Jesus: There is a process involved here in discernment. (14-11-97)

  1. First I want you to receive the Word of God and you need to be healed of all disordered passions for this to occur in accordance with God's plan of love for you especially, and for others too.
  2. Secondly, I want you to cover yourself with the Precious Blood of the New Covenant and to invite My Healing Love to envelop you.

    At the same time you do this, I want you to invoke the aid of the Holy Spirit and My Mother. It is their job to be the gardeners of your soul.
  3. Thirdly, I want you to place this work into the hands of Saint Joseph whose job it is to guard you and the treasures in your heart ­ namely God's Will, the Word of God, the Breath of God, and the Mother of the Word of God.
  4. Fourthly, I want you over a period of silent prayer and meditation on the Word to listen to further instruction and to open up, consult your Bible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

    Then I want you to ask the Holy Spirit and Mary to help you to discern God's Will.
  5. Fifthly, I want you to receive Me in Holy Communion daily, if possible. If you can't come to Me, I'll come to you upon your request.

    Then ask the Holy Spirit to transform the powerful graces and blessings from this Holy Communion into meaningful concrete terms for you, My little pen.
  6. Sixthly, listen to the Word of God coming to you from the lips of our Heavenly Mother. She'll help you to come directly to Me, your God.
  7. And lastly, I want you then to take your ponderings in writing to your Spiritual Director for his discernment.

Now this process can take many days, weeks, or months. Does this matter? Time is in My hands. I control time. I must ask you to rely on Me and your Heavenly Family and the wishes of your Spiritual Director before you tell your Friends of the Cross.

Follow this process for discernment and then you will discover God's Will in all your endeavours and work for the Lord Jesus through Mary.


Jesus: I want you to ponder these truths in your heart. Then I want you to discover what is required of you to do at this specific time or later.

And his mother kept all these words in her heart. (Luke 2:51)

Jesus: You are to obey your inner promptings when they reveal to you the love of God.

If they do not talk about love and love propelling you onwards,
if your innermost desires are not about God's love and your Mother Mary's love,
if these desires of yours promote self and not your Jesus and Mary,
if these desires in your innermost being do not comply with My Word in the Gospel,
then you know they are not from Me.

You must develop the habit of listening well to all the different parts in the structure of the sentence. Do not assume too much. Listen and ponder them in your heart as your Mother did. Do not reveal to others what you are thinking, until you have achieved peace in your heart about what you are saying to them. This is vital.

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