85. What were Jesus' words to Denise on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in 1994?

Jesus: I entrust My Mother to you. (p. 761)

Behold thy Mother. (John 19:27 DR Bible)


86. What does Vatican II, Decree on the Apostolate of Lay People advise us to do regarding entrustment to Our Blessed Mother?

Everyone should have a genuine devotion to her and entrust his life to her motherly care. (1965, Costello, New York:1988 Revised, page 772)


87. What are Pope John Paul II's words to us about the special entrusting by the Redeemer of Mary to John and John to Mary at the foot of the cross?

John Paul II: It can also be said that these same words ("Behold your son") fully show the reason for the Marian dimension of the life of Christ's disciples. This is true not only of John, who at that hour stood at the foot of the Cross together with his Master's Mother, but it is also true of every disciple of Christ, of every Christian. The Redeemer entrusts his mother to the disciple, and at the same time he gives her to him as his mother. Mary's motherhood which becomes man's inheritance is a gift: a gift which Christ himself makes personally to every individual. The Redeemer entrusts Mary to John because he entrusts John to Mary. At the foot of the Cross there begins that special entrusting of humanity to the Mother of Christ, which in the history of the Church has been practised and expressed in different ways.

The same Apostle and Evangelist, after reporting the words addressed by Jesus on the Cross to his Mother and to himself, adds: "And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home" (Jn 19:27). This statement certainly means that the role of son was attributed to the disciple and that he assumed responsibility for the Mother of his beloved Master. And since Mary was given as a mother to him personally, the statement indicates, even though indirectly, everything expressed by the intimate relationship of a child with its mother. And all of this can be included in the word "entrusting". Such entrusting is the response to a person's love, and in particular to the love of a mother. (Redemptoris Mater, John Paul II, St Paul, Homebush:1987, pp. 95-6)


88. Why does Jesus wish us to entrust ourselves to His Mother Mary?

Holy Spirit: Jesus wishes you to entrust yourself to His Mother Mary. He wants you to receive the same teaching that He did from Me and from His Mother. He submitted to her will for the greater part of His life. Then He obeyed her command to begin His mission of saving souls. He was obedient to the Father's will.

Jesus wishes you to be obedient to His Father and to His Mother as He was. He requests you to comply with His wishes. Then He will begin that avalanche of love within your heart. Then He will indwell your soul and your happiness will overflow. You will begin to resemble His most beloved Mother who is the image of Himself. You will become Christlike and begin to exude that love for God and mankind that all other Christs possess.

I will shower you with My gifts and love. You will grow in the love of your Lord. You will take on the likeness of your Christ. You will be filled with the love of God and exude His love. Stay close to your Jesus and allow Him to become Master of your life. Ask for My help and the help of your Mother who loves you with the love of her Jesus. (p. 83)


89. Who will draw us into Mary's motherly embrace?

Holy Spirit: She who greatly trusted in the promises of the Lord God Himself can in turn be trusted wholeheartedly, because she has the love of the Lord Jesus in her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Never be afraid to enter into her motherly presence. This is the door leading to the Good Shepherd, leading to eternity, to fruitfulness and faithfulness, to courage, wisdom and generosity.

If you wish to receive My gifts of love, entrust yourself to the Heart of your Immaculate Mother. I will bond you tightly together in a unity of love and forgiveness which you have hitherto never known before or understood fully. I will draw you into her motherly embrace and she in turn, through My powerful love, will take you directly into her Son's Sacred Heart wounded on the cross for your sins and the sins of the world. (p. 625)

And blessed art thou that hast believed, because those things shall be accomplished that were spoken to thee by the Lord. (Luke 1:45 DR Bible)


90. Did John accept this sonship of Mary on behalf of each and every one of God's children?

John: I accepted this sonship out of love and obedience, humility and trust. I accepted on behalf of each and every one of God's children. I accepted on behalf of you.

Now, what do you say? That I am a liar, that I had no right to do such a thing on behalf of each and every one of God's children? If that is so, then why do I speak to you all now in explanation, in anticipation of your believing in Jesus' Apostle of Love who has always loved and will always love my Jesus with all the love I possess in my heart and soul, spirit and being.

Consider carefully, you learned ones, what I am telling God's servant of love. Does this go against the teaching of our Church? Does this go against the precepts and laws of the Holy Roman Catholic Church? Does this contravene God's laws of love as He explained them in His own words? Does this meet with your approval and respect?

Take care that you heed the words of Jesus' beloved one deemed with the responsibility and authority through the power of the Holy One to offer you these words as explanation of my behaviour as I stood at the foot of the cross on Calvary.

I beg of you to consider this seriously and with respect for my wishes as an evangelist. Many of you who read these words of mine will take them to heart, because you too like me, are evangelists, eager and ready to take God's word of healing love across entire continents until the Good News spreads completely across the whole world.

Comply with my wishes and all will be well. God places certain responsibility on the shoulders of some of His brethren. He has placed on mine the authority to proffer you this advice at this time in the history of His Church.

Now is the time to rally around our Mother as she stands as victorious Queen and glorious Queen of the cross, in full battle array, terrible to behold, as she stands amidst the powers of good in order to combat the evil one and his seed of destruction, hatred and mayhem.

Do you want to be part of your Queen's triumph? Do you wish to add your life sacrifice to hers as she stands victoriously and triumphantly at the foot of the cross adoring her Son Jesus?

Obey her words and request, because she speaks with the authority invested in her by the Blessed Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit of Love. Peace will come to this ragged and forlorn world which has succumbed to the evils of sin and destruction. Hatred fills many hearts on earth at the present time.

But love will triumph! Love will rule! Love will reign supreme in the hearts of God's men who turn to Him in humility and purity of mind and body, spirit and love! (pp. 288-9)


91. Does Mary's triumph depend to a large extent upon the devotion and love of her children?

Holy Spirit: This triumph of your Mother's Immaculate Heart will take place before your very eyes. It will amaze you with its speed and gladden the hearts of all her children who believe in her motherhood and queenship in God's Kingdom of love. Her triumph depends to a large extent upon the devotion and love of her children. (p. 459)

But I fear lest, as the serpent seduced Eve by its subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted, and fall from the simplicity that is in Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:3 DR Bible)


92. How do we become one with Mary in love of Jesus?

Jesus: Mary, our Mother, given to you by Me through John and through the power of the Holy Spirit for the greater glory of our heavenly Father stands majestic and alone in her power to crush Satan and his evil. By listening to her call, by consecrating your hearts and lives and all your strength to My Sacred Heart through her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, then you will become one with her in love of Me, your Saviour and friend.

I am commanding you now to love My Mother as you love Me, your Saviour and Redeemer of all. We are one - our hearts are forever entwined around each others. The Holy Spirit binds us together tightly in a bond of unison and power never before revealed to mankind, never to be forsaken or to be found wanting in love or trust. The supreme power of God the Son, My own Divine power, now flows through her veins, blood of My Blood, pure and immaculate, precious to behold. Honour My Mother each day by imploring her help, asking for God's mercy to be given to a world, almost bereft of My love and life. This is your only hope as sin mounts upon sin, as wounds become open and all life is beheld as barren and godless, loveless and lifeless.

My Mother, My gift to you all, through John as he stood at the foot of the cross on Calvary, is your Mother, your Queen, victorious and glorious to behold. Go to her side and become all Mine through her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart pierced by innumerable and numberless wounds caused by the sin and division of man's hearts from My own Sacred Heart. Allow her and the Holy Spirit of God to look after your soul.

Ask Joseph, My faithful and true disciple to keep guard over My seed, My word which grows daily in your heart watched over and watered by the Holy Spirit and His spouse - the Mother of all peoples, all nations, Mother and Queen of the universe, Protectress of My Sacred Blood and Body which hung on the cross lifeless and bloodied for love of you all.
(pp. 548-9)


93. Is Mary the new hope of the everlasting Covenant sealed in Jesus' Blood?

Jesus: Become devoted to our Mother, because she is the new hope of the everlasting Covenant, sealed in My Blood, the Blood of the Lamb of God. It is through My Mother's Immaculate Heart that all will be accomplished, because this is the Father's will. (p. 607)


94. Do the Holy Spirit and His spouse Mary work together for the sanctification of all persons?

Little Therese: She is the spouse of the Holy Spirit Who inspires all persons to do God's work and will. So therefore, she has a hand in the sanctification of all persons whether they know it or not, because she and the Holy One of God are living spouses, united together forever in the love of their Lord Jesus.

Despite harsh criticism of our Blessed Mother in your time, there are many dedicated souls who have become great saints, because of their love and devotion to Mary, the Mother of God and our eternal Mother. (pp. 649-650)


95. What does Jesus think about people who criticise His Mother?

Jesus: Refrain from any criticism of Mary, because anyone who speaks out against My Mother is anathema to Me.

Anyone who faces criticism of her bravely can depend on My help. I will be there with you at your side, within you, around you, encircling you with My love, if you but come to the defence of My Mother. (pp. 576-7)


96. Shouldn't we be brave in the face of adversity and criticism?

Holy Spirit: Stand at the foot of the cross with your Mother Mary and be brave in the face of adversity and criticism from those who should know better, who should be less critical and more open to the workings of Me, their Holy Spirit and Divine Spirit of Love and Truth, Power and Hope. I am the Holy Spirit of the great and eternal promise of salvation to the entire mankind - not just to some believers, but to all God's children. Spread the message of God's word from one end of the world to the other. I will enlighten you and guide you. I will be ready for any heart that opens up to God's holy word. I will defend them before all evil power. I will fill them with God's divine life, grace and gifts. I will give them all the gifts of My Holy Spirit that are necessary for their salvation and for their work of love.

You are never left alone, any of you, God's children, because I am with you to console you, to offer you homage and help, to succour you as a mother succours her baby at the breast. (p. 258)


97. Will we win only with Mary's help?

Jesus: Don't you see how important it is to love your Mother as I do? She will protect you from dangers unknown to you. She will defend you vigorously and in good faith against the evil one who tries so hard to steal you away from Me, the Good Shepherd. Know this. It is with My Mother's love that you conquer Satan and his evil ways. It is with My Mother's virtues and strength that you will become free and break loose from the chains that bind you to the world and your own unruly passions. It is with her love coming directly from the Father through My Sacred Heart in the power of the Spirit of love that you will conquer hatred, division and scorn, and love with the love of your own dear Lord and Saviour. I have been telling you all throughout this book that you will win only with Mary's help. (p. 744)


98. When was Mary heralded as the spouse of the Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit: When the Archangel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was full of grace, the whole heavenly court gave out great cries of joy. Why, you ask?

Well, Mary was at last being heralded as My holy spouse by this heavenly messenger. You see, within God's plan there exists a place for a Woman such as My dear holy spouse, Mary. Within the great designs of the Father in Heaven there exists a great longing for this Woman's "fiat" to His will.

The Father granted Mary untold graces and blessings. He flooded her soul with heavenly lights and delights. He assisted her growth in spiritual affairs by granting her the privilege of a wonderful knowledge, full and complete as time went on, of her role as Mother of Jesus and Mother of all created beings. (p. 633)


99. When did Mary's role as our Mother begin?

Holy Spirit: You should have heard the loud praises and thanksgiving being sung to Jesus Who, at the moment of Mary's "yes" to God's will, became incarnate within this beautiful woman. She is truly the Mother of Jesus and the Mother of all. Her role as your Mother also began from that "yes" to God's question: "Will you become the Mother of God?" This acceptance of her role of motherhood meant that she also accepted the wider meaning of that word - motherhood of the entire human race. A motherhood so sublime and practical that she would work closely hand-in-hand with Me, her heavenly spouse and the Spirit of service and love! (pp. 633-4)


100. Does Mary treasure this beautiful role as Mother of us all above and beyond all other works of hers?

Mary: His gift to you, when He lay upon the cross, was to offer me as your own Mother. I wish to carry out His plans to the utmost of My love as His own Mother. I embrace you all. I love you as I love my own Son Jesus. Each one of you is so precious to me that I treasure this beautiful role as Mother of you all above and beyond all other works of mine. My motherhood encompasses all other titles and roles which the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, my eternal spouse, have conferred upon me. I love them all, because it is God's will that they treat me as such, but above all, I treasure and hope in my motherhood of you all.

This is the most beautiful work I have undertaken. At times my heart is heavy with sorrow when I but lose your love and affection. My grief knows no bounds when anyone of you rejects me totally. Rejection of me is also rejection of my Jesus, our Father, as well as my Holy Spouse, the Spirit of Love.

You see, don't you now, that your acceptance of me as your heavenly Mother is crucial to God's plan of salvation for each and every soul that was born, or rather, for each and every soul that was ever conceived. (pp. 450-1)

But Jesus said to them: Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come to me: for the kingdom of heaven is for such. (Matthew 19:14 DR Bible)

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