CoRedeemer at the Foot of the Cross

59. Who will stand firm with their Mother at the foot of the cross?

Holy Spirit: Attach yourself to Jesus' cross through the loving help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, victorious and triumphant as she stands in full battle dress, arrayed with the power of the Blood of the Lamb of God. Her power is mighty to behold as she delivers the death blow to Satan and his demons. Who will stand firm with their Mother at the foot of the cross? Who will stand in the shadow of the cross, in the realm of love - of our Saviour's love fortified by His Passion and Resurrection, empowered as a witness to His love and to life everlasting?

Come now, listen to the call of your Saviour and His Mother as they invite all to enter into the power of the cross, into the power of the Blood of Jesus as Saviour, into the power of the Holy Spirit of love. Maintain your vigil with your Mother as she stands at the foot of the altar, of the cross at Mass.

Sustain yourself for your journey through life and eternity by receiving the Body and Blood of the Lamb of God, your friend and Redeemer. Have faith. Trust in the love of your Lord. Trust in the loving presence of Jesus, true God and true Man in the sacrifice of the Mass, the heavenly food of love and life, a gift from the Father through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the holy name of Mary, the sorrowful and Immaculate Mother of God and of you all. Amen. (pp. 385-6)


60. Who is the power of the cross?

Holy Spirit: I am the power of the cross. My job is to empower you with God's love and light. I shower you with My gifts of love and suddenly before you fully realise, you are experiencing the delights of the real world, the world of Heaven and of the Father's love, a Mother's love, the love of your Saviour and friend, My love. O, the joy of belonging to Jesus!

Who will know what it is like to grow in the joy, love and power of the Holy Spirit? I empower each and every child of God who comes to Me and desires Me to reawaken in their heart the faint murmurings of love until they burn with love - the love of Jesus for all mankind. This is what it means to be wounded with love. The power of God's love grows within you until it overflows and reaches out to all those around you, all those you intercede for in the world of today. The world you see now will gradually fade away and be replaced in your affections with the power of the cross to save and heal, to love and to want to love, to desire to love God and your neighbour, your friends with an intense burning flame of love.

Cooperate with My powers to love and all will be well. A new and exciting atmosphere of love will enter your life, so dreary now in comparison to the joys of the heavenly gifts. Do you want My gifts of love? Do you want to live the good life of love? If you desire this with all your heart and invite Me in, I will reside there and fill you with the good things of life. You will become a treasure in the field of God's kingdom of love and happiness, peace and true joy which only those who love and adore Jesus experience. (pp. 383-4)


61. Where does the power of the cross lie?

Holy Spirit: The power of the cross lies in its ability to unify all peoples, all nations under one banner of love - the shadow of the cross. With faith in your Saviour Jesus' Blood, with faith and courage in your hearts afire with love of Jesus your Saviour fill your mind and heart with the good things of life, My gifts of love, and bend eagerly towards your Mother who will instruct you in the law of the cross. (p. 385)


62. What is the law of the cross?

Holy Spirit: If you try hard to enter into the power of the cross, you will discover how to live a life of harmony within the realm of God's love and life. The law of the cross is manifest in your self-discipline as you practise love, as you put your faith into practice and action by conquering all with the love of your Saviour's Blood shed to the last drop for the salvation of all mankind. Help your Saviour by trusting in His love, in His Blood Which seeped into the cross. Sacrifice your life with His as He again gives it to you in Holy Communion at each Mass offered as a sacrifice of love for you and all who faithfully follow Him. (p. 385)


63. Should we resolve to begin to understand the power of Jesus' Cross?

Holy Spirit: The cross is holy and pure, because it is soaked with the power of Jesus' Blood Which saves all, if they but want it. Resolve to begin to understand its power, because this is required of you at present. Yes, with My help and that of your holy Mother's, you'll survive and gain a wider and deeper knowledge and love of Jesus' cross of salvation, hope, peace and glory for you all.

Come to the foot of the cross each day in your prayers if you are unable to stand there physically with Mary. It is at the foot of the cross that all peoples become as one in the glorious and heavenly love of our Father in Heaven through the workings of the Spirit of love, as I pour out graces and blessings in abundance for the cross (of the tree) upon which hung the Saviour of love.

Despite harsh warnings from your Mother Mary, despite endless attempts I have made to prompt people into action, despite the joys and sorrows which come to you all by the hand of God, you are not yet understanding the greatness of the cross and its power to help you all overcome the present state you find your world in. This refusal of some people to come to grips with reality is a sorry state of affairs. They need their Saviour's Blood to wash them clean each day in the Sacraments of Jesus' Church, in the living Word of God alive on the lips of My faithful sons and daughters. (p. 749)


64. Why should we become another coredeemer with Mary at the foot of the cross?

Jesus: Become another coredeemer with your Mother as she teaches you how to love Me and to save souls by telling them about My love, by loving them with My love, by sharing My secrets of the Kingdom of the Father's love, by interceding for all humanity at the foot of the cross.

Stand on holy ground which is covered even now with My Most Precious Blood, the price of your salvation, the jewel in the crown of righteousness and mercy. Be unafraid. Give Me your own "yes" each day hand-in-hand with My Mother as she delivers the death blow to the prince of darkness.

Mary, My Queen and friend, will help you all to find your way to Me in the care of the Holy Spirit. He will lead you onward, forward into the realm of God's Kingdom of love, truth, peace and happiness. Never again to doubt My love as I enfold you in the burning flame of My love forever. Amen. (pp. 745-6)

For we are God's coadjutors: you are God's husbandry; you are God's building. (1 Corinthians 3:9 DR Bible)


65. Should we see our role as one of support for our Mother as she adores Jesus?

Jesus: Each time you attend Mass and offer your own sufferings with those of Mine and My Mother's at the foot of the altar, you are really there standing at the foot of the cross with us, the Suffering Servant of all mankind.

Don't you see your role as one of support for our Mother as she adores Me, her Saviour and Redeemer of all? Adore Me with your Mother's Heart, your Mother's tears and sighs as she continues to stand today at the foot of the cross all over the world. Go to her. Be with her in her sufferings and sorrows for the sins of all mankind.

The sins of mankind were also placed upon My Mother's shoulders, because she chose to be there with Me, her Lord and Saviour at the foot of the cross. Be one with her in your life sacrifice and suffering for the redemption of all mankind. Yes, today is the day I invite you, I ask you, I beg you to go to your Mother's side, because this is how you can comfort her in her sorrows. Even as you do this act of mercy towards our Mother, you are comforting Me, because no one's sufferings were as intense as Mine. I became for you all, the Suffering Servant of the entire universe, for all peoples regardless of race, culture, colour or creed. I belong to You all. I am the Saviour of you all, including our Mother. (pp. 562-3)

For by him we have access both in one Spirit to the Father. Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners; but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and the domestics of God. Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone: in whom all the building, being framed together, groweth up into an holy temple in the Lord. In whom you also are built together into an habitation of God in the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:18-22 DR Bible)


66. Was the sacrifice of the Mother joined with Jesus' Passion, death on the cross and Resurrection?

Father: Yes, the sacrifice of the Mother was joined with Jesus' Passion and death on the cross, her Assumption with the powerful Resurrection of her Son, His Blood with her tears, His love with her obedience and love, His prayers with hers and so on, united perfectly and forever in the stream of love issuing forth from the pierced Heart of Jesus.

Out of that Blood and Water came the Spirit of Life to you all, released to the world through the sufferings and death of Jesus on the cross and the tears of the supportive Mother at the foot of the cross. Her pain and suffering were unbelievable and were supported in love and truth by her Holy Spouse, without Whose help she would have also died in agony for you all. But this was not My will. This was not necessary, because the sacrifice of My Son was sufficient to save you all.

But upon My invitation, Mary your Mother, chose to support her Son, her God and loving Saviour in this way - the redemptive way. She asked the Holy Spirit of love and truth to unite her sufferings with those of her Son. He bonded them together in a unity of love and suffering so severe that their love came together in a rhapsody of praise and thanksgiving to Me as their God and Father. Their song of love goes on forever and is reenacted at each Mass whereby the Spirit of Truth unites them together in His flame of love. (p. 706)

This is he that came by water and blood, Jesus Christ: not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit which testifieth, that Christ is the truth. And there are three who give testimony in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one, And there are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one. (1 John 5:6-8 DR Bible)


67. Are we invited to join our Saviour and Mother in their song of loving praise to our Father?

Father: You are invited to join your Saviour and His Mother in their song of loving praise to Me. You can do this by giving forth your own "fiat", your "yes" to God's life and love, to His truth and to His teachings about God's Kingdom of love, alive in the heart of your Saviour and His Mother and yours.

Unite your prayers and sufferings to those of Jesus and His Mother as they agonised together to give birth to you all - to a new life, a creation lived under the auspices of love, a love which is one in the Father, Son and Holy Sprit, a love which binds you all together in the New Covenant of love between God and mankind, sealed forever by the Blood of the Saviour, assisted by the tears and sufferings of His Mother and you all, if you but give your consent to this new life lived at the foot of the cross, in the shadow of the cross. (pp. 706-7)


68. What is the meaning of "new life"?

Father: The Holy Spirit forever breathes forth new life into your heart. Breathe in the breath of God now, consciously, deliberately, lovingly, willingly and see what the new life means to you now and later on, in eternity. Yes, new life means love, hope and belief in the love of your Saviour's Blood to save you all. Believe in the power of His Blood to save you all now today and all your tomorrows, until you come to reside in the bosom of a loving Father's embrace. Here you will find your rest throughout eternity.

Begin now to seek My love coming to you in the eyes of your Saviour, in the heart of your Mother, and in the flame of the Holy Spirit's love. Reside there and realise the love of your Lord. Amen. (p. 707)


69. Do we grieve God by not accepting Mary as our spiritual Mother?

Father: If you wish to become all Mine, embrace the gift of My daughter Mary to you as your Mother, the Mother of the Redeemer, the Mother of Mercy, the Mother of goodness, the Mother of the Resurrection, the Mother of the life-giving Blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God. Yes, this is your Mother, pure gift from Me, to you, freely given. Accept your inheritance - Jesus' Mother who consented to become your own spiritual Mother.

Today she is still labouring and giving birth to all her children of love, in love, and in perfect harmony with My will, the will of the powerful One, the lovable One, the grieved One. I am grieving, because many of My children will not accept Mary as My gift of love to you all, of her gift of motherhood. She is the Mother of all perfection, because she gave birth to Jesus, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Saviour of you all.

She wants to mother you all as she did her dearest Jesus. She wishes for you all to accept her love which closely resembles her Son's love. She also sacrificed her life for love of you all. With the help of Joseph, her faithful spouse, she became the Mother of the Bread of Life. Her untold humiliations and sufferings were united with those of her Son in the powerful love of the Holy Spirit, her Spouse. (p. 706)


70. Where is our safe haven as we labour in childbirth, helping Jesus and Mary bring new life to us all?

Jesus: Be with her at the foot of the cross by consecrating your whole life, death and eternity to her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. She is the New Eve, the New Ark of the Covenant, wherein I place those who surrender to Me through her. This is your safe haven as you labour in childbirth, helping your Mother and Saviour bring new life to you all - to all My beloved ones who freely and without hesitation come to Me now in complete trust, surrendering your heart to My love, willing to help us in the salvation of souls, promising your life to Me through your Mother's love. (p. 686)

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