I examined the chapters of Healing Love At Work. I found the contents to be in conformity with traditional Church teaching.

I have derived great benefit from the chapters. It is truly a beautiful work and for me in my role ­ a labour of love! I have benefited much for my own spiritual life and have been brought closer to the good Lord and His Blessed Mother. I have gained new insights into the role and power of the Holy Spirit in our priestly work for souls. The same Holy Spirit figured in a surpassing way in the life and calling of our Blessed Mother and in the Incarnation of our Blessed Redeemer. The saints too, so prominent in the chapters, that is, Saint Joseph, John and Therese, give valuable testimony to the power of the Communion of Saints.

A fervent, devout and apostolic laity should gladden the heart of every priest. I am confident that Healing Love and Healing Love At Work will help in no small way the universal call to holiness:

The frequent reference to the Cross and the Blood of the Lord finds a special place in our hearts ­ priestly hearts. It is our intense privilege as priests to renew the sacrifice of Calvary, the Precious Blood, and pour it out on souls and in the world which needs It so much. I was privileged to be in some small way associated with these writings.


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