory over Satan. So now, what have you to fear? Be brave, My little ones. Be content to defend your Mother's cause with prayers, untold sacrifices and much penance and fasting. I am with you through it all. She needs your prayers now as never before. She still calls you to her side even now as some positions are vacant. She calls and calls you all, ever onward, ever forward as you sing My praises and offer thanksgiving to our beloved Father. Yes, all is in hand. All is well. Do not worry anymore, because I have already told you to ring the victory bells in your Churches. (p. 757)


123. Will Jesus be with us when we come to the defence of our Mother?

Jesus: I will be there with you at your side, within you, around you, encircling you with My love, if you but come to the defence of My Mother. Defend her purity. Defend her humility, her hiddenness. Love her Immaculate Heart.

Respect her Sorrowful Heart. Be there for her always standing solidly and steadfastly in the shadow of the cross of salvation. It is here that all graces and blessings are won for you and passed onto suffering humanity through the Immaculate Heart of My Mother Mary. Yes, her Heart was sadly troubled and sorrowful as she suffered with Me and for My cause - the salvation of all souls until the end of time. Yes, this is her role in God's plan of salvation. Yes, she is already the Woman clothed with the sun and standing on the moon, a crown of twelve stars placed on her head by the Blessed Trinity. Amen. (p. 577)


124. How does Jesus wish to become intimately known and loved by all His followers?

Jesus: Despite Satan's attempts to ensnare you, you are saved, because you believe in My merciful, healing love, My Blood which covers you from head to foot and even seeps into the very ground on which you walk. O, stay close to us, My love. Your Mother and I wish to develop you into a strong building of faith, hope and love in Me as your Saviour and friend. I will always remain your Good Shepherd and great lover through Holy Communion. This is how I wish to become intimately known and loved by all My followers. (p. 728)


125. What is the meaning of Jesus' words: I want you to be like Our Lady wounded with love? (Healing Love, p. 318)

Mary: Peace! I wish you the peace and joy of your Saviour Jesus. I desire you to experience His love. I want you to respond to His love with the help of the Spirit of love and my own wrapped in His flame of love. My own Immaculate Heart is on fire with love for you all, because I am covered with the goodness and holiness of my own Son's Most Precious Blood. This is why I am now standing at the foot of the cross. This is where you too can respond to His love. The wounds of My Saviour Jesus have wounded me with this flaming love, His ever present healing love which continues even now to envelop me, to encircle me, even now as I stand in the holy presence of my God and Master, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus of Calvary, Jesus of the Most Precious Sacrament in which you become one with Him through the reception of His Body and Blood. Amen. (p. 584)


126. What is the meaning of Jesus' words - wounded with love?

Holy Spirit: This is what it means to be wounded with love. The power of God's love grows within you until it overflows and reaches out to all those around you, all those you intercede for in the world today. The world you see now will gradually fade away and be replaced in your affections with the power of the cross to save and heal, to love and to want to love, to desire to love God and your neighbour, your friends with an intense burning flame of love. Co-operate with My powers to love and all will be well. (p. 383)


127. Does Our Blessed Mother urge us to have confidence, hope and trust in Jesus' healing love?

Mary: Yes, my precious daughter, have no confidence in your own weakness to love and obey the good Lord. Without Him you can do nothing. But have every confidence, hope and trust in His unending, unfailing healing love which brings out the best in you, that is, Himself, my Jesus, my love, the joy of my life and throughout eternity. O, how I rush to your side when I behold the gaze of my Son looking at me through your own beautiful eyes! O, how my Heart melts with love under His gaze! My Heart burns with His love. All through my life my Heart was wounded with His love and life. O, the joy of being wounded with His love. (p. 729)


128. Will Mary intercede for us?

Holy Spirit: Fill your heart to overflowing with Jesus' love through the powerful intercession of your Mother Mary, because it is God's will. Open wide your heart to receive the light and life of Jesus of Nazareth, Beloved of Mary and Joseph the just, true to God in his holiness and daily work.

Smile, because your dreams are becoming a reality. Rejoice, because the love of your Jesus Christ is filling you up with gladness and joy. He is turning your sorrow to joy. He is calming the storms within you with His healing love. He is beckoning you to become another Christ as His Mother became before you.

Yes, you are beginning to accept the gifts of God's love. Mary has given you the grace to believe in Jesus' presence not only in Eucharistic presence in His Holy Body and Blood, but in His Holy Word spoken to you from the depths of His faithful heart which loves all of you.

This excitement which fills you with such sweet longings to listen to the murmurings of love deep within the recesses of your heart and mind are Jesus Himself calling to you, fulfilling the prophecy of Jacob in Isaiah. See Chapter 12. (pp. 472-3)

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