Power, Role, Fulfilment of Scripture


71. Who is chosen by God to crush the head of Satan?

Father: Your Mother is the Woman of creation, the Woman who is My chosen one. The one who is to defeat Satan, the evil one, with your help. (Genesis 3:15)

You see, My little one, that often you have been told to go to your Mother by My own Son. Have you done this completely in sweet surrender to her womanhood, completely abandoning yourself to her in obedience and love of Me, your Creator, of Jesus your Redeemer, and of your Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier and Counsellor?

Have you believed in the love of the Woman of Genesis for her seed, her little chosen ones of God's love? Have you engaged the help of her Holy Spouse, the Spirit of Jesus Christ Himself, to aid you in your discovery of My love?

Have you told your Mother through Christ's loving obedience to Me on the cross that you believe in her God-given role as Mother, Mediatrix between you, the human race, and Jesus, the Mediator between Heaven and earth? Have you often thought about the part you must play in the plan of salvation for all mankind? (p. 703)


72. Who gives Mary authority to conquer all evil?

Jesus: It is she who has the task of conquering Satan. She awaits your firm reply to her invitation to join her and the growing band of faithful who stand firmly and faithfully at the foot of the cross, facing evil with a Mother's love, a Mother's strength and a Mother's authority which comes to her from our heavenly Father. Hers is the authority to conquer all evil which now pervades the world. Hers is the task to rid the world of its darkness.

She is the morning star who heralds the light of the world. Mary, My Mother and yours, is the reason for all of you to take up arms, prayer and fasting and draw yourselves to her side in fervent love and hope. Trust explicitly in My power. Even now it is shining through her heart, radiating to the entire world, surrounded by the heavenly throngs of angels and saints. She is clothed in My Precious Blood, My Healing Love, My own Body and Blood Which you can partake of each day in the Eucharistic sacrifice of Calvary reenacted at each Mass prayed around the world. (p. 745)


73. Why is Mary great to behold?

Holy Spirit: She is great to behold, because she is clothed with the power of her Son Jesus. She is empowered with the graces and blessings of her Divine Son Jesus. She is great to behold as the daughter of the Father, the Mother of the Son, and the holy spouse of her Beloved, the Spirit of God.

I live within her. I live with the Father and the Son within her too. It is there that you will take up residence with the Blessed Trinity when you consecrate your heart, whole life and all eternity to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of the Mother of all mankind.

Her role is to mother each and everyone of you. Her role is so sublime and beautiful. Respond to her motherly love in order that she may protect you from every danger that is going to befall you and has already befallen you. (p. 389)


74. Does the Holy Spirit empower Mary as a witness to God's love for all mankind?

Holy Spirit: She is empowered by Me, her beloved Spouse, as a witness to God's love for all mankind. She is God's chief instrument against hatred and decadence. She is mighty as Queen and Mother of all. One day soon all the earth will bow in reverence to the Mother of the Divine Son, Jesus Christ, Lord of the Universe. She has the power to crush the head of Satan. She has been given the power by the Blessed Trinity with whom she lives and Who live within her Immaculate Heart.

Harken to the cries of your Mother. Listen to her call to unity in love for her Divine Son. Act now by following her up to Calvary, to the cross heavy with the Blood of her Son. (p. 389)

Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array? (Song of Songs 6:9 DR Bible)


75. Has God ever revealed Mary's powerful role to mankind before?

Holy Spirit: Mary, the Queen of the cross, glorious and triumphant, is about to conquer the workings of Satan. She will be clothed in the mighty power of her Son. Already this has been revealed to mankind, but how many have believed in the miracle of the sun of Fatima early this century? How many have believed in the miracles and apparitions of our Blessed Mother throughout the universe? Beware of false prophets, but open wide your eyes and ears, hearts and souls to the truth revealed by Me, the Spirit of truth and love.

Record those heavenly visits with awe and wonderment, because God (the Father) never acts without a purpose. It is the revelation of God's plan for the salvation of all mankind which is being revealed to you. Do not close your mind to it. Discern with the eyes of faith and love as a merciful Saviour sends His Mother to prepare the world for the second coming of Christ. (pp. 389-390)


76. What special significance does the apparition of the Holy Family and Saint John at Knock in Ireland in 1879 have for us today?

Holy Spirit: I was there at Knock too. I was there unseen enfolding My Queen and Spouse in My flame of love. I was protecting her and filling her with My love and Divine Life as she appeared so many years ago, but only recently in God's plan of love that unfolds day-by-day and year-by-year.

Yes, this apparition of the Holy Family and John has important significance for you at this present time in the history of God's People and Church. God is calling all of you to Himself. Be reconciled with your God and all will be well. Obey His commands to love and to be loved by Jesus as Saviour and Redeemer.

All the angels and saints were witness to this very important sequel to Our Lady's appearances from the time of her Assumption into Heaven. All of Heaven rejoiced at this time, because Mary was shown in the forefront of the Church, resplendent in God's glory, majestic and regal as Queen of Heaven and earth, Queen of Peace, and Queen of your own heart. She has been placed there by God. It is God's will that all eyes focus on My Holy Spouse at this time in the period of the Church's life. Mary was placed in the forefront with Jesus to the side of the altar of sacrifice as sacrificial Lamb, His Blood flowing from His wounds suffered on the cross at Calvary.

Joseph never leaves her. He stays by her side fulfilling his mission as guardian and protector of his treasures Jesus and Mary. He continues to obey God in perfect harmony with the Divine Will of his foster Son Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.

I myself filled all of them with love and divine life. John, too, Bible in hand, as evangelist and true believer in Jesus' words of love in the Gospels, continues to support his Mother Mary, Queen of the universe. John continues to inspire all of you to love with a love similar to Mary's love for you all. He urges you to read the Bible, study the life of Jesus, His sayings, as well as to understand how much He loves each one of you. (pp. 294-5)


77. Does Jesus want us to have a loving relationship with Mary?

On 17 May 1993 Jesus asked us to:


78. Is Mary's role one of obedient submission to God?

Holy Spirit: Mary's role is one of obedient submission to God, her true love and the only purpose of her life. She is calling each and every one of God's children to join with her in crushing the head of Satan as she stands victoriously at the foot of the cross, triumphant and resplendent in God's glory and love.

Her role is God-given and she is carrying it out through My power as her Holy Spouse, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. She would like you to do the same; that is to allow Me, the Holy Spirit, to enflame you with divine life and to convey you into the depths of Jesus' love and life. (pp. 295-6)

He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross. (Philippians 2:8 DR Bible)


79. What are Mary's motive and her intentions?

Holy Spirit: Her motive in all of this is purely to obey her Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, her true Son of the Father. Her intentions are pure and trustworthy. She wants no glory for herself - only love for her Jesus in return for her efforts and work of love. Will you comply with her wishes, the wishes of a forlorn and sad Mother as she watches the horrors and evil in a world created beautiful and harmonious by the Creator of all, the First Person of the Blessed Trinity? She focuses all attention on the Blessed Trinity. She is the true image of a faithful daughter of God and disciple of Jesus, because she accepts My love and gifts of love given to her in abundance. She is truly a lover of God. Her radiance and beauty reveal the depths of her virtues and love for her Father, Jesus and Me.

I wish to work through My Spouse as I wish to work through you all too. Imitate your Mother whose acceptance of all that God wills is legendary and spectacular for all to behold. (p. 296)

And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word. (Luke 1:38 DR Bible)


80. Has Mary's triumph already begun?

Jesus: Indeed Mary's triumph has already begun, and yes, it will not stop now until her total victory through My power and the powerful love of her Holy Spouse, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity is complete. Relax and enjoy the love of your Lord through your Mother's Immaculate Heart. (p. 467)


81. Is Mary defending her Son's Blood now?


Father: Mary has become the Woman of Genesis, alive and active in her duty and role as crusher of Satan, defender of her Son's Blood. This is why she stands defiantly and victoriously at the foot of the cross now, because it is her God-given duty:

Surrender! Surrender to the love of My Son. Be brave as you accept your own role in God's loving plan of salvation. Know the truth about your Mother's role. (pp. 704-5)


82. Is it her work now that must be accomplished in order that Scripture may be fulfilled?

Father: It is her work now that must be accomplished for all time with the help of her children of love, her friends and servants of Christ's Blood, in order that Scripture may be fulfilled in the same way that My Son fulfilled the Old Testament Law:

I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed. She shall crush thy head and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel. (Genesis 3:15 DR Bible)


83. How do we continue to surrender to Jesus' love?

Jesus: Be brave as you ride out each day's storms and tribulations, as well as the joys of loving Me completely through your daily consecration to our Mother's Immaculate Heart. In this way you will continue to surrender to My love coming to you through the precious Heart of our Mother Mary. In this way you will love Me totally and without constraint, because this is My will. (p. 754)

And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18 DR Bible)


84. Is Mary calling to all her faithful soldiers of Christ now?

Mary: Well, I am the Queen of His army. I am clothed with His majesty and power as I fight Satan and his evil throughout the world. I am calling to all my faithful soldiers of Christ. Come to me and enter into the realm of Christ's love by standing with me at the foot of the cross where I will defeat Satan and all his demons of hatred.

When Christ appears as Judge at the end of time, He will come dressed in His majesty and power. I will be reflected in His great love, in the radiance of His powerful love, crying out for mercy on all those who were true to Him through my Immaculate Heart on fire with love for you. I want all of God's children to respond to Jesus' cry. (p. 560)

And a throne was set for the king's mother, and she sat on his right hand. And she said to him: I desire one small petition of thee, do not put me to confusion. And the king said to her: My mother, ask: for I must not turn away thy face. (3 Kings 2:19-20 DR Bible)

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