Jesus: Your mission is to help people love My Mother as never before, and, in doing so, they will begin to experience the joy of knowing, loving and serving Me, their Lord and Saviour, as never before in their life.

The Holy Spirit will inspire you to strengthen your faith, hope and love in Me by partaking each day in the worthy reception of My Most Precious and Holy Body and Blood in Holy Communion at Mass. This should be the focus of each day ­ receiving Me, accepting Me, loving Me in this way each day as you walk through life on your journey with Me, through Me, and in Me. This is a great grace and will one day eventually lead you to the Father in Heaven.

He and I are One ­ One God with the Holy Spirit, Three in One Godhead of love. This is the mystery of love and it is your duty as Christians to allow Me to take you to the Father each day in Holy Communion as you practise the virtues of faith, hope and love in the power of My Blood to heal and save you and your wounded world.

The Holy Spirit and Mary lead you ever closer and closer to Me, your Lord and Master, the one Mediator between mankind and the Heavenly Father, by leading a life of prayer and penance, a life consecrated to Me ­ Jesus, through Mary's Immaculate Heart.

She is the Mother of the world, of the whole universe. She is the Spouse of the Most Holy Spirit of Love and Truth. Great joy abounds in Heaven at the mere mention of her Holy Name, Mary, because she who has done great things through her fiat to God's will is My Mother and yours in the order of grace, received individually when I lay dying on the Cross, with My words "Behold thy Mother".

I also said to Mary, "Woman, behold thy son" and in doing so, she became your heavenly Mother, abounding in the graces and love and blessings of the Blessed Trinity ­ all coming to you, in the order of grace, through her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Hers is the role of mothering you all now, of nourishing you all with the Body and Blood of your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity in the powerful reign of our Heavenly Father, blessed and graced by the Spirit of Love Who abounds all over the earth, searching out those who are faithful in love and obedient to the Truth ­ your Christ, Jesus of Nazareth Who died an ignominious death for love of you on the cross of Calvary, and Who was raised to life in that very same Holy Spirit of God.

O, yes, consecrate your very life's breath to Me, through Mary, in the powerful Holy Spirit Who raised Me to life and Who will raise you to life on your last day, and again, at the general resurrection of the whole world's people. Amen.


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